Hacksaws, gltiched or just suck?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by TorigomaSET, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. TorigomaSET

    People keep telling me that the Hacksaws are amazing to the point of being OP, but I've found something that annoys the heck of of me, to the point where I take my Ravens into most Biolabs rather than my Hacksaws. They have a MINIMAL range, as in if the targets gets within 4-5 feet, you can't hit them at all. I can't tell you how many times I've had people see me with Hacksaws, and instead of running, charge at me knowing I can't hit them.
    What the heck SOE? I thought these where suppose to be shotguns, they are suppose to excel at Close range, not Mid.
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  2. Ripshaft

    They dont have a minimum range. It would help if you provided a video of this happening.
  3. TribbleFluffer

    yeah e.e the bullets seem to "materialize" several feet from the shooter...like theres a cloud of nannies constructing and kicking them out...annoying as hell, its why i dont play max at all cept for Anti air support.
  4. TribbleFluffer

    they do...been like that since beta, annoying as f--k
  5. Ripshaft

    People have been complaining about the "max deadzone" since early beta, and it hasnt existed since early beta (ie never). It gained popularity when the nohit bug was common, people didn't realize that their bullets wouldnt hit at any range, they just happened to be close. Elaborate theories about how the arms are out in front of the max so an infantry could just sit inbetween and be unharmed and other such nonsense developed, but there was never any truth to it. Maxes have a point of fire no further out than any infantry, they use the exact same weapon mechanics.

    There is no dead zone, there never was.
  6. bestan

    It's because your shot become focalised at a certain distance (let say 20m), so shot below 5m pass around your target. We have the same problem with TR chainguns and Fractures. And it's permanent on the pounders (that's why they're so terrible)
  7. TribbleFluffer

    ok...so what explains what im seeing when im in the training area and watching a hacksaw max pounding the targets...his or her bullet trails seem to appear several feet from them...thats basicly what enforced the deadzone theory cuz ive had instances where i couldn'thit anything at close range too.
  8. Purg

    Perhaps a minimum effective range. The pellet spread is large enough that it's entirely possible for the pellets to splay either side of the target you're aiming directly at. I've missed targets completely at 20m despite the pipper being directly on them.

    There are also instances where you hit targets that are close but it does no damage - I believe this to be a bug. I've moved away from the target so they're 10-15m away and still unable to damage the target.
  9. Yousho

    It's a weapon that the NC can use, even worse it's a weapon that the NC Max can use, therefor we can safely assume that it just sucks.
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  10. TorigomaSET

    Yes, that was bad wording on my part, I should have said minimum EFFECTIVE range, thanks.

    This makes sense for something like the Chain-gun (or at least more sense), as it's a mid range weapon, but why a Shotgun? Shotguns are meant to be used up close on people, so why the heck can't we?
  11. TorigomaSET

  12. Chewy102

    You want before or after the first nerf? I got both and plane of making another for the BS GU11 is bringing.



    Take note these are pure VR tests with standing targets. Add in movement and things get worse.
  13. Ripshaft

    You appear to be on an entirely different topic, however you have illustrated my point without realizing it. Observe the OP's post, paraphrased:

    He is talking about a minimum range, I say this does not exist, and now you show videos showing that it very clearly does not exist. So... thanks? But you appear to be under the impression that the OP is talking about maximum effective range, which might be something the OP has interest in, but isn't what the post is about =p

    Good job with the videos btw, well put together, simple and to the point.
  14. Chewy102

    Yeah his wording isn't the best. Maybe English isn't a first language for him, or some mental thing. I have a mental thing so I have no right to complain.

    What I take from this is that shotguns are random as hell past a certain range and a random weapon with limited ammo isn't good. Thing is NC MAXes only have shotguns for AI and thus are a in a way a random class. You will either be a god or fail to kill a single person and I hate that. With GU11 nerfing all shotguns more so NC MAXes will become even more random for infantry and worse for anti MAX roles.

    Why there isn't a NS HMG and NS shotgun for MAXes yet is a mind**** for me. It isn't fair to have 1 faction be limited to shotguns and only shotguns. Either way you see SGs, calling OP or UP both sides can agree that limiting just one side to them while the other 2 share the same weapon type isn't a fair fight.
  15. Xasapis

    All max weapons have this issue and it seems to appear when the server is struggling. Usually moving backwards a bit or punching the suckers coming for a hug solves the issue. I don't think it has to do with convergence, but more with break of hit box detection in heavy server load conditions. For the same reason faster rate of fire weapons have less issues with hit box detection, faster firing max weapons have less issues as well.
    I would have liked shotguns on my max myself, considering how viable shotguns in general are in PS2. Still, giving insta-gib weapons to a max with zoe mobility is a bit too much, so I doubt it'll ever happen. Then again, flamethrowers are coming, so I have no idea how SOE will manage to balance the two.