PS2 : PC/PS4 will have separate servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. kennonfodder

    So the last chance to fill the servers with players is gone?
  2. Cowabunga

    The perfect example of a Forumsider.
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  3. Vastly

    The simple fact is that mouse and keyboard is not sofa friendly. Until someone designs an M&K setup that is sofa friendly, it's not going to have a wide uptake and therefore games companies aren't going to support it. That said, I would at least like to see PS4 players given the option to play with PC players for those who would like to.
  4. Nocturnal7x

    No, there is a chance one day they will advertise the game.

    You think im wrong? We aren't getting shafted?
  5. SgtScum

    What will be funny as hell is even with separate servers you can still use a keyboard and mouse on the ps4 version.

    If so then boy oh boy will I be getting a ps4. It would be like god mode without actually cheating. :p

    Pillows. Its what I use for my ps3's kb/m.
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  6. Roxputin

    Even though I do not look for SOE to converge consoles and PC servers right away, I do see them making the necessary steps for this to happen. To be the first publisher to actually pull off a technical feat that so far has alluded the industry would be a milestone that even SOE would not even pass up.

    I believe that once the console version catches up with the PC version, servers will be introduced specifically to bring both the console and PC camps together to once and for all end the debate on if the cosole kiddies can hang with the neckbeard PC crowd. The server would probably have to sacrifice being up to date on its Game Updates for this to be doable, but this convergence is within SOEs grasp to make history.

    I look forward to seeing this come to fruition.
  7. Littleman

    Because everyone has a 60"+ tv (in fact, a very large number don't.) Smaller tvs mean people sit closer on average.
  8. Stellus

    Ugh, I was really hoping for cross-platform play. Now the lack of congruency and increasing spread of disparity between the two versions will create nothing but headaches for everyone. This is a sad day for Planetside. You may not think it now, but tell me how you feel a few months after it happens.
  9. Aiden

    Not going to happen. The question on whether console + PC is doable was settled a long time ago.

    TL;DR: PC baddies were able to destroy console pros thanks to the advantage of having a mouse and keyboard. It's simply not fair to console players. Nobody should be surprised that they're being separated.