Any NC heavies like the NS 15 m LMG?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Bill Hicks, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. Bill Hicks

    Sometimes I get tired of controlling the gauss saw and just want to point and shoot. I was thinking of getting the NS LMG. Nice recoil and fast reload.

  2. Syranorn

    I'm using it for a while now. Love it. Low cof, low recoil, fast reload, high bullet velocity and .75 ADS. The dps is a bit low though. If they could bring it to 652 rpm (like the NS11-C & A) instead a 625 rpm, that would really be great.
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  3. Rogueghost

    The gun is really easy to use, at the cost of having a bit lower dps.
    If you have a hard time controlling your guns recoil this is the gun for you, however if controlling your recoil isn't a problem, I'd stick with the saw.
  4. Epic High Five

    It's a nice change of pace, I actually like it better than the GR-22S at least. It just runs out of ammo soooo fast :(
  5. -Synapse-

    I love it so far, it may not have great DPS but when every single shot you take lands on target you'll be dropping fools left and right. It's not half bad at close range either, I was terran it up in a watchtower just a few hours ago. This thing is BEAST.
  6. Pherr

    Love the gun. My fav MG.
  7. HEAVY[1]

    Bill I have the most success with this gun for some reason. I can suppress a firing lane, ADS feels snappy with a 1x and I feel like I can really push forward up a hill while hipfiring this *****. It may all be psychological but whatev. (also I like the similar NS 11p on my medic):eek:
  8. Crosseyed

    1x/Foregrip/Compensator (NO HV ammo.) here. Love the thing at any range, particularly medium and long. Up close it starts to suffer a bit, but with the ADS speed increase and the ridiculous ability to put holes on target, I find it to be "good enough."

    Totally replaced the NC faction LMGs for me. The miniscule TTK reduction with the other NC LMGs at close range is nowhere near good enough IMO to lose the extra ADS speed, the pinpoint control, and very low reloading downtime.

    I don't regret spending the SC, not at all.
  9. Casterbridge

    The gun is very easy to use about my only real complaint is ammo pool if you wander around a lot it could leave you dry very quickly.
  10. Singed

    Thinking about picking this up when x3 sc rolls by. Can anyone vouch for NS-15 with a laser sight? I kinda want a good midrange LMG that I can hip fire.
  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    well i for one would not use the ns-15m with a laser sight for close quarters spraying. i could be wrong and someone may disagree with me, but the weapon is rather suited for mid-range combat due to its relatively low dps at shortrange and small magazine capacity. still it's worth a try if you plan to unlock the gun anyway
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  12. exLupo

    All NS weapons have, with rare exception, the best dps delivery as it relates to recoil and moving CoF. Not the best raw dps. Not the best accuracy. Not the highest sustain. But, if you're hosing down someone else, you'll carry a good combination of damage and accuracy.

    They're built to be all-arounders and play the part well. They're like HEAT loads. If you aren't 100% positive of your target type and range, they're a solid choice.

    I'm going to pick up a Gamestop card for the next 3x and get the platinum AR. What I'm curious about is when they're going to do the platinum LMG and Carbines. The tooltip images exist, it's just a matter of the promo skins being added.
  13. Vanon

    I ended up unlocking all the guns except the EM1. I use the Anchor for mid to close and the NS as my all purpose. It's really designed to be an all around gun. It works wonders with a comp/laser sight/3.4x/soft point. The EM6 is pretty close to it as far as NC LMG's go.
  14. Singed

    Thanks for the reply, I was kinda hoping for something like a Pulsar LSW or Polaris usable by TR.
  15. StuntPoteten

    Anchor? :)

    But yeah, point and shoot. Sounds nice too.
  16. Van Dax

    Its a lot like a slightly more controllable orion, so if you want a VS gun go ahead.
  17. Bill Hicks

    I bought it and it feels like a low mag version of the carv to me. The orion is in a class by itself.
  18. insane2170

    The NS15 is a well rounded very versatile cross faction LMG.

    It looks like a bigger version of an AK-47.

    I recommended it to all da playahs..
  19. THOR1659

    The NS-15M is a good gun, despite the stats on it. It has really low recoil and a tight COF. It does good in pretty much all situations. It can handle CQC, because of the low recoil and good accuracy I found that I can get headshot really easy with the NS-15M.
  20. DropingBongos

    As a solely NC player (BR66) that buys just about everything that comes out my issues is that the EM6 is just better so I had no reason to get it. I might pick it up when I start collecting Araxium medals but right now I have better options already.

    Edit: I compared EM6 to NS-15m just now in VR since I had not tried it since it came out and yea EM6 still a better LMG.

    Edit2: Both guns compared with 1x reflex,compensator, FG, HVA