The Fourth Faction is KILLING this game! There NEEDS to be limitations on the use of alts!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JoshX, Jun 12, 2013.


    I take PS2 as a solo conquest game.
    Playing with the biggest pop is Easy Mode. Playing with the smallest is Hard Mode.

    As for killing people...Gameplay is not reduced to this you know. I take as much pleasure when i get an assist, a spot bonus or even nothing but still help the enemy die.
    You can have a 100 to 1 K/D ratio.
    If you have less toons on your side you will LOSE territories.

    But i don't mind winning/losing. I want CHALLENGE. :)
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  2. FnkyTwn

    What SOE doesn't want is what happens when there's a good
    sale item up, and users log into all their characters to buy it.
    They don't want to shut down the ability to make money, and
    I can't blame them for that.

    They should limit account switching during Alerts, and put a
    notification on the Character Select screen that lets users
    know that an Alert is going on, so you don't accidentally log
    into the wrong character.

    Also, during an Alert, you shouldn't be able to see the Faction
    Population rates on the log-on screen, so as not to bias your
    decision. Overall it should put a damper on 4th Faction Alert
  3. ScrapyardBob

    The better fix for getting the alert bonus would be to simply make it into a "qualify" system. Once you have earned X amount of XP during the alert, you qualify for the bonus. And once you qualify, you should get the bonus even if you are not online at the end of the alert. The X amount should probably be in the 5-7k XP range (which takes 20-30 minutes to earn).

    Sure, you could *try* to switch to the winning faction before the end of the alert. But you're going to need a plan of how to earn that XP before the alert ends so that you get the bonus. You'd have to leave the warp gate and go do something to get the bonus. Right now, you can do cheesy things like switch to the winning side a few minutes before the end of an alert and just stand around in the warp gate to get the XP.
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  4. Voraen

    Just recently came from an indar amp station alert where both TR and VS where having a great fight over one of the three amp stations. Then NCs pop jumped to over 50 percent after NC took the other two amp stations. Would not take a genius to figure out where all the TR and VS pop all of a sudden went to after that. NC took that amp station without a problem with the population advantage.

    Then the night prior, everyone logged out into their TR alts when TR started winning the same alert.

    I dont mind that people have alts that they switch to during an alert but i agree with the majority, we seriously need a lock out system during an alert like we used to have in planetside 1.

    Maybe have a separate counter at the top, counting down to the lock out. That would actually make the game more enjoyable imo. 4th factioners would then need to make a gamble on whether to stay with the current faction or log out into their alts before the timer is up. And then when the alerts over, remove the lock so people can then log into their character of choice.

    Is this system to hard to ask and why is it taking so long to have it implemented??

    People like you are why this game is going to be down to 1 server in 6 months. Thanks. Thanks a lot, seriously. You're a real prince.
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  6. Stormlight666

    That's because the 4th faction are the WORST players in the game. After all if they had any skill they'd be going to the UNDERPOPULATED faction for the extra experience instead of the zerg.

    They need to bring back PS1's alt system where you can shift to an alt once every 24-hours and can't shift back until the cooldown is done.
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  7. Jex =TE=

    Just stop people being able to make accounts on any faction that has too high a population.

    If TR have 2000, VS 1900 and NC 1800, don't allow any new accounts on TR or VS until NC have reached 1900 or whatever number you want to cap it at.

    Then when you join a server, if TR are 50% pop ...well don't let that happen - because the mechanic above would stop it and it would also stop you joining the server if your side was over populated.

    Don't like the idea - well what else can you do? Personally PS2 is about playing the game, not what faction you're on. The only drawback with this is if you only have one character and your side has too many, you can't play the game and you go play something else.

    Does that stop you playing forever - isn't it the same as waiting to get onto a continent?

    Personally it wouldn't bother me and the people it does, I'd prefer them to leave the game.
  8. Pat Cleburne

    And forcing people who are faction loyal to fight in situations they don't enjoy (IE overwhelming odds) is going to result in people going to play something else too.

    I have no pity for people who think their fourth faction swapping should have precedent over the rest of the player base having a balanced game to play.
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  9. JudgeDeath

    Making all factions available on one server was pretty much the most dumbest thing SOE has done for this game so far.
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  10. JHordwell

    The damage was done a long time ago, they shouldn't have allowed people to create characters for multiple factions on the same server.

    It should have been limited to 1 faction per server.

    E.g: A TR on Matherson can only create another TR character on Matherson. If he wishes to switch to VS he'd have to delete all his TR characters on Matherson first. OR he can create a VS character on another server.
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  11. Bearcat

    Why are people so against playing an underpopulated empire? Last night my empire's population was in the low 20's % and I had a blast! I was having so much fun, I stayed up way too late and now my *** is dragging at work. :( We didn't even come close to winning an alert and we got pushed all over the map, but who cares if you're having fun? Also, it's very funny to see your enemy gloat over beating you when they had over twice your numbers. ;)
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  12. SClaw

    That’s a good idea but I don’t think it’ll halt the switching. Playing for ten minutes during an alert usually nets you more than winning the alert would anyway (4th factioners are too dense to realise this, of course). The problem is that it screws everyone in your faction suddenly; no issue for the players just looking to shoot people, but for outfits and those of us interested in tactical play (i.e. taking bases) it suddenly ruins our fun when half the map gets wiped out in minutes due to a lack of bodies.

    And I’m sorry, aforementioned players just looking to shoot people, but screw you. This is not that kind of game (you have plenty of options for that, after all). Sure, there is no official meta yet… but a lot of us want to see that map in our faction colours more than we want to increase our K/D.
  13. patricio_z

    EASY FIX, allow people who wants to collect passive cert, to login ONLY to the VR area for two hours. took me the whole of 2 minutes to come up with that one, I guess SOE is not as smart as me
  14. MrForz

    I really don't get why we can have more than one character per server, from the start.
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  15. Kilmannan

    Easy solution:

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  16. Badname0192

    Problem, what of those just wanting to come in to game and don't even care that there's an Alert going on?

  17. pada0

    Hope SOE tries to see why it's game breaking, I will state how I play.

    I'm 4th faction and I don't subscribe. I don't have any boosts or anything. I'm a lonewolfer, but I consider myself someone who knows how to play a game and know the battle flow so I am able to support any squads in the region.

    I will jump at anything that offers free certs, because it takes longer to earn the same certs compared to a subscriber. Be it a biolab farm, or on a losing side shooting out shields against a big zergs. And of course changing sides for the big reward when a faction wins an alert is a norm.

    However, as I play and gain certs and max out my playstyle in one faction, as a long-time FPS player I will still try to find places that are good for a challenge. Being in the overpopulated faction gets quite boring when I have leveled enough to gain enough certs for my playstyle. Today I have found myself switching from VS Mattherson to TR to play in a couple of alerts to level my TR character for my playstyle. Normally one will expect it to be more challenging to play in underpopulated faction in an alert but I was wrong. It was boring as hell, you get zerged all the way back to the warpgate.

    This game, with the current game design and mechanics, has turned the game into a zerg or get zerged gameplay. There aren't as many battles now that both sides can engage with equal strength. The game makes it so easy for a battle to end prematurely because of an unequal number of players.

    Until the day they can get a battle going on irregardless of the number of people from opposing factions, this game will not be fun to play.
  18. SgtScum

    4th faction play is jumping factions on a single server to be on the winning side which does all sorts of nasty things to pop balance.

    All your characters are on different servers so you couldn't do it if you wanted.

    Why the devs let us make three characters per server without some sort of cooldown timer is beyond me.

    Yeah there is the cert collection issue with that way of doing it but ffs just have all characters get their certs when a single character logs in. That would generate so much good will they could probably do a weapon sale immediately afterwards then nerf the crap out of them and no one would say a word.
  19. patricio_z

    So.. you want a solution without having to make ANY compromise? Hmm....

    And you aren't coming into the game... you are already in it..the problem here is the SWITCHING part remember?
  20. vincent-

    This crap really is a problem on waterson an alert went out for the bio domes tr is our most populated portion when they had only two domes left and nc was dominate at the time their pop boomed and was just only vs who had at least 3-2 bases in the end. NC out numbered tr on waterson? That isn't possible and I know these pricks are 4th faction because when vs had a small advantage like this in the same way we suddenly the most over pop on waterson!

    The devs need to put a profile for servers calling out our traits soldier, tank driver, etc and put in were our primary faction is and every other toon doesn't get as much xp as the primary. These guys need to learn to stick with their main faction and not jump the ship onto who ever has the most advantage.