How to be a good sniper

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dagster28, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. Dagster28

    I downloaded this game last night but I got owned as a sniper.

    I usually snipe in CoD and Battlefield but this game is so much different.

    How can I be a good sniper? what are some tips?
  2. ItsJustDash

    Not sure if troll or legit...

    Sniping is not the same in this game because you have to take in the account of how much of an area you can be. Finding the right spot, and taking your time on your shots. It is very rare to get your 360 no scopez MLG type deal in this game and it will not work :p
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  3. WaiZen

    Simple! Get a Gauss SAW + 6x scope.
  4. Caserion


    Step 1: find a large fight

    step 2: look for a rock or cover filled with friendly snipers

    step 3: start shooting people in the head

    step 4: keep on shooting

    step 5: repeat on a different location

    This is how you become a useful ally to your allies by forcing your enemies to hide indoors and making them continiously shuffle while you're doing nothing but shooting people from distances they can't see you from so you can improve your so important KDR, becuase there is nothing more fun then shooting people from 500 + metres.

    And don't forget them 360 no scopes for when the pesky enemy light assault tries to throw C4 like a bomber!
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  5. bulletchaser666

    well first off get your hunter cloak up to atleast 3 or 4. when your snipeing you always ether want to be cloaked before the shot or cloak right after unless you're 400m out (which isn't the best idea unless you got the 1000 cert rifle) mosst the time you should be somewhere around 150-200m thats the optimal engage distance as the drop aint bad and you're still at a generally safe distance.

    learn to avoid the center of the fight always stay toward the egde of the fight. being concealed is your biggest advantage never be in the open for more than a second or two cause there's usually another sniper scopeing you out at all times.

    basically always assume that someone is lookin in your direction this will give you the frame of mind that you need to stay concealed, personally i play very stealthy most the time i use my kinfe and pistol as i always end up behind the enemy (which is were you want to be) but if you are behind the enemy make sure to are not seen or heard and move after every shot because once one person knows you're there everyone will begin to hunt you down. this is what makes the differnce is if you can get half the team to be chaseing you down your team mates will pick them off as you are chased.

    HEADSHOTS HEADSHOTS HEADSHOTS. because of everyone useing nanoweave it usually takes two head shots or one and a body shot, results vary alot engineers and heavys ainming rockets are your easyist targets (most the time) as medics always have NW. medics are a priority kill but they know that so they keep their head down (smart ones anyway)

    sorry for the text wall hopefully others will forgive your cod / BF bias. basically you have to relearn how to play cause this is nothing like those games it has it's own style as you play you'll find your own.
  6. smokemaker

    Drop the sniper rifle.
    Pick up the SMG
    max cloak out
    pick up proximity mines.
    engage at close range.

    never ever stop moving.
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  7. WaiZen

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  8. Ravenorth

    Few things:

    - Get yourself a bolt action sniper rifle if you are not playing as NC(they got it as default) Cheapest bolt actions cost 100 cert points for TR and VS.

    - Use your cloak! Never stand uncloaked on top of a hill while shooting enemies. Use your cloak while you search for target, when the target is on your sight decloak shoot and cloak again. If you run out of cloak energy while searching targets, then go behind a cover and wait for it to recharge.

    - Go for headshots(which you probably knew already)

    - Try to shoot only when you are about 90% sure that you´ll kill the target with a headshot. Bullets that doesnt score a kill may cause too much unwanted attention, which you should avoid at all cost as a sniper. So shooting a vertically running enemy is not the wisest thing to do, your the best option is to shoot those who are staying still for some reason.

    Easiest targets are:
    • Engineers who are using their turrets
    • Those who are interacting with vehicle or weapon terminals
    • Enemies who are focused at shooting, since they usually have to stay pretty still while aiming
    • Other snipers
    - Watch who you kill, players with higher level are most likely going to hunt you down after they respawn, so staying on the same spot too long will surely get you killed. Flash with Wraith cloaking device is great for changing spots quickly and its also great for escaping when the enemies are getting too close to you.
  9. PS2Freak

    Why, actually ?

    What difference between all other game snipers (and their l33t moves) and PS2?

    why is 360 noscope mlg not possible?
  10. Elrobochanco

    Other people have sort have said it, but I'll be super blunt about it. If you plan to only snipe. You will have an incredibly slow xp rate. Sniping in certain locations against certain enemies can be very helpful. But infiltrators and all other classes are much more useful and lucrative up close.
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  11. ArticEagle

    It's possible. However, it is extremely, extremely, extremely difficult to do so since 1.) you have to be using a bolt action rifle if you want a possible 1 shot MLG noscope 2.) you have to get a HS in order to get that 1 shot MLG noscope 3.) your crosshair with a sniper rifle (like in most games) is dramatically huge and 4.) the landscape, as you already know, is huge. All those reasons combined is why no one wants to even attempt it. Hope this helps ;D
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  12. ItsJustDash

    Never said it was not possible, just said it will not work. In other words it is not going to be like these games CoD players and such are used to.
  13. haldolium

    I want bullet-time

  14. Blackinvictus

    Man, I have found some really sweet spots when sniping. Its all about the location. Dont go to the obvious places snipers will be expected to be such as on top of that little hill just outside the base. Drop podding into a base or on to an otherwise impossible place to get to on say, a cliffside is good because you can get on to a spot you couldnt normally access, but you are stuck there and screwed if you run out of ammo.

    Probably your most kills will be other snipers because they are sitting there perfectly still heh. LA's, not other infs seem to be the most skilled at hunting me down. Place a couple of proximity mines around your location and use your dart gun often to prevent getting caught with your pants down.

    Fun class, but takes a lot of patience and doesnt shell out certs as consistantly as other classes.
  15. Tommyp2006

    Step 1. Find equipment terminal

    Step 2. Switch classes

    Seriously though. Never fire from the same position twice in a row if you can help it. Stay cloaked when aiming the shot, then uncloak right before you want to shoot, and make the shot. Then cloak again, and move. Bolt action sniper rifles will be better in long range engagements than the semi auto snipers. TR and VS have one that's decent for only 100 certs. NC get one by default.
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  16. Lambchopz

    Yeah this is pretty much all I can contribute to this thread since personally, I've never been able to get much out of sniping in this game and it's not for lack of trying. You might be able to find a good spot and go on a nice kill streak, but aside from that you aren't going to contribute much if you are restricting yourself to sniping. It's not just the lack of consistent XP, it's a matter of how useful you are being to the rest of your group if you are just sitting back and sniping. As an Infiltrator you are far more useful getting into bases and hacking terminals, and trying to, well, infiltrate.

    That said the first and most important step is finding good positions, and probably the biggest adjustment you might have to get used to compared to other games is cloaking in between shots, as well as adjusting for bullet drop/velocity if you aren't used to it. I wouldn't expect to get many kills on distant moving targets.
  17. Helpmeimterrible

    What he said.
    Take shot-move- take shot-move
    If you do get stuck in one place make sure you have shifted at least a little before you unstealth and shoot.
  18. UzumakiW

    First thing is to forget everything you know about sniping in CoD. You can keep some knowledge of sniping from BF, but for the most part, you'll want to start from scratch. In fact, anything you know from CoD, kill it, burn it, and piss on the ashes because sniping, as well as a lot of things in CoD is the most useless "knowledge" to bring into any game other than CoD.
  19. jdono67894

    1. Find an area about 200 metres away from a base where you can hide in some rocks
    2. take potshots at people and tab to marvel at your k/d ratio every 20-30 minutes
    3. if you see an enemy sunderer, snipe people at it instead of destroying it
    4. anything else you can think of that isn't useful for your team but raises your k/d ratio to prove you are 1337xxXxXxSnIpEr360xX420XblazeitXxyoloXxxxXxxXSwagxXxX485960284
  20. Vaphell

    how would inf do that exactly with 0 AV utility? It's not like he has C4 or something. Yes, shooting people near the sundie is the only thing he can do.