The Resources made me Quit (for now)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AwakenRiceball, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. AwakenRiceball

    Disclaimer: Do not bother reading or posting unless you have constructive feedback. Thank you!

    First and Foremost: What happened to killing enemies or blowing up vehicles give you some resource?

    I kill a lot, I "used" to blow up a lot and I still get resources in 5 minutes intervals with no addition of resources from killing enemies. I did not complain because I had membership and handling resource was not an issue.

    Second: Competitive defensive and offensive game play received a semi-nerf.

    I will agree that there are more infantry battles than ever before; however, with sundies costing 400 resource and can easily be blown up and other vehicles receiving an exponential resource increase. It now comes down to who has the most infantry zerg.

    1) Anti-Vehicle Mana Turrets still does not render right and no smoke trail leads to no one really want to make an offensive push with vehicles due to it being so "resource valuable," to create a defensive stronghold.

    2) No where is there a place to change vehicle setup once it spawns

    3) If the game crashes and you are on a max or in a vehicle, you log back in with 350-450 resources down the drain. A valuable lost. Why not add a 5 minutes timer to log back into the game at the exact spot you crashed or it will be an entire reset. The game should also recognize the difference between logging out and game crashing to prevent abuse.

    4) The reward for risk taking is nearly non-existence because vehicles that was once made to make a push is no longer the case as those in vehicles rather play passively.

    The four above are my main issues concerning defensive and offensive game play semi-nerf.

    Third: Weighing out the pros and cons

    I understand that this resource increase helped reduce the number of Maxes; thereby, making air pilots happy and less vulnerable or subjected to becoming a light show of Exp Pinyatas. With the recent accuracy nerf with range, the rarity of seeing AA Max is once in a blue moon. Also, let's face that resources for every class specialty is hard enough as it is to keep a good supply.

    C4's - 100
    Tank Mines - 75 (set 4) = 300 resources
    Special grenades - 75

    etc...and with resources capping at 750 and one of Planetside 2 main component is resources. Resources coming every 5 minutes is a very long time; especially, when resources gain are < 50. The amount of time needed just to pull a vehicle is nearly every 40-45 minutes at 0 resources which is insane (considering 50 resources). I cannot even think to myself how playing that long just to pull a vehicle or Max (30 minutes) is even thinkable when 5-10 minutes of infantry resources can destroy a vehicle that takes a considerable amount of time to gather resources (Post GU11) in a short amount of time.

    Honestly SOE, since you increase the amount of resources it takes for Maxes and Vehicles, then you need to consider it as a huge mistake without any consideration to offset it.

    Again, no way to:

    1) Change vehicle load out upon spawn
    2) Obtaining kills is "not" a noticeable boost to resources (if it does exist)
    3) Should have done increase resource cost with resource overhaul from road map.

    I honestly do not know what you guys were thinking, but I cannot play anymore due to this. I have stated two pros and many many cons. The offset is way to negative.

    That is all I have to say.
    • Up x 1
  2. zib1911

    Very well thought out, no random whining. +1

    -5 for a quiting thread.
  3. K3STR3L

    Number 3 and the fact that as a TR player on Woodman the majority of the time you are only getting 10/14+ resources every five minutes made me quit. If you have boosts and are in a faction that is doing well I guess the new resource changes aren't a issue as much.
    I do hope they pull their heads out of the sand and rethink this mess as overall the game was fun to play.

    Also +100 for telling them you are quitting, devs need to hear people are leaving their game and losing them income and player numbers.

    Also expect the children to come in here with the usual "can I haz ur stuff" and "wont miss you" usual uncreative inane dribble.
  4. Slywether

    The resource change has not affected me at all. I can however, see clearly how it has for some people, but I still think it is an overall good change.

    If I am in a vehicle it is a Sundy. Racer repair/ammo. The resource nerf has not changed my driving of a sundy. I tend to get into "The Sh**" fairly often with the first pull. I don't piddle around or park anywhere that I cannot reverse to cover with ease. Sometimes I will get a little bold or decide that my timer is ready and I can be a little ballsier, or i'll just run distraction for some sort of push while they chase me.
    The second pull I play fairly conservative, knowing that it will be awhile before I can pull another. It was like this before, as it is now. I still want to drive my sundy, I will keep driving my sundy.

    The cost increase didn't hit sundies, so my personal gameplay opinion is slightly invalidated. BUT!

    Since the nerf I have enjoyed very much the lack of constant tank spam. Before you could push forever, finally widdling down their tank line, only to have 15 more come driving up. There should be a threat. You should NOT be able to JUST drive an MBT. If you get yours destroyed by being careless or reckless then are the consequences. Paralleled with my experiences as a sundy driver. Welcome to the club!

    as to your points;
    1) As an engi only infantry player, and a sundy driver, I will agree AV turrets are a bit silly. Though with proper cover an almost non-issue. It does suck to get dinged by 4-5 of them almost simultaneously but hey!....war is hell.

    2) I would ADORE a vehicle terminal of some sort. I realize it couldn't be like Tanarus (former SOE game from the before times) since that was only a vehicle game, but some way to change a loadout would be great! Though I do not see this as something that is "required". It would be purely quality of life.

    3) Losing my Sundy in a crash is horrible. So are crashes. Since gu11 I have been quite fortunate to have ZERO crashes. Before that some update or other or maybe just gu10 I crashes ever 20 minutes....It does suck but so do red lights and wasps.

    4) Now more than ever the cost/reward is a factor. Not being able to mindlessly drive your tank into a line for a killstreak just to pull another instantly is IMO a good thing.

    Max resource cost could be a bit less. I will admit I have not max'd as much as I used to. Mostly from a shift in my style of play more than the resource nerf.

    Sorry to see you go! But it reallllllly isn't THAT big of a deal. REALLY.....adapt or move on. I just can't see how you "cannot play anymore because of this".....
  5. xDiernayr

    I'm quiting aswell,as a medic, with the crazy slow resource drop rate now,I cant buy enough rez nades to keep a squad/platoon supported.......and before the qq ***** reply,im a full certed medic,alpha squad boosted,beta,and ps1 player.Fix your broken POS dev's.