I'm Probably never going to pull a Max again

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Nintyuk, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Nintyuk

    As I'm a career engineer player I'm someone who is running quite often on the line for Infantry resources with never any explosives in reserve. Because of this I've never justified pulling a max suit or spending any certs on the 'class' as up until VERY recently it was inhibitingly expensive to equip the max effectively as having matching weapons is a must. Now with the recent changes the NC max for me is:
    1. Too expensive- It feels like I'm wasting my resources to be a class that has no independence and very little flexibility
    2. A huge target at more than 5m- I hate being a slow almost immobile class forced to use weapons that require very specific positioning to be effective
    3. Unrewarding unless I dedicate my self to it- Even If I started to spend all my certs on the max going forward I wouldn't really be that effective for at least a month as it would take me several thousand certs to be some what competitive
    Damage nerf to it's only AI option and a huge increase to it's cost and a nerf to It's only dedicated speciality role AA,
    Mean that I'm Probably never going to don a Max suit again.
  2. Purg

    The resource system is working already - and it's not even out yet!
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  3. DEye

    Yeah, NC and Vanu are especially **** on. Apart from burster maxes they will be a waste for the majority, especially solo players.
  4. Azsune

    Considering pre-abilties the numbers that SoE released put TR max in 3rd(I thought TR was second) and NC in first for average score per hour. Then after patch VS in first with NC 2nd. I think the majority of players that used maxes, will still use maxes. They still play an important role. That role may be to soak bullets or to clear rooms.

    The problem with max AA is how easy it is to pull a max with bursters and how hard it is to see them(mainly because of rendering). Skyguards on the other hand are harder to pull, can not be revived and are easy to spot since they render and are a lot bigger of a target. I was never really for burster maxes being a strong AA I always thought Skygaurds should of been.
  5. Nintyuk

    I agree, But I never had enough inclination to buy the second Burster arm as it costs 1000 certs witch is a massive amount for a non boosted player. I just hope the new AA balance pans out as mass air is hard enough to deal with as is and it's not becoming any harder to do as their resource cost is barely affected.
  6. Stormlight666

    Just means i'm going to have to survive longer in my Siege Max - which sucks because now ESF's are going to have an easier time rocketpodding me.
  7. Compass

    They're increasing ESF cost too, which means people in ESFs are less likely to you know... be risky with them.
  8. Jkar

    ESF cost now: 200, ESF cost after the patch: 250. That's 5 minute difference with an average resource income of 50ish, not really a big hit and I don't think it'll change the amount of ESF pulled.
  9. Stormlight666

    True but they'll whine loud and long and make the devs un-nerf the cost increase.
  10. Fumblewatt

    Max costing more resources than a ESF is beyond silly, especially after burster/zoe nerfs aswell.
    Cant travel as a max either, unless you got a dedicated ground team(max travel mode..)
  11. willowstyle

    joke right, why make multi specialist class all linked and limited by the same ressource.

    again ps1 system was better:
    no ressource just a timer, lv limited forcing to choose between 2-3 class and vehicules cause of limited cert, recert was possible every 24 hours for free.
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  12. Terrahero

    SOE has little restraint when it comes to balancing, which strikes me as very weird in a game with such a tight balanceby simply triple-nerfing all MAXs.
    All MAXs got a huge increase in cost, and costs more resources then an ESF for example.
    All MAXs got a pretty big nerf to the Burster.
    TR got Lock-down nerfed, VS got ZOE nerfed and NC got their shotguns nerfed.

    So now a MAX costs 350 resources, has a 1000certs minimum investment, drops all effectiveness against armor and infantry. So he can anoy ESF's that cost 250, without any real chance of killing one. The same ESFs that can effectively attack everything. All the while the MAX can still simply get run over and instantly killed, C4'd, cannot cap or defend points, cannot redeploy or droppod. And has to rely on other players to repair and supply him.
    Unlike the ESF which can be piloted by an Engineer, landed out of harms way and repaired by the same person who pilots it.

    Something just seems really out of balance here.
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  13. capoach

    350 is insane it should be 200 at most
  14. Kon

    they want you to only pull maxes for biolab fights
  15. Azsune

    I'm actually happy about the change. For the people complaining about moving your max around... Join an outfit and if you are already in an outfit, join one that works together.
  16. Anonynonymous

    NC MAXs are just too much risk per little rewards now. The fact is your 350 resource MAX can easily be taken out by a single 100 resource C4 means MAXs would have to play more carefully and away from harm. Something TR and VS MAX can do and still throw out good damage at medium range, with NC MAXs, you're pretty much forced into the front if you want to be in anyway effective. And good luck seeing anybody uses Aegies (aka, C4 magnet) ever again, charge is now 100% a safer bet. Nevermind the fact NC MAXs have just taken a hit in it's CQC capability, too.
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  17. AdamGrantBell

    3.5 C4 > pulling a MAX. You're going to see far fewer people pulling a MAX to counter incoming aircraft, making this an indirect buff to skygods.
  18. Adept

    It's already happening. Fortunately the number of inexperienced pilots have also increased, so you can get some points. Mostly.
    However I've seen some ESF ace teams exhausting the resources of opponent to a degree of falling back to heavy rocketspamming - arguably the least effective.
    Well I don't mind it. We can just overcompensate and pull even more AA then ever - I've been in a squad today with over 50% dedicated AA. Lot's of XP.