Planetside 1 > Planetside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GhostofMachas, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. FrontTowardEnemy

    PS1 wasn't just a little better, it was amazingly better. It was highly developed/refined over 7+ years. And then the devs through all of that away and decided to create PS2 in a vacuum. Fail.

    If they manage to introduce all of PS1's complexity and nuance into PS2, PS2 will have some legs to it. Otherwise, it's going to fade quickly.
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  2. Phazaar

    PS1 is better than PS2 in the same way that Tetris is better than Skyrim, and Chess is better than Mario.

    They're different things, released in different times, to different audiences, for different purposes, at different prices, with different goals in mind.

    If PS1 never existed and was launched now, it would fail, exactly as it did in its last couple of years. PS2 is a better game, it's just not had the years of development it took before PS1 became interesting enough to be replayable (sadly it limited itself with the lattice system, though). ANTs weren't even in the game for about a year if I recall?

    To me the best game ever made was pre-CU SWG. I would go back to playing that in an instant. Note that I said 'go back.' It's not just that the game itself was great; it certainly had flaws and was by no means timeless... But the community, my server, my guild, our opponents, the economy, my work/life balance, my family commitments, all of that was completely different then. Of course I enjoyed SWG more; I got to play it for free 18 hours a day, at a time when everything else in my life was pretty miserable. The competing games didn't give me as much depth to get sunk into, so even though I might well enjoy them more now that I have loads else to be doing, I'll still continue to miss SWG.

    I guess the TL;DR is just that lives change, games change, the industry changes, the market changes, and no one time can truly be better than another, because of the inherent implication of 'change it back' which is neither healthy nor possible in most situations.
  3. f0d

    i ask myself that question everytime i play planetside 2
    why SOE why?!?!?
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  4. Alarox

    I find these discussions about PS1 to be horribly ironic, since the requests to bring back things from PS1 end up changing PS2 further into a different game in comparison.

    Basically, the polar opposite of the Lattice even though one of the arguments was "It'll be just like PS1!"

    Just taking random things from PS1 won't create a meta-game or any more importance for the battles. Adding in cert boosts like Alerts won't either unless they have some meaning. Planetside 2 needs to be developed independently from PS1 since they're basically two completely different games, the only things identical being an MMOFPS and the lore/style.
  5. CaptainRobust

    They should redesign some bases to act more like ones from Planetside 1 and introduce them to PS2 to see if this makes the game more fun. Underground infantry-only fights, I mean.

    The battlefield in Planetside 1 was better. There were fights all the way to the next base on good days and victory actually felt like it meant something back then.

    I don't think anyone wants a copy/paste of PS1, but I think a lot of people, even those who never played the first game, would be happy to see some of the mechanics return. Implement terminal hacking on bases rather than 'stand around the capture point' in some bases. Hell, just add doors that you can hack/force open and the game will have a bit more depth.

    LLU bases would be fun, too. Anything that makes the monotony of go-to-base-stand-on-point system a little less apparent.

    An interesting game to play is much more important than new, imbalanced guns and aesthetics.
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  6. Larington

    BFR's would've been ok if it wasn't for those damnable regenerating shields.
  7. Larington

    The important thing to note about the lattice in Planetside 1 versus the lattice in Planetside 2, is that in PS1 there are almost no bases with only two links, you almost always had at least 3 directions that you could potentially send a force to. I maintain that the reason the Planetside 2 Indar lattice feels wrong is because it has so many 2 route bases in the current design, creating combat flows that are TOO predictable and too limited in decision making for squad/platoon leaders.

    As with everything, it's not the concept that matters so much as the execution of that concept.
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  8. Fumblewatt

    Amen. It's life was ended prematurely R.I.P
    People dont want depth, they want "I win" buttons in a story less war.
    I'll be damned if the new consoles comming out does not contain a tissue machine for all the kids screaming "WTF, DID I HAVE TO PRESS 2 BUTTONS?!?!?!?"
    Pac-man had more meta than PS2 does sometimes, atleast to me... beating MR.T-A-D's score.
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