[Miller (EU)] Introduction!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ALogitech, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. ALogitech

    Thank you for clicking on this thread. I just wanted to create a quick introduction for myself before I begin to play the game.

    I'm by no means new to the game, I just quit for a long while. I played the game a couple of months ago but I gave up because I didn't find it that much fun. Though recently, I've started playing again and I'm having a really good time.

    You'll see my playing online the server Miller (EU), fighting against the New Conglomerate and the Terran Republic, as I believe technology equals might. Yes, I'm with the Vanu Sovereignty. (Please no hate, I just prefer their gameplay). I've read that the Vanu Sovereignty are struggling a little with population, so I'd like to help out and enjoy the challenge.

    I'd perhaps like to join an organised outfit in the fight for enlightenment, so suggestions are all appreciated. Also, it'd be nice to catch up on what has been happening as I'm behind on the updates, so if you'd be willing to post your in game name for me to add you, that'd be great!

    *I've recognised a few introductions has been popping up for the server Miller (EU) recently, so I thought I'd may as well join in!*
  2. Timperium

  3. PS2Freak

    Welcome to miller. Nice you chosen Vanu - we need more of you!

    (Dwg are really good. Doing great job. if i see great vanu fight - you see dwg tags)
    • Up x 1
  4. Sharpe

    Welcome to the meatgrinder!
  5. Klondik3

    Great. Another ZOE MAX.
    • Up x 1
  6. ALogitech

    If you're referring to a MAX suit, I do not intend to use them. I'm more of an engineer guy who at times enjoys using the infiltrator class.

    Also, thank you all for the welcomes and the suggestion.
  7. Klondik3

    JK, welcome to Miller ;)
  8. ALogitech

    Thank you.
  9. 1Jammie1

    Welcome to the server. While i'd prefer you joined NC, the VS is fine.
  10. susspect3

    enough said !
  11. Cowabunga

    Welcome - Good to see more VS on the field. :) Though don't expect any mercy ingame - My T-16 Rhino hungers. :D
  12. ALogitech

    Even though it's not the best welcome I've had, it sure made me laugh a little.
  13. susspect3

    ha ha all in jest friend the t/r and n/c ones are just as gay if not gayer no offense intended to anyone by the way freedom to the people
    or death from the mighty Terran republic !
  14. Fumblewatt

    Yet another introduction thread for miller. :eek:
  15. kennonfodder

    Muahahah love those innocent and cordial welcome threads :D

    Welcome to Miller, VS needs you! Have fun
  16. Bolticus


    These threads rock.
    Welcome to Vanu, brother.