About to drop 6000 certs to max out Nanoweave..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhilDun, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Mustarde

    Just remember, if you get OHK'd by an infiltrator while using nanoweave 5, it just means he was within spitting distance of you. You are not immune, just much much safer.

    I hate getting accused of hacking because I killed some lazy SOB who thought NW5 meant they could stand on a pad with their phoenix all day and be safe. Or even better when I snag them inspite of their ADADAD spam.

    On second thought, I don't hate getting accused of hacking. I love them tears :)
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  2. Cidroyz

    Having max nanoweave on my engineer saves me alot of times..

    Headshot from an infiltrator (leaves me 1 bar of health enough to run away lol)
    2 Knife hits (1 bar health left again.. happened to me once and i managed to kill my attacker too, he was surprised LOL)
  3. Kronic

    Hackusations are a compliment :)
  4. Vaphell

    i've seen you commenting on r/planetside (and Ztiller, sadly ;)) . I think it would be awesome if you compiled some stuff about BASR vs NW issue, like your blog article, the timeline thread, clips of outright ridiculous non-lethal shots like the m44v's one with sas-r, maybe some math behind it with a graph. Maybe Highby et consortes would see it and be kind enough to pull their heads from their ***** and commented on it.
    I would post it myself but 1) i don't feel like creating reddit account just for that 2) my post and theorycrafting would get flamed on ad hominem and 'useless sniper' hate basis. You are a top tier pwnzorer so you'd add a lot of legitimacy to the issue among the masses ;)
  5. GSZenith

    ew good snipers with semi auto isn't fun, you just get pew pew, wtf?
  6. LT_Latency

    Nanoweave 5 FTW, I have it on most of my infantry.

    most head shots and mines won't kill you if you are at full health.
  7. sam38

    shield capacitor is far greater than any other suit. as long as u are continuously moving you probably wont get shot by snipers very oftan, and if u do, well he deserved the kill because it was a good shot. most weapons fire so fast in this game 1 extra bullet survival wont save ur life very oftan. grenades have the magical **** light and wth thanks and aircraft its called cover. if you are caught out in the open you are dead anyway it will just delay the inevitable. as far as proxy mines? look where u are going. if u run over one u deserved to die because they are enormous and glowing now.
    having your shield regen 2.5 seconds faster? pure gloriousness. 2.5 seconds is an eternity in a big firefight and that gives you 3 or more shots survival. that 2.5 second regen has saved my life infinitely more times than 1 extra bullet or a bit of flak protection would have saved it
  8. Gisgo

    I agree.
    I am also trying the regen shield suit (w/ever is called) for small CQC battles and im liking that too.
    Nanoweave is meh... snipers are annoying but not really that dangerous.
  9. LT_Latency

    I think nano weave saves you alot, every single gun fight that I come out with 1-3 bars of health left. You would have been dead with something else
  10. MFP_TK_01

    I earned mine early this morning. I'd like to give a shout out to HibachiNCisoverpowered for making it all possible.
  11. Valena

    See, this is the problem with Nanoweave. We have people like you running around who want it to prevent one specific class from killing them, then you say "If SoE nerfs Nanoweave now, I'm going to be pissed."

    Let me ask you something. What reason do you have to think they won't nerf it when the popular reason for having it is to deny one specific class their kills? The majority of Nanoweave players have the exact same mentality as you do, that snipers shouldn't be able to OHK them simply because they don't want to be killed.

    This should be a huge red flag to SoE that something is very wrong with an aspect of their game when most people who use it do it with the express intent of 'c0ckblocking' an entire class, and I have to wonder if they would make it a higher priority to address if the weapon being cockblocked was the LMG or the Carbine.

    You will probably regret sinking that many certs into NW5 across all classes by August, because I can see one of two things happening:

    1.) When the Infiltrator update comes out, we'll get our OHKs at range back in some way. This could be the result of an increased headshot multiplier, a new bolt action that retains more damage over range, new ammo types that punch through all levels of Nanoweave, or a modification to our damage dropoff.

    2.) None of the above will happen, but Infiltrators will get a bunch of other neat stuff. Higby has already confirmed that we will be getting our PS1 Stalker cloak back (Perma-invisibility, but can only use pistols). At that point no Infiltrator will bother to pick up a bolt action because it won't be worth the struggle when other newer and more fun playstyles are available.

    One way or another, your Nanoweave purchase will have been wasted. Either snipers will be able to OHK again, regardless of Nanoweave, or there will be no more snipers to use Nanoweave against.
  12. MFP_TK_01

    I like option B myself.
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  13. MrForz

    Yeah well, the thing is, even if you manage to gather 20 very good snipers, it won't do much. Too much obstacles, and getting headshot while predicting movement combined to distance AND bullet drop is a HUGE challenge even for the BEST sniper in the world. The only kinds of player they can take down reliably are those on the command of an Engi turret, other snipers, and rocket launcher wielders when they're too focused (and eventually AFK people).

    When these people take their headshot they flee, get healed and then pretty much won't do the same error again. Besides, you don't need NW5, just NW4 and you'll already survive the potential one-hit-killing stuff.
  14. Phrygen

    i'm up in the air with the max suit now though. surviving c4 is big, but the direct hits from launchers still do a but load of damage. Sometimes i think kinetic would be better for max suits...

    Then i survive c4 and think nah...
  15. EViLMinD

    I run full nano on my CM, LA, HA and Infiltrator. But, I run full flak on my Engi. My Max has full kinetic and flak. Gotta protect yerself out there.

    Nano doesn't seem to make a huge difference, but it is better than not having it. I also use bandolier / munitions / ammo belts, but my default option is always nano. Surviving a few more shootouts is worth the high cert cost.
  16. siddar

    Nanoweaver stopping OHK sniper kills is intentional. Just like land mines have glowing lights, and Anti tank mines are now huge, and tanks need a direct hit to kill someone at full health, and grenade damage plus splash range have both been reduced, and plane damage has been reduced, and shotguns are about to be nerfed again, and resource costs for vehicles increased, along with a dozen other things.

    SoE made PS2 to be hardcore but once it was released they saw game wasn't succeeding like they had intended. They went out and asked people why they were quitting. Note that is opposite of the average poster on these boards who can best be described as those not quitting. The game has been moving in the exact opposite direction of it design intent sense release moving from being hardcore to being hyper casual.

    What the average player quitting game is most upset about is being instantly killed. They want PS2 to be focused on infantry combat and for all those cheese OHK abilities that they don't have the certs needed to acquire yet to be removed. They except that someone may shoot them with a gun in PS2 they knew that was a potential outcome before they even loaded the game. But all these other cheese killing method that kill them instantly without a chance to respond are simply unacceptable.

    People play games like PS2 to be the Hero. Not to be insta killed in some comical fashion. Even if majority of posters on this board have acclimated to how brutal and unfair dying can be in PS2 at times and actually have come to like that aspect of the game. They will be ignored because they are viewed as a minority of the potential market for PS2.

    Removing OHK from infiltrators was actually one of hardest changes for SoE to make but they did make it. Most other changes along the same lines will be allot easier for SoE to make.
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  17. LT_Latency

    It always been like this. Just not everyone had nano weave 5 at the start. it's the first thing I got.
  18. Eclipson

    Flak is very worth giving. I always say, once you wear Flak, you can never go back. Being able to survive grenades much easier, and come out of a proxy mine with most of your health, and survive rocket pods is huge. Their is so many explosions in this game, its really better to wear flak. I keep telling my self nanoweave should be better, but I just can't bring myself to take off flak.
  19. PhilDun

    No, it hasn't always been like this. It arose as a bug in GU4, and then in this most recent patch Sony "legitimized" the bug and made it a feature.
  20. Hunter_Killers

    Kinetic doesn't effect direct hits from explosives in the slightest, I tested it myself. Flak actually makes you take less from direct hits because it's the reducing the the splash that also hits you.