[BUG] Burster gets no hitmarker (no damage?)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fire Works, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. RHINO_Mk.II

    Explosion damage has always been calculated on the receiving end, unlike direct damage (note that deploying Aegis shield with a MAX before C4/nades explode blocks them, while deploying it when a rocket is about to hit doesn't block the damage because on the shooter's screen, you hadn't deployed it yet)

    Presumably when the server has too much to keep track of it fails to notify the aircraft receiving flak hits that the explosions are happening, so even though the shooter sees the flak explode, damage is not dealt.
  2. Killy80

    As I said, failing bursters happen even at night, when the server is very empty. It's totally random. I have had them working in huge fights, just to have them fail at small skirmishes at night.
    I even had them working and then fail 5 second after, because I was reequipping at a terminal. Then went to the same terminal and they worked again (for a while).
  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    And as I said, they used to only fail occasionally in high stress situations. With GU11 they borked something up so they fail in regular conditions.
  4. jak

    Pretty small fight, dual bursters both with extended mags - couldn't touch a galaxy. Reloaded multiple times and eventually died to him. Fun times!
  5. Sowahka

    Fix: Get out of the turret, spray your rifle at an enemy ESF (you need at least one hit) and then get back into the turret. Works 90% of the time, though the bug still has a high chance of reappearing afterwards.