Massve FPS increase with patch

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by November, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Sen7ryGun84

    yeah I'm getting better FPS is heavy combat situations in GU11 also. I've also started having random crashes, seems to happen in seriously crowded combat situations mainly. Before this update I've never had crashing issues with the game.
  2. Sebastien

    That's the player's fault, not SOE's. We have a Test server, but not enough people play on them.
    A new Update doesn't mean the game will run better, releasing something new, may break something old.
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  3. Roy Teppert

    Really? Mine got worse. ~10fps less in large battles, and a lot of stuttering and random hiccups.
  4. Stew360

    I dont think so I got the best figth ive ever got with a fully load esamir ;) Few hours ago with Qs to get into it so yeah it was 2000 players and heavy loaded area ;)

    If peoples quit because now the infantry combat is much more smoother and because they have fix the warping , it tell you something ;) these peoples was exploiting the warping and actually as 0 real skills all their combat efficiency was base on exploiting some awefull line of codes who made the players warp micro and macro warping while ADADAD abuse

    Now you can still adadad the moovement of the caracter are as fast and they were , but we have better code and mechanics to prevent the players to WARP and mess up the hit registration
  5. LGhost1904

    I can't even go in big battles since GU11 because of 3 fps spikes. I know I need to upgrade my CPU (phenom 965) but it has never gotten that bad.
  6. EliteEskimo

    I get better overall FPS, but I'm currently getting big stuttering which is ruining it for me...
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  7. Roarboar

    You do realize that with testing you cant find every single bug dont you? This applies to all companies in the world, galaxy and universe.
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  8. HerbertKnivez

    AHAHA, biggest ever...
  9. HadesR

    Same 50-60 FPS

    Dropping to 15 or so with the stuttering

    Oh and the crashes
    Oh and the logging in but not really be in ..Can't redeploy, can't dmg anything, can't be seen by enemies > relog
  10. ScottishRoss

    Biggest ever, in my experience. I was under the assumption that people would be able to work that bit out. I guess I was wrong.
  11. DrunkenDoughnuts

    My FPS went down 5-10 frames in most cases, along with random bits of crashing and stuttering. I've become used to the routine, though. I expect a hotfix within a couple days...
  12. AtroposZero

    I noticed this as well (especially with vehicles/aircraft). If it's true, I want it reverted NOW. (or at least I want a slider in options where I can control it)

    I do NOT want my ability to engage the enemy limited by an arbitrary dev decision.
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  13. Macchus

    yea seems ok , then bam fps drop , quick slideshow , then back to normal ...
  14. Macchus

    lol stew , it has nothing to do with smoother infantry combat or warping fix ... it has everything to do with Performance or lack thereof ... me thinks you need to READ the thread first

    swet180 strikes again ...