The future of Planetside

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aztecoatl, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Aztecoatl

    Love him or hate him, TR or not , everything he said is true.. The game is dying so fast just because SoE can't say no to all the whine posts and create the experience that everyone had in PS1.. I stopped playing months ago but I saw this today and decided to share it :)

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  2. NinjaTurtle

    ^100% true

    This update was mostly ****.

    SOE are making this game P2W every update they get closer, this time they increase resource cost. That isn't to make the game more tactical or whatever they choose to give as the reason.

    It's because they hope players will buy membership and/or boosts to increase their resource gain in order to keep up with those already receiving the boost.

    One example, SOE are going down the wrong road here, they need to turn back before they **** it up for good
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  3. Bape

    Hate him or not everything he said is ****** true and the devs better take a look at this ****.
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  4. Aztecoatl

    In my opinion its too late for SoE to bring back the players who already left, but they sure can at least try to hold the ones still hoping from time to time, just to have their hopes crushed and replaced with useless camos and helmets. You are neither Team Fortress 2 neither you will ever be. At least focus on the gameplay as it is now SoE . Please !
  5. BoomBoom4You

    Guys, Sony is a for-profit company. Of course they are structuring the game to incent people to buy memberships, etc. Live with it, the game is still enjoyable without putting in a dime.

    The new patch does suck though, they really screwed up the jackhammer.
  6. Wezdor

    Amen to that. I mostly got the negative impression about him from other people before, but this makes it easy to see why he has such a massive following. The man knows what he's saying.
  7. IamDH

    This is so true
  8. FigM

    I disagree with his opinion on resources. Resources can be really good for this game. I don't think SOE has best approach to resources right now, but to say that resources are pointless is just stupid. Without any resource system this game would be even more shallow than it already is.

    Also regarding MAX abilities. It would be perfectly fine to have very powerful MAX if killing MAX actually meant something. Now that MAX can be revived by medics, it makes powerful MAX extremely overpowered. It doesn't matter if I manage to kill enemy MAX while outnumbered, cause it just gets revived seconds later. Revives benefit the side that has more people because they can control fighting area, which isn't good.
  9. Pat Cleburne

    He is right on in his complaints. I too have been mulling quitting for about a month now, and the only reason I have stayed (especially on Mattherson) is because my outfit doesn't want me to leave.

    I love the part about the ZOE maxes btw, he is spot on regarding those OP sum*****es.
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  10. ZephyrBurst

    Oh wow, this sucks. Definitely hope you guys come back in the future after some changes.

    Gonna miss having TE around. That and it's going to kill the TR population even more on Mattherson.
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    "I have decided to take TE out of planetside 2"

    I will never understand this.....If my outfit leader decided to leave PS2, because he was no longer happy, I would say my good byes, tell him it was great playing with him, and continue playing within the outfit. Even if a sizable chunk of the outfit left. How can one guy, tell a host of people what they are, or are not going to play, and what banner they are going to play under. It just makes no sense to me.

    Im sorry, but im going to have to disagree with everyone. I agree with the premise buzz talks about, but its NOTHING more than generic whining IMO. There is no real substance behind his comments, its just a broadcast complaint, much of which is unfounded in my opinion. Buzz may be a smart guy, but he and I have a different idea of how balance should be apparently. HE complains about non issues (like ZOE), and fails to communicate his disgust in any sort of detail, or offer up much of anything in the form of suggestions.

    Again, the premise that SOE is taking this game in a wrong direction is agreeable. Pretty much all of the reasons given, in this video, are just whining, and are non-issues. Simply things to be worked on. Realistically, the only real response should be " i do, or do not believe that SOE is going to improve this game, or is listening to the right group of players". thats it.
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  12. IamDH

    Do you really beleive ZOE was a non issue? On what world does a MAX unit enter a room and clear it
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  13. Macchus

    Have always thought it was a very bad decision to market as a f2p game when planetsdie 2 runs as bad as it does .. how many people install the game and then quit, because they cant have a consistenly playable experience ? im betting quite a few . they should just rerelease when they realease ps4 , and at the very least we might get a playable experience ..

    I kill ZOE maxes all the time. I fear them no more than any other max. I do NOT believe them to be an issue. A bit strong sure, but not a issue. No more than any other max (maybe aside from the obvious AA/AV buff it gives them). Im not saying it couldnt be an issue, but in my experience, they are very easy to kill, so long as you dont face them head on. THe biggest problem with them, is the sheer numbers of them when they get pulled. In my experience, its the quantity that aggravates me, not the quality.
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  15. IamDH

    That is kind of where a MAX is supposed to be used. Quantity was indeed a huge issue but BCP was correct. ZOE should have never made it to PS2
  16. Joram

    In our world for 5 months with the old hacksaw max? instantkilling infantry and other max? do you really dont remember it?
  17. TekTR

    He doesn't tell anyone what they can or cannot do. There just isn't any TE without Buzz. He's the only leader, and it's been that way since he started TE back in 1998. People can continue to play PS2 obviously, and a lot probably will. Just not as TE.
  18. NietCheese

    Yeap he is 100% correct. Especially on the performance issue, it's still just horrible.

    Balance issues are also worse than ever, increasing vehicle costs while retaining all of the anti-vehicle options IS a move towards pay to win.
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  19. IamDH

    I wasnt there but relating to a previous issue is not a valid argument at all. Hacksaws were fixed werent they? Does that mean ZOE shouldnt be fixed?
  20. TommyXXL

    buzzcutpsycho : the game becomes pay to win, says the one that desperately paid to be in the top leaderboard ! guess some people don't like competition...
    if the game was like this from the start, balanced, people would have not left, they should have ignored the so called planetside veterans and apply their own vision to the game, don't even know why the game was called planetside 2 only to give a reson to the ones that played planetside 1 to think this is their game. if the game was named another way it would have had more success.
    in the end i'm pretty sure this is just ********, he probably will take a spring vacation that has nothing to do with the game and will return in autumn.
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