All the hours going towards MLG are useless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AbkaFlab, Jun 21, 2013.

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  1. AbkaFlab

    No competitive player is going to play this when they can barely get over 40 frames with even the most advanced computers. Your pushing for a lost cause SOE, this is why the game is failing. If you really wanted to do MLG that bad atleast optimize the game first so the "MLG pro uber 1337" players will get their 120 fps. Because what game has MLG that cant run over 120fps? Planetside 2 is going to be the first and thats not a good thing to be first at. Simple order of operations here, yet SOE drops the ball again.
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  2. Loegi

    Maybe they'll fix that by limiting MLG matches to a level that allows high fps for everyone. They're at least limiting it to 48v48 I think, which should improve it a slight bit compared to larger battles.
  3. Goden

    I find it hilarious that anybody can take this game seriously on a competitive level when it runs this poorly and is full of this many bugs. Traditionally, competitive games are rock solid and are capable of being ran at 120fps even if it means lowering the quality. PS2 is neither of these things. Even with a computer which PS2 is actually optimized for this game still doesn't run at the framerates that a comp player needs.
  4. Cab00se187

    I get 50 fps when there is hundreds of players in a zone. 100+ fps when it's a small battle, such as 48x48
  5. AbkaFlab

    Exactly, MLG should be the last thing on their mind since this game will be the laughing stock of all the competitive players.
  6. XRIST0

    I get pretty decent frame rate , 50-60 .. never below 50 , but i would like to run shadows and inifinite render distance with no slow downs :(

    Shadows and render distance are the major cause of low fps .
  7. Goden

    1) Settings do not affect performance in this game as it is CPU-bound and poorly optimized. People need to stop saying that this is a fix because it is not. Worse settings can actually reduce performance depending on your gear.

    2) While 50-60 is good, it is only HALF of what comp players need to play the game seriously.
  8. LT_Latency

    The only thing that matters is do people like doing it.

    Nothing else matters because everyone is under the same condition
  9. XRIST0

    When i disable shadows and reduce my render distance to 1000 , i literally get double the frame rate .

    I never get under 50 frames , not even in massive zergs .. im at 60 majority of the time , with vsync .

    IF i had shadows enabled and my render distance at default 4000 , i drop to 30 .. its definalty not worth enabling shadows or having stupid render distance where players wont even render in , its just useless .. 1000 is plenty
  10. DirtyKahn

    Higher fps is better as a general rule. What has been left out of this thread is that stable fps is more important than high fps. I'd rater run a stable limited 60fps rather than my current that varies between 40fps to 120fps.
  11. DG-MOD-02

    I am going to close this thread now. Please keep posts constructive on these forums.
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