People used the NV scope for a reason and will keep using after the nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DjUnicorn, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. DjUnicorn

    This is why the NV scope will continue to be a far better option compared to almost all other alternatives, even the 2x scopes.


    Do you see that? That is precision, 1 entire pixel of precision that will still make this scope superior. Wanna know what makes people choose this one over all the other options?

    Because this


    Feels like this


    This (that's right, at the left of the crosshair below that red arrow there is a TR dummie that is even closer than the VS on target but you cannot see him at all)


    Feels like this




    Feels like this


    And that's only the TR weapons... There's one NC weapon that I remember because it was so horrible and that's the EM1 and EM6 ironsights... What the hell are those? Are those crosshairs made out of 2 copper tubes aligned? Are you seriously paying attention to the results of your art work before releasing?

    Do you want to make the NV scope a common option like all the other scopes? It's simple, make the other scopes better, don't make the NV worse. Don't be that lazy.

    Give us the 6px reflex sight dots like we always wanted, fix those horrible ironsights and people will start using them more.
    I know I will, I can't wait to put the NV scope aside for good.

    Un-Clegg the sights and the problem will be solved.
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  2. CrimsonDaemon

    Finally. Someone else says make the other sights better, not nerf one of the better ones.
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  3. Eyeklops

    While I agree the current non-IRNV sights could be made better, I don't think they will replace the current IRNV as the "goto" sight. The current IRNV makes target acquisition far too easy in all but a few rare circumstances. The IRNV needs a change, but I am not sure what they are changing is right.
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    True dat. Precision is prolly the primary reason why so many people use the IRNV scope. I approve that the other scopes should be improved in terms of accuracy. Though you gotta admit, the IRNV is more than just the most accurate sight in the game. It's an universal solution to multiple problems. Helps with bad framerates, eliminates fog, bloom and muzzle flash, highlights enemies and mines under all circumstances, barring the range limitation ofc. And there's no sway whatsoever while strafing/ jumping. Besides the limited fov and range, and perhaps the fact that it covers a slightly bigger part of your screen than say a RDS in non-ADS position, there's really no reason not to use it. Some slight adjustments certainly wouldn't hurt. The way it is planned to tweak it is just silly though.
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  5. Sabreur

    The main reason I use it? The nice, precise crosshair. All the other sights have a boatload of visual clutter that interferes with aiming. Give me a simple, low zoom, 1-pixel red dot sight (instead of the big red blob we have now) and I'll switch to that in a heartbeat.
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  6. Gheeta

    I would be happy with same kind of scope as irnv but without the irnv effect. I really hope they can add this.
  7. DjUnicorn

    So something like this would fix the majority of what you described? As an reflex sight upgrade that could be turned on and off by pressing X (like flashlights or laser sight).
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  8. IamDH

    wth i definately need to buy IRNV
    I use the 1x scope and never tried IRNV in battle
  9. Lucidius134

    I have no peripheral vision so your iron sight examples didn't even look any different than the defaults do. Took me a while to nice.

    My issue with the reflexes is that they blend in with textures and dn't have any contrasty bits to the crosshair. The orin sights are a lil congested but those are irons for you. I know people who swear by them in all games. He does some absurd iron sniping.

    The sights on the T1B are my favorite irons in the game currently and the only reason i fully certed the gun.
  10. CrimsonDaemon


  12. IamDH

    Screw what i said ur ideas alot better
  13. DjUnicorn

  14. Eyeklops

    They should do this, or remove IRNV as a sight and replace it as an implant. Also, the IRNV effect should be adjusted to players don't "pop" with respect to the background, that's the most OP part of it.
  15. Larolyn

    I love my 1x reflex sight. I hate the enormous bloody dot. It is horrendously monumentous in size and scale and prevents accuracy. I tried IR/NV but hated the limited ranged and my field of view being isolated thanks to seeing only a scope. I want my reflex sight to have a tiny dot. Tiny, tiny pixel wide dot.

    SOE tend to bring a rubber mallet instead of a scalpel into surgery and then wonder why the results are not accurate.
  16. Loegi

    While this looks nice, it would never work. Since the game needs to draw the world separately for the NV screen, it would need to draw it twice, doubling the performance hit roughly. That's why the NV scope is a closed scope.

    Some sort of goggles or implant that allow you to toggle the whole screen NV would work though.

    And I would like a slightly smaller dot, or even better let use draw it ourselves or something.
  17. Goretzu

    You speak the truth. :)
  18. starlinvf

    what about old school dark light with a contrast enhancement on the scope area? Would that be easier to render?
  19. Loegi

    Any kind of filter would basically mean having to render everything twice (the filtered part and the not filtered part). Either you filter everything, or nothing, like how the current NV scope works.
  20. DjUnicorn

    I have been thinking about that and I remembered the ESP or Model hacks technology which drives on practically no significant impact on the game performance and it can be adjusted to a custom FOV or even a shaped area by making use of the wallhack mechanism that allows the user to either see the models behind behind texture or not.

    Literally making my concepts reality by means of hacks.

    In short, the hack's programming could create something unique in games. Although it sounds too radical it would be an amazing achievement.