If ZoE goes live as is on Test..

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Donaldson Jones, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Donaldson Jones

    I want my certs back. Would be better spent elsewhere fuel cost is ridiculous, I don't mind the armor debuff and Indirect fire nerf but seriously 8 seconds off 8 seconds off that is stupid beyond stupid so what, now, I just use my nostromo on a timer and turn it on and off constantly..because THAT won't break anything!

    Devs please, take some time off, go on a personal journey and find your inner selves then with your new self awareness find some new f'in ideas.
    - or -
    Just scrap ZoE and give me my damn jumpjets like you should've from the get go.
  2. DarkenShade

    If this goes live... All 2200 certs wasted. Just remove the all the MAX abilities and make pulling a MAX cost 1000 resources, and 10 SC, because its pretty damn obvious you dont want people to play them.

    I've been playing MAX as my main since day one, my outfit relies on me, and I think im pretty damn good at it. You giving us iffy abilities and then nerfing the **** out of them, sure as hell doesnt give me a big sense of trust for your game quality.

    And honestly quit listening to the NC and TR for changes to VS weapons. 95% of them wouldnt know a good decision if it MAX punched them right in their stupid faces.
  3. CptFirelord

    When this goes live, the game will be semi-balanced again. Quit ******** about the needed nerf. The TR and NC get nerfed each patch, and we've wasted many more certs than you. Welcome to Planetside, where everyone but the VS get huge nerfs.
  4. ArcKnight

    when this goes live I will be able hunt you purple crabs again without fear of you using Trans-am for a while:p

    after reading the test notes I was expecting someone to make this thread eventually , :mad: I'm not too thrilled for my VS toon since I already sank 750certs into the ZOE

  5. Crewell

    VS players had to know something was coming. I've got three ZOE ranks on my Max and was wary to go the last two ranks. When I see a 1/3rd of a VS force being Maxes I knew a nerf was incoming. It has happened to many times where something was added and massively abused (i.e. Phoenix launchers as one example). With a timer, it will now take some skill.
  6. Donaldson Jones

    Just get me my gof famn recert token. Seriously problem solved. My biggest ***** is 30% defense penalty makes my Kinetic Armour investment completely useless which is fine if I'm agile, but no now I got throttle control too. I'm fine with my ammo canister and no ZoE just let me get my certs back!
  7. Jkar

    When this goes live, they should revert the nerf to the Vortex, as that was purely done to offset the ZOE damage bonus. Without ZOE the Vortex really slips down from 'decent' to 'meh'.
  8. Mongychops

    My only real quibble with the change is that they should increase the damage bonus to something significant. Nerfing ZOE mobility, duration, and armour is fair enough, but the changes look like too much risk with too little reward.
  9. Donaldson Jones

    No the throttle or the damage not both.

    Simple enough really if you want me to TRADE my armor for mobility OK

    Getting rid of both to do minimal damage...NO!

    I'd rather just run my Kinetic Armor and ammo canister, the nerf as listed currently is IDIOTIC!
  10. Mongychops

    I am a VS player with 4/4 ZOE (however, I've only played with it since Monday, I was on holiday at the time of release, so admittedly only have 4 evenings play time with it).

    I believe that the current implementation of ZOE is excessive in comparison to the current implementation of; charge, lockdown and aegis. I don't think anyone expected ZOE to go unchanged indefinitely, you must have realised that before you bought all the upgrades. I agree that the PTS changes are too far in the other way, and while I would rather have ZOE reworked into something other than a flat stat buff+debuff ability*, I think that if they increase the damage bonus on the PTS for direct hits only (40%?), and balance the CD, it would be a marginally more interesting ability overall.

    * For the record, my personal favourite VS MAX ability idea was a cooldown/fuel based togglable ability that added lasher type splash to your weapons, however, since the PTS has lasher splash nerfs on it as well, that, would probably be a bad idea to wish for.
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  11. Konfuzfanten

    I guess you are new to PS2, since vanu got the first really big faction specific nerf:
    The nerf to the magrider.

    Other then that the OP is right, with a 8 sec duraction the ZOE will become useless and Vanu MAX will go back to being slower, more useless HA.
  12. Kociboss

    Are you new to the gaming industry OP?

    This is a MMO, weapons, classes, vehicles are/will be constantly shifting.

    Back in the days I bought TAR for 1000 certs. Now it's only 250. I won't get a refund though and neither will you.

    If you thought that ZOE would actually survive in its current state, you must be very naive.

    Besides, if they overnerf it, they might bring some of it's best features back. Again, this is a MMO. Performance and statistics are fluctuating.
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  13. joeretin101

    well then I want my certs back for the anihaliter, Carf S, haymakern HE cannon on my prowler and anchormode for my max (Cause there is no use for it if not for bursters)

    if the TR and the NC need to ask for a reset of there certs and stationcash every time there weapons got nerfed SOE would be broke. Remember the tripplenerf with the HE prowler. HE prowler is almost useless now unless you use lockdown and hope your teammates keep the light assaults away from you. and the enemy is grouped up.
    hacksawmaches are only usefull now in CQC. ZOE maxes where goddamned one man armies. they steamrolled over everything they crossed path with.

    learn to play the game without you OP toys
  14. thannhauser1

    Finally, justice is served!
  15. Rahmiel

    If you look at games similar to this game, you come to realise a few things. Mobility is key. Mobility (even in traditional mmos, and pretty much any game) rule over armor/def/mitigation what have you. The mag rider is so difficult to hit because it's constantly moving, and if you don't hit, you don't do any damage.

    So let's look at the maxes. TR, you're set in place. NC, you pull out a shield and walk slowly. VS, you gain mobility. Doesn't matter that you take more damage, you should take much more damage (than in game currently) if you wanted to keep mobility.

    Next, let's look at situations. TR, hold down a hallway/field of fire. NC, absorb incoming fire from the front, must put away shield to return fire, or move faster, etc. etc. VS, activate and never turn it off. I mean, why would you ever turn off ZOE? It's a terribly designed bonus. The TR and NC's options are literally options. Would charge be better? Is anchor, or riot shield the best option in all situations? No. ZOE? Quite possibly. Why would you give up mobility and a damage boost? Why would you ever deactivate ZOE?

    I don't blame people for being upset, but you have to realise, ZOE is a terrible ability. It doesn't add any gameplay for your max, and it doesn't give you an option. Sony can either retool/nerf/redesign ZOE or else they can nerf all your max weapons and force players to pick ZOE to be competitive with the other factions.
  16. G3arfried

    Justice was served but injustice has happened. Double nerf man theres no point in vanu having a 3rd faction max ability now.
  17. Crewell

    All the change means is VS max ZOE users need to plan a bit. They can't just leave it up and strafe back and forth anymore.
  18. AssaultPig

    They should just leave the movement as-is and make the user take enough increased damage that they actually have to think about whether to use ZOE in combat. Right now it's basically not even a choice; I'll avoid much more damage by moving faster than I'll take as a result of the reduction in mitigation. The fuel timer seems like the worst possible solution to me: it'll be annoying for the VS player to manage, and fighting VS MAXes won't really be less frustrating for NC/TR than it is currently (~8 seconds of ADAD is easily enough to kill 2-3 infantry right now.)

    I don't think ZOE is that bad in its current state; I mostly play NC and the extent of the whining that goes on about VS MAXes has gotten pretty ridiculous (especially considering the number of people in my outfit who auraxiumed their hacksaws back in the day, but that's another story.)
  19. Liewec123

    i think the general consensus amongst players is that they just need to increase the damage taken,
    thats all. (and maybe adjust its effect on bursters)
  20. Ganjis

    That is what I would do. Give it the maximum damage bonus at rank 1, but with a huge damage received penalty and have increased ranks reduce this. Maximum rank would take more damage than live, but not by much. Lockdown/ZOE bonus to bursters needs reining in some too.