Cloaked IFF Sucks for Snipers

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Valena, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Arkos

    I looked at the patch notes for GU11 and nearly died. Why, SOE, why? I can count the number of times I've been TK'ed while cloaked on the fingers of one hand, and I've been playing since the game released. I've never seen anyone ask for this stupid IFF glow, and when it was first reported as something on the test server, the reaction from people who play infil was all but unanimously negative. Pre-GU11: people saw a shimmer, took a moment to try to decide whether it was a friendly infil or enemy infil. Post-GU11: people see shimmer, blow it away because it's not glowing their faction color. This instant of hesitation was one of the single most important factors in infiltrating; it was what allowed you to essentially remain undiscovered as long as you were smart about cover, movement, and had some trigger discipline. Now, it's even easier than ever to find cloaked enemy infil's because if you're cloaked shimmer is seen AT ALL, enemies instantly know an enemy infil is around. Even if they dont immediately shoot and kill you, they will have their guard up and will be looking for you, which makes things...difficult to say the least. So yeah, a definite downgrade for infiltrators who do anything but long range sniping.
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  2. Valena

    SOE has been doing nothing but indirectly nerfing the Infiltrator since the game came out. I can't remember a single change that has been good for us, and the only 'improvement' they've given the class has been 'pay to play' tier 3 BASRs and SMGs. At this point I'm fully expecting the Infiltrator update to be a complete joke. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave us a cloak that lasts forever as long as we don't take any weapons.
  3. RobotNinja

    Stalker cloak would still be worthless because this:

  4. Valena

    Are you kidding me? Have they STILL not fixed this?
  5. RobotNinja

    This is a screenshot from gu11. Gu11 also introduced additional graphic anomalies that make parts of the inf stick out fully visible while cloaked.
  6. Valena

  7. Curse_Gamerkin

    Its funny how on my m-77b and RAMS.50 i have 3k kills, .50 accuracy, and yet my dual mercies have 1k less kills, .2 and less accuracy yet have almost twice the score. Infils have always been broken, its been 7 months at least? and the only good thing they did was SMGs, But theyre for all classes because theyre in it for the money, not to improve the game.
  8. oherror

    If you every played AVP/AVP2 you would too. Now i don't shoot my own people as they show up as red to me. No more stupid infiltrator de-cloaking infront of me to his death. It was needed nearly all my squads tks were from infiltrators...our motto was better safe then sorry.
  9. Dramma Lamma

    If you come to the spot I'm at first and start firing a un-supressed weapon, I'll just TK you.

    Fair warning.

    I suggest everyone does the same.

    Its a ******-bag move and the player coming to your spot knows this, if he doesn't then it's time to learn a lesson.
  10. Amouris

    Honestly, I tell them to move or get a supressor in prox chat. If they don't respond there I tell them in /say. If all that fails I generally shoot them once then knife. Friendly fire aint friendly.
  11. Valena

    I hate how this is kind of a fair thing to do.
  12. Rift23

    Don't really have this problem, I take a wraith flash behind enemy lines when I go a-sniping. That's where all the stationary targets are anyway.
  13. LibertyRevolution

    This goes out to you OP, enjoy:

    Your welcome.
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  14. Cyno

    the new glowing infiltrator cloak is starting to get tiresome. first off, if the enemy doesn't see Blue, Purple, or Red, they empty their clip into your face. second, nub snipers. they stand there BEGGING to get shot in the face, Just yesterday, I had a friendly sniper set up right next to me, with a flashlight on, on his BASR.. not even a minute later, Vanguard shells come flying in. if I cloak, I don't want to be seen from 300m away so that every sniper can come to me and get farmed, they should have never implemented this. just saying.
  15. Fightfan84

    No one get's team killed enough as an infil to justify giving your opponents the advantage of free firing on any distortion they see because they know it's an enemy. Before they had to take the time to determine if it's a friendly or not. If you can't see the wisdom in this then I don't know what to say. Remove IFF and for the love of god SOE..Stop dicking with thing's that effect situational awareness.
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  16. Valena

    I lol'ed :D

    My daily experience exactly.
  17. Fightfan84

    Can't stress this enough. Remove IFF SOE.
  18. DeadliestMoon

    I think you're stealthing wrong. You're not suppose to run in front of enemies even if you can cloak.
  19. Valena

    In front of enemies is relevant. Do you mean enemies that are in front of you? Enemies that you can see? Ignoring the fact that running a blockade of enemies is something the Infiltrator is supposed to be able to do, in a game like Planetside 2 there are hundreds of players at every turn that want your blood. It isn't always possible to tell exactly whom you're running in front of.
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  20. DeadliestMoon

    True, but you should always try to stay out of an enemy's line of sight.