Vanu can fly Reavers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KNFr-Rhe7oric, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. KNFr-Rhe7oric

    Is this legitimate or is this [VHOT]shaql guy messing with the game? It wasn't only me who spotted this either, but he was somehow flying a Reaver despite being VS. As far as I know, you can't steal enemy faction vehicles, so how is this possible?

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  2. Tristan

    You flip out over bugs / exploits in a hilarious fashion.

    That said, I've never seen that one.
  3. DashRendar

    Lol. This is either a graphical glitch, or people are hacking. I've seen the FF indicator when shooting at a confirmed enemy. I've seen enemies dressed in full friendly gear head to toe then proceeded to kill me and on the death screen was an enemy. This is either a deep rooted game glitch that appears infrequently, or an indication of hacking. Sorry I can't be more helpful than that. Although yesterday I saw a TR infil standing suspiciously close to a landed Scythe for a good while without shooting it.
  4. Spookydodger

    It seemed to move like a scythe, though. But yeah, that is odd.
  5. Greddy

    The fact the other VS didnt shoot him on sight, might tell you that the bug is on your client.
    In your screen he is flying a reaver, while in others screen he is still flying in a scythe
  6. KNFr-Rhe7oric

    If that was the case, why did others in /yell point out they saw the same thing too?
  7. raistra

    Also got a small blimps of it, it also was shaql
    edit: posted it already on bugs section before I saw this.
  8. Terrex

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  9. DrunkenDoughnuts

    Beat me to it.

    Not trying to be (too) mean here, but kinda reminded me of that double rainbows guy. Friendly reaver -- what does it mean!?!? :p That is pretty odd, though.
  10. KAHR-Alpha

    A few days ago, I've seen a vehicle turn into another, new kind of bug?
  11. Greddy

    in that case report him!
  12. KNFr-Rhe7oric

    What happened, exactly? Also did you happen to take screenshots or record video?
  13. KNFr-Rhe7oric

    I talked to one of the Waterson GM's who happened to log in a few minutes after uploading the video, and he told me that he's been getting multiple reports of shaql doing some ridiculous stuff, so they're already on it.
  14. Fumblewatt

    Its Higby trying out VS, but hated our scythe ;<
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  15. ItsJustDash

    They first abduct our cows, then some of our crazy people, now our Reavers.

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  16. ohmikkie

    Wouldn't it be cool to be able jump in an enemies vehicle like Battlefield? Or even an infiltrator can hack them or something.
  17. Saiph

    What was that one game again? The one where you could hack enemy vehicles and then their colors would change and you could pilot them?
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  18. Torok

    AHAHAHA the moment the galaxy goes for it like: "you're mine ******!"

    gj recording that, made my day

    Command & Conquer!
  19. The King

  20. rickampf