Stupid people will be stupid

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gommer556, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Duvenel

    Simple answer: Yes
  2. Juni

    Mostly it is new people learning the game, and they are not just on the NC side of things... Yesterday, within 30 mintutes, I was run over by 2 Flashes, 1 Harasser, shot by a guy using a Rocket launcher twice in a row and injured for 80% health a third time and killed by an NC right afterwards, had my own flash crushed by a prowler and had a friendly liberator smash into my not-moving-at-all mossie at full speed... Granted, most of these people were below BR 10, but still very annoying.

    I shot the Rocket Launcher guy in the face afterwards, I have my limits =)
  3. WaiZen

    Sometimes I'm happy I chose woodman to play on. LOL
  4. gommer556

    news to me. anyone i ever report it seems like nothing ever happens. thats a conversation for a different thread though
  5. EliteEskimo

    I have a great solution for you,

    Play on Mattherson, Join SG on NC, profit at being able to kill 100's of horrible 4th faction scythe pilots while being backed up by a very skilled outfit.:D
  6. Ganelon

    Woodman NC aren't the brightest of the bunch (with the exception of some notable outfits), but they're miles better than NC on US servers.
  7. Vortok

    No, that you view the kill as "yours" and that you have a right to it instead of aiming to defeat the enemy as a 'team' (term used loosely - you're on the same faction as others) regardless of who gets that final shot.

    Yeah, it's slightly less certs if you get the killing blow a little less often, but if killing the enemy is of higher priority than getting the killing blow yourself then when there's 3 other ESFs chasing the target that's smoking you can recognize "he's dead, but those morons might ram me because they don't see me/each other on the map" and break off since there's enough chasing him already. And if they do ram each other, you can laugh and proceed to collect the kill anyway. Stupid people may be stupid, but you can play better than them - even when they're on your team.

    This game has team damage for a reason - sometimes you need to hold your fire.
  8. Bill Hicks

    I think its the blue color. It attracts the drool crowd.
  9. LibertyRevolution

    This sounds to me like you are always in the wrong place at the wrong time...
  10. shovat

    My favorite one that happened to me was..

    I was a medic cleaning up a mess a MAX left behind after the third revive this guy that was standing in the corner watching me spazzes out and kills me, there was no enemies in the zone. After respawning I tenderly caressed his forehead with my shotgun and went back to being a medic.
  11. Badname0192

    ATG Mossie pilots all have tunnel vision and for the most part, any other Mossie is seemingly clueless as to anything going on outside the comfort of their coward box.

    I can have four Reavers/Scythes rushing after me in friendly airspace and be surrounded by countless Mossies, all looking at the ground or looking to find a new spot to find a farm on the ground while in my Liberator should I be a pilot.
  12. Grumpymunky

    It won't cure stupidity, but I do recommend the auto-repair system.
  13. gommer556

    i could care less if they want "my" kill or not. but they feel the need to get that kill so badly that they will ram into me trying to line up that perfect shot. that is what angers me. on several occasions i have to actually maneuver away so my teammates dont accidentallyram into me.
  14. gommer556

    i used to use that on my reaver actually, but stealth is so much more useful when dog fighting (you don't show up on the radar)
  15. Grumpymunky

    No such thing as stealth on a reaver, you can hear them at render range. :p
  16. Captain Flowers

  17. Stormlight666

    Oh yeah have that happen to me all the time. When i'm in my Max I always have to keep watch on my mini-map. Usually it's Harasser Drivers that want to run you over.
  18. XsolarflareX

    The one thing you have to keep in mind is that this type of thing does not just happen on one faction. I play on Waterson myself, I fly galaxies, ( not against my will or anything, I actually LIKE to fly them...don't judge me) and I can say honestly that the team that scares me most is not the NC or TR but my own faction. I have been shot, hit by rockets, blasted by tanks and yes, even C4'ed and that's just the guys on the land.
    In the air every person who has pulled a plane figures it will be fun to buzz the big gal regardless of if he's fighting for his life or not. now, these people can barely tie their shoes up before getting into said plane so you can guess how all these flyby's go.
    You want an easy kill on my galaxy and all inside it.? Don't attack me directly, but make it so I have to fly back to the nearest zerg for "help". You can either take your time as the many scythes farm the ground, or watch as they peel up, ready to help, guns blazing..before smashing into my gal.
    Truth is , for any side, you can only depend on yourself. Unless of course you have a great outfit backing you up. Then it's all aces.!!
    I'm pulling for you, were all in this together.
  19. gommer556

    people must fly with music playing or something because i can get right up on their tails and one-clip enemy ESF's all the time and they don't hear my approach.

    and the stealth is for when i'm in a dogfight i don't show up on their minimap. it confuses them and has helped me out countless times.[/quote]
  20. Riku

    In a 2 hour session I:

    -got shot down from 100% to 0% by a friendly Scythe Rotary while repairing

    -got shot by a friendly AT-Turret while repairing

    - got jumped on by 5 Mossies, lured them all into our 48+ Zerg Platoons, escaped...came back 2 minutes later, they were still there

    - Let a Sundy pass below me before I landed to repair; that Sundy then turned around 10 secs later and rammed my Scythe

    -was rammed by friendly scythes that either could not fly at all or where trying to line up a shot to steal my kill. Dunno how many; it happens all the time. But, admittedly, I ram friendly Scythes too if I panic, i.e. when my chick entered the room lately and I tried to get somewhere safe that I wouldn't ram anyone...bam, rammed someone.