Why the Burster Nerf was unwarranted.

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Dreez, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. HolyPaladin

    AA max tears. You know what? It tastes fu..k..ing good
  2. MykeMichail

    You only need to burst fire them at very long ranges. I had completely forgotten the nerfed the bursters at first and was dropping ESF's like I normally would. It was only when I tried to engage an ESF long range (he was probably over 400 M away) that I remembered they nerfed them.
  3. Shiaari

    Bursters are just fine. SoE's original statement about ground based AA was that of deterrence, not outright kill farming. That's why they later started giving you a little XP for inflicting AA damage. I am quite appreciative of this.

    Here's the kicker on burster accuracy: If you're firing on an aircraft coming your way that aircraft is flying INTO your cone of fire. They are closing the cone even as it widens. If they maintain that course they're going to feel the pain, especially if you have another burster MAX with you.

    Let's not balance the game around solo play, because then squad and platoon play becomes a royal pain in the ***.
  4. Keiichi25

    You do realize, a mile is 2.2 kilometers... Which is 2200 Meters. Nothing renders a mile out, let alone 'miles'.
  5. DashRendar

    omg it's called hyperbole. l2joak
  6. Dreez

    Yes.. now when Bursters are useless again. Vanu and Terran can resume their Air-superiority with
    the OP fighters compared to the constantly broken Reaver, now that NC doesn't have much AA anymore.

    /GG on the balance.
  7. Keiichi25

    Bad joke is still BAD
  8. McToast


    Bursters are not useless. They protect you and the guys around you from rocketpod ESFs and liberators that fly low enough to render infantry. But you can't use them anymore to defend a base from another base 3 hexes away. You know what: It was never intended that 2-3 MAXes should be able to create a no-fly zone. G2A should only be a deterrent, killing only those aircraft who get too greedy with infantry farming. If you want to reliably kill an aircraft - get into an aircraft yourself. Or get 2-3 friends, because you're only supposed to be the softcounter. Or try out a skyguard. I play infantry a lot, but I simply can't stand nerf-crying infantry-only players.

    the Toast
  9. Emotitron

    A2AM lock-on spam has returned so the burster problem has just been replaced with another form of spam. Even tank rounds now are becoming a menace.

    Bursters had to see this coming though? The ability to poke at aircraft half a mile away while playing as a 1 pixel dot that could duck into spawn rooms and be repaired/rezzed by non-rendering infantry... there are people who seriously didn't think that was broken?
  10. Dreez

    Then according to you, a 1000Cert Upgraded AA-Platform should only be able to kill a Reaver/Mosq/Scythe if :
    A) The said pilots are idiots and flying INTO the fire.
    B) You constantly team up with another Dual-Burster AA 1000Cert upgraded MAX...

    If you fail any of these requirements, by your logic, a AA-MAX shouldn't be able to kill anything. So then why
    bother upgrading MAX to Dual-burster or actually playing MAX at all since they aren't "meant to kill anything"..

    Your logic fails.
  11. Dreez

    I headshot pixels every day with my Sniper.... so you wanna nerf snipers too ?.
  12. Shiaari

    My logic doesn't fail, but you're beginning to get it. Your job as a walking flak cannon is to be a deterrent, not an impenetrable anti-aircraft shield. The game is about team play, yes. I think there's hope for you yet.
  13. Emotitron

    Oh? When you headshot those pixels do you have to do it 20 times in a row while taking fire from them (which fills your screen with renderings of explosions that will kill you in under 6 seconds) all while they are ducking in and out of a spawn room to get repaired back to full health?

    The max isn't meant to solo end air, it is designed to support infantry and punish air for ignoring it and going after infantry. If there is a max pounding on me I am not going to be hovering to farm infantry. If you are the only thing shooting at me and I am the only thing shooting at you we are unlikely to kill one another. I am going to fly off and repair, and you are going to get repaired by nearby engineers (or with nanite-auto). The only way I am going to kill you is if you insist on standing out in the open and let me, just as the only way you are going to kill me is if I hover around too close for too long.

    I have no idea where this "I spenz 1000 certs, I should getz to kill you" idea came from.

    The COF increase was added because all of these AA Maxes that have started to overrun the game weren't just defending their nearby buddies on the ground, they were regularly poking aircraft nowhere near their ground fight - usually while in dogfights. You have no business shooting 'flak' (I use that term loosely when really they are homing bullets) into dogfights half a mile away . Your ability to deter aircraft that are up in your grill hasn't changed.
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  14. DirArtillerySupport

    It will get better...SOE is just fishtailing right now all over the place. Once the air zerg has returned they will have to do something about it otherwise they will lose customers to rage quitting.

    It was kind of silly for a time right after they introduced lockdown. It was very possible to completely clear the sky around my maxed out locked down dual bursters. They didn't even see me...I was shooting at tiny clusters of pixels and I could barely ascertain their orientation. I had FUN....they probably didn't.

    This new change in max cost and wildly inaccurate fire has made the lockdown very very situational...almost useless. I'm sad but you have to adapt...adapt or go find something else to play until they fix it. In the end they will never make everyone happy because their game engine was never designed for Planetside..Planetside was designed around their game engine. On top of that it is a console game engine and there is no way in hell you can render everything all the time on those silly little boxes.
  15. ProDogFighter

    Dreez, The bottom line is, devs change things in the game because they have a specific role in mind for them. By nerfing the burster to a "Close range AA" role, and buffing the skyguard to the "Long range AA" role, they have clearly defined what they want these play-styles to do. Trying to use them for their unintended purpose will have poor results.

    Simple as that.
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  16. Terrahero

    But if Burster MAXs are suppose to just be a deterent and nothing more, why do they now cost considerably more resources then an ESF? They are one of the most expensive things to pull, short of a MBT. Not to mention the 1000cert investment needed to get the dualbursters.
    All that, plus giving up combat effectiveness, virtually al of it, against non-Air targets. All to just harrass and make sure they dont stick around and do a 2nd rocketpod before they aerial-acrobatics the hell out of trouble?

    Is is reasonable to state that a unit that is only effective against air should grossly outnumber an ESF in order to actually kill it and not just shoo it away? Especially when even a single of these units costs more then a single ESF they have to outnumber?

    I have no problem taking a backseat to a Skyguard and be more of a harrass and annoy AA'er. But this does not vibe well with the dramatic increase in cost, aswell as initial investment cost needed and loss of basic infantry functionality.
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  17. Dreez

    What good does it do if an AA-MAX can't kill an enemy fighter before he has ran over a whole group
    of infantry and killed several, and then escaping while your 2 Bursters hardly does any damage to them,
    and even less as the distance increases.

    If they want to kill the EFFECTIVE range of Bursters, then increase our damage if the pilots are too
    stupid to get close. Otherwise its no point with bursters if the enemy can just run carpetbombings
    on the infantry and fly away.
  18. Shiaari

    Believe it or not the answer to your question is in fact: Get another burster MAX.

    cryhard pilots got what they wanted yet again. bursters were a glorified deterrent to begin with, now they're straight up useless. if you got killed by bursters before, you deserved it. if you get killed by bursters now, it was sheer dumb luck because they are total crap.

    if this topic has any point, attention all MAX users: do not buy burster extended magazines. firing for any length of time gives you such absurd cone of fire that you will not be able to hit the broad side of a barn so more magazine capacity is useless. do not waste your 500 certs/each.
  20. Emotitron

    I'm just going to /facepalm now and walk away from this conversation.
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