Lets look at the NC HA overshield that the devs ruined

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nocturnal7x, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. Nocturnal7x

    NC overshield:


    TR overshield:


    NC ADS overshield:


    TR ADS Overshield:


    SO, a few updates ago SOE decided to change this for the NC, IDK why but they did, for no reason, no good reason anyone cares about anyway.

    Here is my issue with the NC overshield, you cant see it. You can hardly see when its on, sometimes in the day you cant see it at all when ADS'd. Hell, half the time it clips into my gun because it was so poorly done.

    Now you guys are gonna say "people will complain about anything, yes they will. But this was a senseless and poorly done change to the NC HA overshield.

    Please change the NC overshield to be like the TR overshield, or just change the NC overshield back to the way it was at launch. Thank you.
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  2. DashRendar

    It's probably a bug. The NC Resist shield still looks like the TR/VS shields. TBH, all of them should look like the top one LOL.
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  3. Fire Works

    Wow the TRs look very disrupting to my eye...
  4. Anubis132

    Must be nice having a cheatshield that doesn't turn you into a SHOOT HERE beacon.
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  5. Dingus148

    I'm TR and I have the following to say.

    Vanu complete-coverage camos provide way more advantage than the NC overshield, and (in the grand scheme of things) the Vanu camo issue is a mild problem indeed.

    NC overshield is nothing really. See NC heavy, assume overshield. Just some perspective for y'all.
  6. JHordwell

    Have you tried using Central Hud (General Settings)? It makes it easier to know when your ability is active, what % the recharge is at etc.
  7. Winfield

    I like it how you posted no outside perspective screenshots of the shields and intend for people to take your word for it.

    Yes, I'm NC but that does not mean that I'm biased. Out of character screenshots please.

    PS: If I could dislike your OP post I would
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  8. ToggleSwitch

    What a friggin idiot. Yea! lets make NC's shield yell out... HERE I AM!!!!...
  9. Regpuppy

    I.. I quite prefer the subtle look of the top picture. I'd rather all of the factions get changed to that look. That TR screenie just hurts my eyes.
  10. Nocturnal7x

    If your NC go look at someone else in game yourself. Have you never seen an NC HA pop their overshield? Anyway, the 3rd person perspective isn't what this thread is about, its about being able to tell your overshield is on in first person.

    NC shield is just as easy to see in 3rd person as the others, you glow just the same. Anyway, that is not what the thread is about.
  11. IamDH

    Not a bug. I'm a BR30 NC and its always been like that
    All factions look the same from the outside

    @OP yeah i agree this has been annoying me too
    I'd like it to be like the VS version because the TR version is HUGE in first person
  12. WaiZen

    But... But... What if I wanna look all blue :(.

    Besides, I never really paid attention to it, to be honest. Lol
  13. Haterade

    So wait, it's harder to see the NC overshield and the NC complains about? Dafuq did I just read?

    You have less stuff obscuring your vision. You poor, poor child.
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  14. FnkyTwn

    Showed up in an 'Overshield Bug' thread to complain about VS Camo.

    Man, you're like school in summertime. :cool:
  15. Zenanii

    Just make it so all activated abilities will make the charge bar glow (includes infliltrators and medics)
  16. Ash87

    I kind of think the NC pictures look better than the TR ones... But that is just me.
  17. Winfield

    Yeah thanks. I admit they are brighter in colour but I don't really care. I've played other faction heavy assaults a bit and the colour of the shield doesn't bother me much. Why?

    Because the shield itself is a flawed mechanic, it should work differently.

    Even if you activate that shield, you still get instagibbed by shotguns, maxes, whatever. It's wrong.

    The shield should give you some disadvantage for that advantage of absorbing/resisting more damage. Not make you a straight out flashlight for everyone to look at. I rarely use my shield on my heavy because frankly, most of the time that glow just gets me killed more easily.

    If all you have is personal insults, don't post at all. I've been watching your posts for a while and most of them are nothing but personal flaming with nothing constructive.

    He actually has an argument, because that shielding colour is an indirect nerf/buff to spotting/seeing enemies whether you like it or not.
  18. Van Dax


    What a great argument.
    I concur this should be implemented.
  19. Nocturnal7x

    Hard to tell when its on, why can't you people comprehend that lol.

    Really annoying coupled with the fact that the shield is bugged in other ways that affect if you can tell if its on or off.
  20. LowTechKiller

    FnkyTwn is showing his age. Pulled this one straight out of an old Fat Albert cartoon.;)