[Suggestion] About Ground to Air balance...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eyeklops, May 21, 2013.

  1. Eyeklops

    A single lock-on G2A should annoy. A single dual burster should alarm. A single Skyguard should cause defecation.
    Note the order. That is all - Eye
    • Up x 14
  2. xGreedFuSioN

    This is a ******* eyeklops thread why didn't it get more of a response. wtf.
  3. Eyeklops

    The stars in your post make it slightly ambiguous....
  4. GraphicJ

    I agree with eye ball man.
  5. xGreedFuSioN

    Complement not insult.
  6. IamDH

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  7. Chemicalnurd

    Agreed wholeheartedly and I'm an infantry player, primarily.
  8. holycaveman

    Infantry whines too much. Good balance wont happen.
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  9. Roland2TowerCame

    yep, definitely the correctly order
  10. Joshinya42

    Eyeklops for president
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  11. KanoHe

    Another brutal solution - Remove lockons flares and smoke all together...
  12. NoctD

    The sound of a Reaver's engines coming at you... that always wakes me up!