Resource Cost(Feedback)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TRNCVS, Jun 21, 2013.


    I think overall the cost increase is making resources more meaningful. The problem I think though, is that there are too many items in the infantry resource to manage.

    In the vehicle resource, there is not much to spend on, just the vehicle. When you are able to last in a vehicle, you do not need to use any other resource to be effective. You actually gain resources both in vehicle and in infantry. But when you are out of vehicle resources, or trying to be effective as infantry, you use up resources at a quicker rate because you have multiple items that are almost required to do your role or destroy vehicles. This becomes especially more difficult when juggling the cost of a max. Because of these reasons, the new resource cost is excessively punishing the team that is not doing well. It is and should reward good game play, but it's punishing less effective gameplay too much. Again it isn't because the cost of a max or a vehicle is expensive, it is because the infantry resource has a bloated item pool with too many items that are almost required and on top of this there is the high expense of the max that also cuts into the pool.

    Lastly, when you are accidentally team killed, or if the client crashes right after pulling a max or vehicle, the resources are wasted due to an uncontrollable factor. It is more of a hit as a max because this is a lot of resources that could have went to something else. It's an issue that needs to be looked into.

    Maybe maxes should be in a different resource or something... just a thought. I am unsure if lowering the cost of infantry items or max would fix the problem. I like the feeling of maxes and vehicles being a huge investment.
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  2. Arcfade

    I have very mixed feelings about the resourc chamges. The vehicle changes seem reasonably well grounded, because lasting long enough in a tank or so nullifies the cost eventually. MAXes being 350 I don't like, because they're so borderline useless lately.
  3. holycaveman

    Then why was everyone pulling them constantly. It was planetmax for too long.
  4. WaiZen

    Resources should vary depending on your loadout. That's pretty much my only complain about resources.
  5. LowTechKiller

    Not a fan so far. I've put a lot of certs and new weapons into my MAX, but since the GU I haven't been able to afford him.

    350 infantry resources seems a bit much for a "vehicle" that you can't travel in, and that doesn't really last that long in a fight. I mostly use my MAX in defensive rolls, but when our faction is pushed back into a defensive posture, we generally aren't gaining resources fast enough to afford them.
  6. BalogDerStout

    Hrmmm, MAX pulling from the Mech resource pool? I could get behind that.
  7. Zazen

    I personally like most of the changes. I most especially like the resource cost change and I'll tell you why.

    During prime-time or weekends there are simply more vehicles than foot soldiers. I can't count the # of times a group has rolled up to a base, but only like 3 or 4 actual troops were trying to capture it, because everyone else was chilling out in their vehicles waiting for the cap points. It really ruins the immersion of the big, glorious battles PS2 is famous for when there's far more vehicles than men on the ground.

    This game really shines when vehicles are used in support of a troop based assault. Because vehicles were so cheap they were used as throwaways. No one stayed with their sunderer because 15 other guys could just pull one of it went down. Having infantry fight in support of their armor adds a whole other strata of tactical depth. Losing a MBT should hurt the push, not be a tiny imposition to it. Mutual support between armor and infantry should be the deciding factor in battles. In order for that to occur, vehicles have to be a finite quantity, not easily and quickly replaceable within the timeframe of the average large-scale engagement.
  8. DogPack

  9. Jkar

    The resource cost hit on MAX suits have made them very unappealing to play. I usually used my MAX to try and advance a battle, now I constantly hit TAB to see if I made my resources back yet before doing anything reckless and it's boring as hell.

    The MAX just isn't worth those 350 resources because it lacks all the versatility of infantry and vehicles. The MAX can't travel effectively, has nearly no utility compared to other infantry classes, dies very fast compared to anything else of this price range and you usually run with weapons that are only effective against one type of target. On top of that it will drain you of resources you absolutely need to play the rest of the game, which is regular infantry.

    To lessen that blow I propose a sort of trade in system, when you select another class at an infantry terminal while in your MAX suit you should get back about 50% of the resources spent. This will somewhat lessen the blow when a terminal decides to present you with another class in a frantic situation and you end up as light assault when you just wanted to resupply ammo. It will also allow you to get out of your suit early when you're getting bored, need to travel / redeploy or have dealt with the threat at hand and want to do something else.

    You also should not lose your MAX suit when your game crashes and you don't get killed in the meantime. You should still have it when you log back in, want to travel between continents or redeploy.
  10. Nate

    Pre-GU11, more vehicles than men at a base cap? I've experienced that many times. Never ruined the immersion for me.

    Then you talk about armor and infantry combined arms. You aren't going to be seeing tanks. Big battles you can lose them quick. Then a medium to very long wait depending on how much of the map your faction controls.

    Sometimes you'll have to switch continents to be able to accumulate vehicle resources at any speed.
  11. KlyptoK

    I like that idea. but then it would truly be a pay to win balance.
  12. Tamonize

    350 for max is bad since it can be countered by a 100 C4 especially if you are outnumbered and attacking a base. Now the game becomes a waiting game for a lot of us who spent certs/sc on maxes (like me and I started recently).

    I think 200-250 is more appropriate for us MAX players and in balancing the infantry flow.
  13. Tamonize

    and this setup actually makes the game pay to win because people who subscribe have more resource gain.
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  14. theholeyone

    My main problem with infantry resources is still managing the overflow. I don't want to hit the resource cap and waste overflow instead of buying consumables. With Maxes being 350 it's annoying to manage, to I effectively have a lower cap of 350 so only buy 4 bricks of C4 at a time? Or buy what I cant and hope I don't need to get a max.

    One of the biggest QoL things I want, is an autobuy on inf resource overflow. Just buy me some consumables without me needing to keep checking my totals etc, rewarding players for checking/buying consumables every time we spawn doesn't seem like a good gameplay mechanic, but that is what it has come down to.
  15. TheJosephChrist

    Personally I feel that the resource raise was warranted to make vehicles much more precious. Believe me, this will spawn better players who are more afraid to lose the tank they just spent 400 resources on. This also means you can count on tanks trying to take out targets at range -as they should be- rather than rushing into an enemy infantry controlled courtyard.

    On the other hand, now that they cost so much, I would like to see a slight buff to vehicle and Max armor to increase survivability a small degree. Nothing drastic, but just something to make them a little more versatile in a raging battle.
  16. Revel

    Reduce MBT to 375
    Reduce MAX to 200
    Raise ESF to 300

    Allow people to trade 1 type of resource for another at a 2:1 exchange.
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  17. KlyptoK

    I don't know if you've been paying attention but this patch did absolutely nothing to nerf vehicle spam. I'm at a base right now and there's tons of vehicles, way more than infantry.

    There's still tanks and vehicles all over the place. People who don't drive vehicles regularly still pull them as a cheap power up while those who have actually invested a lot in driving now have to wait around before they can pull one. When a base flips we still see everyone getting in their own vehicle and driving out mass vehicle zerg.

    All it did was nerf dedicated drivers and ensure pay to win for dedicated drivers. Nothing more.

    I swear they are trying to kill this game.
  18. PLooschacK

    Personally I wouldn't mind getting rid of one of resource pools, making only two - Vehicle (including MAX) and Consumables. Forcing players even further into wise usage of their vehicles, making them to decide wheter they want to be dedicated pilots or tank drivers. It wouldn't be a bad idea to turn Acqusition Timer cert line into vehicle's passive price discount - like 1,5% per rank. This would also add some meaning into holding the continents, as their bonus would be stackable with Discount cert line as the overall discount would be significant. Od coruse, as this is complex game and such changes would force devs into further revamps - like adding continent locks for night hours to prevent nightcaps etc.

    Keeping three separate pools with one significantly different from the other two is... somehow wrong. Three different pools would be reasonable if there were Vehicle Consumables - for example flares, fuel for turbo, Vangaurd Shield Batteries or IR Smoke Charges. Instead of "long" cooldowns, players should have limited number they can carry at one time. Cert lines would increase that limit. But just as with limiting resource pools to two, adding Vehicle Consumables would force devs to implement further changes - from the way utilities works to long waited Vehicle Ream Stations.
  19. theholeyone

    Seems like less vehicle spam on Briggs anyway. I'm sure the devs will be looking at how the figures are going as they said they would. also seems like the resources system has actually become of some tactical relevance now. Imo they made progress on both their goals with it, only time will tell how effective that progress is, and what tuneups need to be made.
  20. Revel

    That's a nice idea.