MAX need Zoom,Infrared,Thermal,Flashlight

Discussion in 'MAX' started by PuruPuru-Chan, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. PuruPuru-Chan

    Toggle switch is L key.

    By the way, Is Flashlight required for this game?
  2. Eyeklops

    I am pretty sure the MAX not having those things is intentional. The devs like to call them "class drawbacks" or something...

    The flashlight can be better addressed by this name: "noob beacon" or "shoot-here light." At the moment they are pretty much worthless. I expect at some point in the future the devs will over-buff the flashlight, BF3 style, into essentially a directional, never ending, flash grenade. Players will be blinded, the forums will rage, and it will get pendulum nerfed into uselessness for the rest of the games life.
  3. curly

    Optics were suggested many times in the roadmap for the update. In fact any kind of attachment to give Us choice was suggested... and we got zero.
  4. Dalzaar¤

    Drop the flashlight and insert sunglasses,for those Esamir Burster sessions where the enemy flies in the direction of the sun.