[Suggestion] Momentum Rounds: the true opposite to Soft Point Ammo

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheArchetype, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. TheArchetype

    Rounds that begin travelling at low velocity ( and low damage) however increase in damage over longer distances.

  2. Pikachu

    Gyrojet gun. Shoots rockets that accelerate.
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  3. TheArchetype

  4. capocapone

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  5. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Wouldn't this just be...HV Ammo? No it doesn't do more damage the longer it goes, but it reduces the damage drop off by increasing the velocity.

    The concept of "gets faster the more it travels" just makes zero sense...not even nanites can explain that bull ****.
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  6. AtroposZero

    Tiny anti-matter nanite thrusters on the back of each round.

  7. Blarg20011

    They're called gyrojet rounds, and they already exist, to all those that are doubting the possibility of this. It would be a kinda pointless attachment though considering the majority of combat takes place in CQ.
  8. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Well ok yes there is "gyrojets"...maybe future gyrojets are better, the "current" (I say current cuz they've not been used in like 40 years) aren't much use beyond the length of a small parking lot.
  9. TheArchetype

    Well the idea is simply the opposite of soft point and normal rounds. While those do next to no damage at long range, momentum rounds do next to no damage at close range.
    It's not such a foreign concept.
  10. Mustarkrakish

    Let me just say that every Vanu will have this and you can now feel a 5000 dmg parallax shot from 2kms away - or did you forget Vanu has 0 bullet drop
  11. Neckaru

    You know, barring my usual sarcasm and witty banter, I think gyrojet ammunition would be fantastic. Certainly would mix things up on the battlefield.

  12. TheArchetype

    Let's hope not. I like my games not P2W.
  13. Einharjar

    Any self propelled round will accelerate until it reaches it's max potential velocity. Any standard missile, like an AIM-9, AMRAAM or Sparrow is launched at the speed of the air craft, then accelerates the further it flies. Some missiles continue to accelerate until the point in which they simply run out've fuel (obviously they'd reach their limit with thrust vs weight/drag coefficient ratio; but still).
    If PS2 had this, I'd be thinking WH 40k every day, as the Bolter weapons of the Space Marines used self propelled rounds. They were .75 cal mini rockets with HE tips. SO they did lots of damage rather you were closer to them anyway; haha.

    I'd like this. I tend to try to pick my fire fights at range; and as it is right now? it seems like most of the attachments and equips only help CQC. Laser Sights for hip fire, Soft Points for even MORE close ranged damage; recoil assist, forward grips. It doesn't help that there is no suppression mechanic, no stuns to speed if struck and sprinting is continuous. A round that's meant to hit harder the farther away a target is would reward those who try to combat at range instead of CQC.
  14. Tulmas

    If it didn't hit anything for awhile it would reach the speed of light and gain infinite mass and destroy Auraxis.
    I can not approve of this ammo. It seems OP to make the planet redeploy.