Playing on Mattherson is Painful

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fish225, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. LT_Latency

    WATERSON ftw.

    Come play with us for a while. The VS will get bored and start to split apart then go back to your server
  2. Phrygen

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  3. mpal

    Goku has a lot more guys during off-peak hours than test. It would help balance the pops more if goku went. Even though I'd miss killing komrade (<3) on my TR/NC :), it would be healthier for the server.
  4. EliteEskimo


    The number of times I hear "Ginyu Force Rules!" every gaming session on Mattherson it's....

  5. FnkyTwn

    This isn't Survivor fellas. Nobody gets to vote GOKU off the island. :cool:

    Also it's a little ironic that some of you insult and put down GOKU, and
    yet, you feel it would be easier for NC/TR if Goku wasn't on Mattherson.

    Which is it? Are we terrible at PS2, or are we the bane of your existence?
    (Answering 'terrible' keeps us on Mattherson, admitting that we're the best
    outfit on the server now that we've vanquished BCP.. who knows).
  6. sam38

    its a shame we don't have more continents because a mattherson waterson merge would actually be great for population balance. waterson is constantly vs underpopped with the tr and nc swapping highest pop and with matherson what I hear is VS is over popped and the tr is underpopped.
  7. Dr.Destro229

    no its is just that we are tired of the chat spam. you don't see TR or NC spamming there outfit names
  8. Thardus

    Haven. Because having to search everywhere to find a decent fight is so fun. VS don't like this anymore than anyone else does.
  9. Pat Cleburne

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  10. Dr.Destro229

    yes move GOKU to Waterson and keep TEST on Matt
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  11. Phrygen

    i didn't say anything about difficulty level. I just said they should take GoKU instead of TEST. If it were up to me most of the Goku members would have their characters get a "server transfer" to the recycle bin

    I couldn't care less what quality of player waterson ends up with. Their VS have solid outfits they just dont have bodies. Besides if we took NUC and imperial reach that would be a big TR loss for them.

    Most of you do. And Tests response to higby's question was hardly enthusiastic. Edit: to be fair to test, i will clarify and say test didn't jump at the opportunity to transfer. they like mattherson.
  12. DamageKing

    Wait....wat? Since the release VS had a dominant pop and never were underdogs. Their outfits are organized, yes, but underdogs? No.
  13. Cl1mh4224rd

    Not that interesting. It's probably not too difficult to manually move that data around, including individual characters. The real trick is automating the process.
  14. Zorlox

    33/33/32 mattherson indar. vs still steamrolling.

    and I don't see how having a merge that will create a 1 hour queue would solve anything. offer free transfers for vs off of mattherson to waterson. other than that the issue won't be solved unless you have a high enough pop to cap the server/continent. like indar right now.

    if you want to know why the pops are so bad on alert continents. have a look at all the tr/nc leaving the alert cont for other conts as soon as they lose one battle. i'm not saying there isn't an issue with the vs pop but when you have enough to pop cap one continent online and nobody is joining it then it's not entirely the fault of the empire with a high pop. yeah, some might switch empire, but the majority just ditch the continent for another.

    to top it all off, if you really have an issue with pop, why not just all go on one continent. if you pop cap it then obviously the faction with high pop can't outnumber you there. that's the simplest solution there is but that would involve people actually working together to solve it instead of having some hard coded rules implemented by the dev babysitters.
  15. Malkurn

    All they need to do is limit the rate of people transferring to balance out the servers. It would be to SOE's long term benefit to offer free limited transfers. Allow a set number of VS players to transfer from Mattherson to select servers with low VS pops and make the same offer to other servers with over populated factions. First come first serve. I bet there's enough people seeking a balanced server that they would do it.
  16. Jalek

    Seems most of VS is pure zerg. Seems anyway. When you're among 4% on a map in one of only two squads and get rolled by multiple platoons...

    Getting better at suicide runs anyway.
  17. ArticEagle

    You know what? Maybe I should play on Waterson so that I can start on a BETTER clean slate. IDC if I get even more FPS drops, I just don't want to be around elitists (big pet peeve here). So while the PS1 attitude dies down, I will just enjoy the game on Waterson. Anyways, thanks for inviting me ;D.
  18. maxx

    if they don't fix the server population when they do full server transfers all the NC will just do a mass server transfer to whatever server we have pop on. Imagine the TR will do the same no one likes getting their ***** kicked. And the VS won't really have a game to play. ill just be whack a mole against the 10 or 20 people who are hacking a base and disappearing. Sony will have to deal with a larger problem on most of the servers.

    Short-term solutions are
    hard cutoffs once VS population reaches some percentage you cannot login as a VS.
    Or jacked up effective incentives. For every 1% you're out poped you get 10% health and weapons damage.
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  19. Sardaukar

    Maybe the NC and TR would stop getting destroyed by the master outfit if they took some notes here.
  20. Pat Cleburne

    Exactly. Personally I'm out until a balance solution is implemented. This is my post about it from this afternoon.