[Suggestion] If ZOE nerfs inc to Test servers go Live, I want a Cert Refund

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AwakenRiceball, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. AwakenRiceball

    I have lv5 ZOE and I think the nerf is so heavy that ZOE just needs to be completely done away with. You done it to an LA jetpack, so why not to ZOE.

    If TR & NC wants to whine about ZOE being op'ed and they did show proper stats; therefore, I side with them. I enjoy using Maxes, but there has been many suggestions about how to nerf ZOE and now this is an over-nerf coming to test server so big, I think it is worse than when the Magrider was nerf.

    Pretty much the over-nerf (I think) just by looking at the patch notes is to a point that ZOE should just be done away with and VS given a new ability. I would like a cert refund.
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  2. Phyr

    You could always go to the test server and prove the nerf is too much.

    Or whine on the forums and accomplish less then nothing.
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  3. exLupo

    One thing I will say for dev is that they hear what's on the forums and then totally ignore any whines that are without merit. If dev's stats show a problem, they fix it at its source. ZOE got a nerf because dev, after letting it be live for a while, saw evidence of it being out of whack. Nothing more.
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  4. AwakenRiceball

    You both bring up valid points; however, I shred no tears like Warcraze is stating.

    I'll literally just quit playing Planetside 2 and come back when it is 1 year anniversary. I have no intentions of spending more money on Planetside 2 to support such a super nerf like this with no intentions of a cert refund.
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  5. illgot

    Did not happen when they changed the magrider, saron, nc maxes, or... have they actually nerfed the TR? Will not happen now.
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  6. AwakenRiceball

    I never said anything of money refund, just a cert refund. Two completely separate things.
  7. Tasogie

    actually it isnt, SOE do NOT refund, period... I have spent thousands of certs on my ESF< will never see one single cert returned.. I have spent several thousand certs on my MAX, utterly wasted. Just gotta get used to it.
  8. Bape

    there will be a RE-Cert but it in the road map and no dam date when we will get it
  9. dirtYbird

    I wouldn't say never, depending on the situation and what you want refunded plus how you go about asking makes the difference.
  10. RobotNinja

    We're getting cert refunds for massive nerfs now? Whew! I couldn't even begin to calculate how many certs SOE would owe the NC!
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  11. C0L0NELH0GAN

    It will come live, it will be same as Magrider and I canceld my subscription yesterday!

    NOT because of the ZOE Nerf, but because of the stupidness "grab their money" tactic SOE brings to the game!
    Launch a "OP" weaponsystem, wait that till it brought enough income and then balance - ähm no - then NERF IT TO OBLIVION

    This isn't funny anymore, beside the fact, there were only that the MASSIVE ScatMAX-Nerf :eek: (they instagib also after pre-Nerf), the Phoenix-Nerf (which only made them not to instagib infantry - WHICH A ****** AV-RL SHOULDN'T DO WHEN LAUNCHED), the Prowler Infantry-Farm-Nerf.

    What is ingame is a freakin Ageis (without "fuelbar" and tons of HP) which are Godlike in Buildings when crowded with a instagib weapon mounted! a Striker which actually due to a lockon bug hits you when hiding (no attempt to fix this even after 2 GU) and the MOST VERSATILE WEAPONSYSTEM INGAME MOUNTED ON A WARMASHINE - the FratureMAX

    So, Whiners won. VS has now a ability, which is crap and never will seen back on the battle. Dumb TR/NC can now rocketspam again instead of aim and adapt to a new playstyle - because as ZOE I was killed often within seconds by skilled players!

    But noob playerbase seems to the the largest faction and this is how game will be balanced
  12. SgtBreastroker

    It will be NC tears next time. NC is next for something OP. ;)
  13. Hobnail

    And then you could take the refunded certs and invest into a racer chassis for the the new Vanu-specific ZOE MAX transport vehicle:

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  14. Drealgrin

    All Vanu ZOE Rank 5 players should receive a single free cert respec when they make them available.
  15. Ivalician

    You bought a toy that you likely quickly realized was broken good, doubled down, drove it like you stole it for a month, and now, when the good times come screeching to a halt, demand a refund.

    Honestly, SoE needs to stop releasing absolutely broken ****; like seriously, your current balance guys? Fire them and bring in guys from DICE or something. But back on topic here, how often does that normally work?
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  16. Nikushimi

    So you want the balance to be even worse? DICE has not had a reasonably balanced title sense BF1942.
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  17. Ivalician

    And how many patches has SoE gotten right?

    Let's play a game. You name something from BF3 that was at some point broken ( excluding beta ) and then I'll name something in Planetside that was at some point broken. Excluding beta of course.
  18. Kaesarr

    So when they will nerf strikers I should also apply for refund.

    And when they nerf shotguns? again apply for refund?

    and fractures?

    And why not for double burster and lock down? I should want lockdown refund as it will be less effective with burster.

    You need not buy the latest OP weapon/device. You need to wait or, if you really want to use the latest OP thing, expect nerf sooner or later.

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  19. Adjuchas

    Looking at your killboard for max related weapons, I'd say you got your moneys worth while it lasted no? :)
  20. MrIDoK

    All those bonus checks! NC's wet dream! :eek:
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