[Miller Drama] NC Alert

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blitzer, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Blitzer

    Hold your ground! Hold your ground!

    Sons of outfits, of public zerg, my fellow NC,

    I see in your ranks the same confusion that would take the freedom of me.

    A day may come when the Gauss weaponry fails,

    when we forsake our bases

    and break all bonds of NCTO,

    but it is not this day.

    An hour of endless TR horde and op VS max units,

    when the Indar lock of New Conglomerate comes crashing down,

    but it is not this day!

    This day we fight!

    By the infantry resource bonus that you hold dear on this continent,

    I bid you stand, the NC of Miller!

    -Lock and loads, heads back to battle-
  2. Jolly

  3. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Charlie Chaplin is rolling silently in his grave...
    • Up x 1
  4. Blitzer

    I think you missed the reference. Nothing to do with Chaplin's famous speech.
  5. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Must have, the pacing etc made it certainly come off that way :p

    ah ok, lord of the rings?
  6. Blitzer

    Bingo :p
  7. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Ok then, Charlie's still behaving normally...but Viggo is giving an unapproving head shake in the distance.
  8. GSZenith

    and vs won, 4th faction for life. (sorry wanted to test zoe max bursters, flyboys stopped flying :()
  9. PieBringer

    I had a chuckle for a short moment.

    Still entertained me more than anything else I've found today.
  10. PhiladelphiaCollins

    besides, Theoden was better