DUMB shields

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by planitsider, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. planitsider

    Amp stations have like 20 AA turrets and teckpl 8.
    Every continent has 4 bio domes.
    Why try to make all bases infantry only?
    In most bases its very easy to defend as infantry.
    And there is more than enough AA and vehicles like skyguard are easy to spawn.
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  2. AWood

    Would like to see instead of this, have Sunderers have this as a cert line for Utility. It would be a 100m radius shield, can be taken out by killing the sundy.
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  3. cwcriner

    So just did some tests on the PTS. These things absolutely cannot go live as is. for reference, my outfit love them some gal drops. The shields currently block the air drop in. What's more they are high enough at the tech plant that unless you run immediately to the landing pad on the plant itself, anyone but a light assult will commit suicide from fall damage. The amp station's hole is also high enough to cause major fall damage unless you run outwards onto the walls. These shields must absolutely not block dropping in troops, or if they absolutely need to be used a troop funnels, lower the how high they are so we don't need to pop med kits just to enter.

    on a side note: I feel that if the idea is to make all major installations like biolabs; this is almost a good step. First, completely seal the installation, no holes. Second create 2 main entrances infantry can walk through, and then add teleporters. Biolabs work by having the majority of its entrances outside. I've lost count of the times I've had to call in airstikes on enemy sunderers inside an amp station. If you really want amp stations to be infantry only, the sundies cannot be let in past the walls.
  4. Cryless

    this is a horrible idea from every point of view!
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  5. FinnSimmons

    In Tech Plants they don't seem to make much sense as of yet. But in the Amp Stations if they were linked to the vehicle generators they could pretty much leave them as they are right now.
    Except for the problem of not being able to pass through friendly dome shields.
  6. Liewec123

    dome shields just seem silly, aircrafts are supposed to be used to bombard a base!
    it is easily countered by people rolling AA.
    i'm sure if we took a poll we'd have a landslide vote against the shield, honestly 80-90%.
  7. MasonSTL

    If you take a poll based off how they are now yeah I agree with you but I think that if they could be disabled via a generator it think way more people would be ok with the idea.
  8. Ripshaft

    You (Zoran) say yourself that you know they're supposed to let players and vehicle through, but you say things like "now you cant use your own landing pads" as though that actually makes sense, no matter how overwhelmingly ludicrous that is! The shields are super early in development, and we already know they will be released on esamir first with the rework, what you're seeing on indar is likely just a rough placement of shields as as technical test to see what it does in a populated environment (because esamir is clearly not there atm on test).

    Jeez.... Seeing so much horrible horrible reasoning lately, I'd like to think it's from all the kids getting out of school, but I'm seeing plenty of older players taking this approach too. madness.

    What's next, are you going to criticize their bold idea of removing the vs weapon sounds? Evaluate pros and cons of that too? I'm sure your reaction is "no that's stupid"... but... that's what you just did!!! We know this is an intermediary, we know it's nothing remotely close to done, and we have an idea of their destination, which is not reflected in the current form.

    Edit: and to be clear I know planitsider is not zoran (or at least I assumed this, could be wrong)... just had to direct my tirade somewhere.

    Edit 2: also holy crap those new textures look amazing.
  9. Rogueghost

    My biggest problem with these is how ugly they are, not only are they an all around bad idea but they make the entire battle ground look like sh*t.
  10. eldarfalcongravtank

    exactly my thought as well. seriously, what happens to a combined-arms war game if we exclude one type of vehicle from the battle entirely? it wouldn't work out, because pilots would then be forced to look for skirmishes outside of large facilities. meanwhile, infantry becomes very strong in large bases because an important counter (ESFs with rocketpods and liberators) will not be there anymore. from now on, we get infantry fights in ALL large bases and that's not what ps2 should be, it should stay a combined-arms game where both ground and air vehicles play an integral part as well!
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  11. Dervishkid

    I will never see the point in Dome shields.
    so many counters too aircraft if your base loses all of them you lost the base. fall back and get some AA and return.
  12. KodiakBlack

    Thing is the AA - Air balance isn't where they want it to be and is going to change, the ESF pass is hopefully going to shake things up quite a bit. As always with these things you have to make design choices based on where they are going first and where they are currently second.

    The domes have potential, if they only prevent fire in both directs, not vehicle/infantry collision and are tied to a generator I can see them being a very positive addition, another base objective for one (presuming generators)

    With the initial denial of airs ability to farm base fights it make balancing air a little easier as you can give them more lee-way without returning to Airside 2, (I was there, it was messy).

    As ever its WIP, look at the plan, not the prototype.
  13. Liewec123

    i agree there, but i still think more people would just prefer to use their brain, if there are aircraft roll AA, if there are tanks roll AV,
    this domeshield is the first step on a slippery slope of making the game less tactical.
    i love pulling out my bursters against air zergs, so much xp!
    i can't understand why they'd nerf bursters as if air was having too hard a time,
    and then add a dome shield removing air from taking part in base caps completely.
  14. Torok

    I do Like Dome Shields :eek:

    plus epic light assaults attacks from the roof!
    and i have no idea how you guys can say it looks ugly, but playing on High/Ultra quality settings they look perfect, with all those exagons moving it feels like coming out of Crysis :D

    not to mention finally the Amp station feels like a Fortified Facility ffs
  15. planitsider

    I don't think its ugly just unnecessary.
    Some extra cover vs air i think is fine.
    But this is ruining the game. for air and ground.
    The base has 18 AA turrets if 2 or 3 are maned you cant get within 400 meters.
    id rather see AA turret or two on the spawn room than shields.
  16. Torok

    i don't share your thought, to me Facilities and cap points should be infantry fights mostly and people on it shouldn't get camped by rockets and explosiosn, the vast majority of players have been craving for more space to fight as infantry outisde the Biolabs, this is a good answer for them and for everyone.

    it doesn't even effect the whole Combined arms balance that much either,
    the quality of life of infantry (which is the highest % of playing players) has only to gain from dome shields, and it's already been explained how this will benefit pilots aswell.

    the AMP fights are gonna be So much more enjoyable, i think you're a little too sided being a pilot yourself and can only see this Change as a harder time for you to farm the infantry on the ground rather than an Improvement.
    if you're a Pilot 24/7 you can't really understand the problems of the average footman gameplay
  17. (-)IONS

    not a fan at all. So ugly and ******** making aircraft useless against major facilities. May as well just remove them from the game instead. [flame suit]
  18. Chipay

    This isn't going to improve the life of pilots, There are still AA turrets, so pilots still CAN'T dogfight around these bases.
    I like the idea of dome shields, but if they're going to keep air out of the amp station comepletely, then tanks shouldn't be able to enter either, because atm, there are no generators for turning it off, unlike the vehicle shields.
  19. Torok

    well it's not completely offlimits for air, as you can see on pts and as of a few videso here on the forum you can peek inside the amp/tech plants and still shoot things inside, plus they might add a Generator sooner or later

    check some videos, there's one guy flying below shields like a baws

    p.s. reaver tail is gonna make it impossible to fly like that Scythe :p

    oh and about the AA turrets you don't know it yet, this way the AMP and TECH turrets will have more value, and i'm truly believing that they will be attacked/defended much more, so you might want to wait for this to hit live before judging :)
    i'd say it's gonna be much more fun fighting for those turrets, both in attack and in defense
  20. Chipay

    it makes air strikes predictable, their are only so few openings, (2 to 3 per base).
    Also, i think liberators won't be of use anymore, you can't fly that low if you want to live.