Engies should NOT be able to repair the harasser while in the 3rd seat

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NightMarez, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. TheFullCologne

    no. just no. just... go play something else if u dont like it. no one is forcing you to play it. it is a good system and its not a glitch/broken game component. finish off the enemy harasser if u dont want it to escape and com back full health.
  2. Jex =TE=

    A tank should OHK a harasser period.
  3. Jex =TE=

    Actually it's the "make X OP so everyone spends money on it then nerf it"

    The nerf is coming next month or the one after.
  4. Jaxxx

    Why shouldn't an Engie be able to fix a harasser in the 3rd seat? 1. its not very easy when the Harasser is juking and jiving all ove the place, and 2. the engineer is open and exposed to being shot like anyone on a flash rumble seat. I've killed plenty of Engineers in the back of Harassers and had a good laugh at it while someone else finishes off the car itself....
  5. Jex =TE=

    Perhaps they should make the thing weaker overall given you can repair it and it's so quick and manouverable. I think of it as a gorilla fighting vehicle to get in and out quick but very weak OR they should slow it down a **** load if you put armour on it but tbh, a tank round hitting that thing in RL is going to make it evaporate - 4 hits is just stupid.
  6. Aiden

    Not when said harasser is almost as expensive and has higher crew requirements than said tank.
  7. Jaxxx

    I can't disagree with you on that point, but an engie should be able to repair it easier as well, instead of aiming at just 1 point where any slight movement will throw off the repair beam, he can aim at different points, so long as he is aiming at the vehicle and not straight out the back.
  8. Jex =TE=

    Yes, if they remove the stupid armour it has on it then repairing should be easy. Fully certed it should be able to survive one MBT round. It might be interesting if they could make the stuff look welded on aka mad max style so people could buy different pieces of armour to totally customise their buggies.
  9. Jex =TE=

    What does that have to do with anything. It's a buggy made up of light composites that should be using it's speed and agility as an advantage to make gorilla attacks.

    hence the name "Harasser"
  10. Aiden

    Cut the timer and resource cost in half, and sure.

    Also, speed and agility aren't as useful in a world with lock-on AV. Armor is what's needed to be useful.
  11. The Shermanator

    Don't tell me about weighing pros and cons if you believe a vehicle with flash speed, MBT-like armor, and the ability to self-repair is completely fine.
  12. Casterbridge

    What? Of course speed and agility are useful especially against lock on, unless your just driving in a straight with a clear line of sight.

    Having said that 1 shot or 2 shot kill is a bit much especially with maxed armor, could be interesting if Maxed armor did result in a slower speed.
  13. Aiden

    Not even close.

    With the addition of an extra player, who isn't even protected by the vehicle.
  14. The Shermanator

    Requiring 4 AP shells to destroy is akin to MBTs, which are infinitely easier to flank and take increased damage from the back. The Harasser does not. The harasser can also consciously dodge incoming fire. MBTs sort of can, to an extremely limited extent.

    Seat can be swapped while the Harasser is on the run easily enough. In fact, it just takes one button press. The engineer isn't really all that vulnerable - I do it all the time, and have never once been killed by small arms while in the back seat.
  15. TeknoBug

    Yup yup, or cause it to critical health with 1 AP. Right now if that Harasser is fully certd in composite it takes 4 AP rounds to destroy it, seriously what the hell.
  16. Stride

    I don't get it. As strong as engineer healing may appear to be while inside a harasser they are still vulnerable to gunfire, tank rounds, bombs, rockets.

    It's really a no brainer to kill the eng first. It only takes minimal gun fire or one round from a tank to kill them.

    I doubt anyone calling for nerfs would admit it, but not being able to stop a engineer from repairing is completely player failure. Learn to aim.
  17. ExarRazor

    have you ever actually TRIED to repair a harasser in the rumble seat?

    it's incredibly difficult to do while the thing is moving, and about the only thing you'll be able to out-repair is a single guy shooting at you with a pistol
  18. AnotherNoob

    It does not self repair, and it is faster then the flash :p If you think a vehicle with 2/2 should automatically win against a 3/3 vehicle, you should not talk about balance either by that logic D:
  19. Zakuak

    Gunners in Libs, tanks and Gals should have the repair option, how fun would that be? :D heh
  20. NinjaTurtle

    The Fury may be a bit over the top (farming machine right there), but repairing by engie isn't. that same rocket could kill the engie one hit, they have the same protection as if they were in the open.

    The Harassers armor isn't that great either, have a couple guys shoot it and you will out damage the engineers repair gun