[Video] The Rise

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Macleane_, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Macleane_

    A montage I put together inspired by the rise and fall of great powers, a lot of work and effort went into making it so if you enjoy leave a like or some feedback.

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  2. Macleane_

    I might add this isn't Vanu propergander
  3. P4NJ

    Obvious Vanu propaganda. Added to the list of videos that will get you executed if you watch it inside a Terran Republic Pure Thought Zone.

    But it looks nice =)
  4. Macleane_

    Thank you, part of the Vanu's plan to distribute mind bending and will changing propergander is to dispute the existence of any propergander, through the medium of propergander
  5. Geronimo

    Should check this one out too - Just to balance out the bias :D
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  6. Macleane_

  7. Macleane_

    There is more to come :)
  8. RHINO_Mk.II

    Nice editing, in particular the drop pod backwards and the barrel roll with changing backgrounds. I'm just a little depressed that watching your video at 480p looks better than my in-game graphics.
  9. Macleane_

    Ahhh really that's a shame, I run on low settings just to get the most fps that I can, I can run smoothly in ultra but only get 30fps.