PICTURE: What is this guys faction color again?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wrenched, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. Gadamlu

    yes, so lets make equal treatment by giving the TR and NC better camo coverage/less faction color to camo clash instead of making the VS faction colors clash with camo/giving us less camo coverage :)
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  2. moooosa

    So you're saying instead of fixing the problem they should spread the problem out evenly...

    Sounds like SOE.
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  3. Lazaruz

    Before the VS got a makeover, I tweeted T-Ray many times about the camo coverage. Back then the NC had the best one.
    In any case, the response I got from him was "Each faction will be getting an alternate look in the future". Time will tell...
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  4. Phazaar

    This is still one of my number one issues in game, and has been since Giraffe camo at launch.
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  5. Anghammarad

    Fine by me. Arbitrarily adding a color (red/blue/yellow) to a palette doesn't make for a good looking product.
  6. wrenched

    Please learn to read the thread title before opening your huge gob and sticking your foot in it
  7. Gary

    Take it you have not seen a TR infiltrator at night? Huge Glowing red circles on the chest. What they need to do is lock Faction colors in place, and increase how much is shown on the VS armor.

    VS and NC are not allowed red in the decals and TR and VS are not allowed Blue and NC and TR not allowed purple.


    With user made Decals approaching this has to change... Oh look he has a TR Logo on his shoulder friendly. Wait what...
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  8. Ripshaft

    Sorry I see in the title that there's no mention of a prize, I feel foolish now.... so... is there a point to this thread? The faction colours are well known, purple/teal red/grey/black blue/yellow... what's the pictures of the models have to do with faction colours?

    Actually I don't think you can detect or appreciate my insulting humour so I'll just put it plain:

    Your post is clearly a veiled comment that telling the models apart is made difficult by the lack of plainly visible faction colours on them. You are under the false impression that colours are the primary (or simply a significant) determinant in IFF, when the truth is it comes down to model structure and silhouette, the model texture is largely irrelevant. The colours are often used by noobies to get used to the silhouette, but our brains are much more apt at telling shapes apart, so you'll very quickly not care what colour or pattern they have. For any uncertainty you always have doritos. Your argument might be more valid on NS vehicles, however as you might notice the faction colours are far more prominent on the vehicles for this exact reason, because it actually can make a difference.

    You avoid specifically addressing your concerns as you're subconsciously aware that you have no valid argument, you're just frustrated and looking for excuses rather than dealing with it.

    You could also argue that certain camos obscure or visually confuse the silhouette of the character models, which would be a valid concern. As it is, you're only addressing the colours present, as though it's an issue, and it's absolutely not.
  9. Gary

    So a dev responded on Twitter...


    deflects the topic with some attempted wit refusing to acknowledge the issue.
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  10. Goretzu

    If you only play VS you'll never have to, subconcious IFF is enough with the colour contrast most of the time.

    Although it's not just IFF but also actual genuine camoflarge in some situations as well.

    I don't know if you can monochrome your montior, but there's a little experiment you can try if you're interested in the effects, if it honestly doesn't help or hinder you then fair play to you.

    If they ever release black camo (and I'm not sure they will as it might be the last camo they ever sell) I think this issue will become the most obvious.
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  11. Xasapis

    The easiest way to identify friend from enemy? The IRNV scope. It shows absolutely no colour but the enemies are still very obvious.
  12. Goretzu

    It absolutely is, but that's as much because it artifically highlights the silhouette in amazingly clear contrast (that basically negates any camo).

    Which is pretty much the exact the opposite of what happens when you're not looking through an IRNV scope, but through one is about the only time VS and NC/TR are equal in this context.

    Where as NC/TR/VS should be equal in this context all the time.
  13. CaptainRobust

    Why not just show a bit of purple on the VS armor and call it done? It can't be that difficult to change it to something a little more reasonable.

    I'd much rather see that than to see everyone absolutely covered in camo. The fact that it gives an advantage at all feels borderline pay2win.
  14. Xasapis

    If you were following the progression of camo on armor, you may remember that a first pass on the armor of NC & TR already happened before the VS. It was the time when none of the VS helmets had camo and large patches of both the regular and composite armor were teal and grey and had no camo either. Then they fixed this discrepancy, but also removed a lot of teal from the default camo to the point that it is now close to black. The camoed armor benefited from the default camo update by both having any patches without camo now applied to them, but also the removal of the big teal patches. The end result is definitely more aesthetically pleasing.

    The problem with the teal and purple is that they are not easily recognizable even when put in the armor (and they do make the armor look bad as opposed to the red and yellow bits for TR & NC.

    Perhaps it's time for VS to get a different secondary color, other than teal.


    Tough choice when yellow, blue, red and black is taken.
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  15. Styxwash

    That's what he did, he just didn't cut it out in cardboard for you. Apparently, you needed some time to figure it out, don't blame the OP for your own shortcomings ;9.

    VS camo patterns are just so much better then TR/NC, it's so obvious. Being NC with our silly yellow stripes all over is just silly compared to the VS style camo. Aside from the fact that teal/purple mixes better with most camo, the VS patterns even cover more of the uniform then the other factions camo.

    Equal treatment for all factions, please.
  16. Goretzu

    The thing with the purple is that it's actually a very, very dark and matt purple anyway.......... but then when camo is applied it is almost entirely (if not entirely) covered by the camo.

    I don't really think it matter which way it goes myself, just so long as it's equal across factions.
  17. Goretzu

    I'm not sure it's the colours themselves, so much as the make up of the colours.

    If you look at PS1 NC colours the blue and yellow/gold are pretty much the same as in PS2.

    With VS it is a lot different. For a start theres a LOT more purple on VS armour in PS1 (where as in PS2 there's much more black), and secondly it's a much more lurid shade in PS1. Same with the teal.
    PS1 teal purple PS2 teal purple

    They there is the issue of how much is visable (purple is almost completely camo'd over for VS, where as a significant amount of blue remains for NC - and there's less teal than yellow as well for most classes).
  18. wrenched

    This is the senior director of art for this project:


    MGL anyone? lol
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  19. Xasapis

    I'll trade you the art director for the head developer ;)

    I kind of agree with this guy I've shot people and have been shot because I could tell who was who.