MAX's are killing my urge to log in.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deepjay, Jun 11, 2013.


    Well welcome to the glorious world of MAX sovereignty. A world TR and VS has to bear each time they take a step into a NC Biolab ever since this game saw the light of the day.
  2. Pikachu

    MAXes are not finished yet. There is still flamers to be added in july... and hopefully travel mode.
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  3. Zorro

    You mean heavy infantry are actually effective in their role?
  4. X3nt33

    A lot of frustration can be saved by increasing the time to kill (ttk) on all units. This can be done really easy on infantry by increasing the amount of shield (blue bar) they have. This simple change would; make the shield capacitor cert more of a viable option, increase the effectiveness of emp grenades, increased the time to react (in a game were people can come form any direction), allow for more team play, and for me, more enjoyment.
  5. WyrdHarper

    That's what I mean; there are still things coming for the MAX-which all sound awesome--, and I don't have a problem with that. The problem is that that is 3-4 months of development focusing on things for one class, and a class which already has a potent role. I lead a lot and we use MAXes all the time because they rock at everything (and as an engi they feed me delicious certs). At the same time, they are generally a better choice than heavies because they are so spammable, and you rarely need more than one infiltrator and one light assault in a squad, and then only in very specific situations. Once they are developed more it will give more for FOTM players to play, and MAXside 2 will de down a bit.
  6. TommyXXL

    maxside 2 - since there are only scatmaxes and zoemaxes :)
    balance the weapons or balance class : 350 cost resources, not revivable, all abilities have cooldown.
  7. Booface

    No, I think it's a valid point. The whole reason why the ZOE gives VS MAXes a purple glow and bright tracers is as an indicator to other factions--"Place bullets here." And yet in actual gameplay it's the opposite. People never really shot at MAXes anyway, they usually aim for squishier targets. Add to that the psychological factor of now never knowing how much health that MAX has, and a lot of people just try not to make MAXes angry at them. All the time as a MAX on both my TR and Vanu toons I go into red health, but continue to get infantry kill streaks because people run away from me like I'm Godzilla instead of putting in the last 10-20 bullets it'd take to finish me off.

    (Odd observation: the same thing doesn't happen when I play my NC toon. I think that people just really hate ScatMAXes.)

    Here's the thing: ZOE gives you a fraction of a second better TTK on infantry. You can only have that damage bonus against the one thing that you are shooting at. So, your Cosmos temporarily gets to pretend it's a Nebula and kill in (maybe) one less bullet. But when you activate ZOE, everyone gets a damage bonus against you. If you've got 4 infantry firing on you as you emerge from cover, every single one of them gets a bonus. The hard counter to ZOE MAXes is to mob them.

    This is not me being insulting. I really do think, from experience playing as VS MAXes and against as other factions, that the issue is mostly psychological. Instead of encouraging people to shoot at ZOE MAXes, the glow and tracer FX have the opposite effect of being intimidating and causing people to simply not shoot at you. You get to go on uninhibited rampages because everybody runs away from the glowing purple crab. Occasionally a Heavy will shoot a rocket at you, but will always run away afterward instead of shooting you with his gun to finish you off. Nobody seems to realize just how ridiculous the DPS of the bullet-based weapons in this game tends to be. The solution is moar bullets.

    P.S. if you hit a ZOE MAX with a rocket and then a full mag of bullets, you should have killed him hands down with almost any weapon in the game. Even without headshots. You either had a miss with your rocket, or you missed with most of your bullets. If you don't believe me, try it in VR. I wasn't sure about the Blitz, since I don't have it on my NC toon, but I just went into VR to test it out and yes, the Blitz too. On top of that, with a rocket hit and a reasonable number of headshots (and MAXes have giant heads), you will have roughly half your bullets left in your Blitz when the MAX dies. If he is running with maxed out Kinetic Armor (which is annoying but a separate issue from the ZOE; anyone but organized outfit members with pocket engineers takes Nanites anyway), the bonus will be roughly negated by ZOE. There's an issue of perception here.
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  8. Vortok

    Guys, I'm running face first at the MAX but it's not working. Why? I thought we were super Rambo. :(

    They should probably cost slightly more infantry resources to spawn, though.
  9. FigM

    The worst thing about MAX is that even if you suicide bomb it and succeed against all odds, it just gets resurrected seconds later.

    When you are outnumbered, there's no point even trying to kill them
  10. ChaosReaperr


    I think MAXs need a more balancing factor. Maybe make them cost more resources, like 200 or 300. I think currently it's too easy to max crash at a consistent rate.

    With that said as an engie it makes for lots of certs with a ton of maxs alive, but I really think there are too many of them on all factions and too often.

    This is especially true with their new ability. People complain about ZOE a lot, but if you ran into a Max before on any faction you knew you were in for a good fight, with the shield it's even more futile and lockdown you probably are already dead if they are using it, and yes ZOE means it can chase you down much more effectively. As a Vanu seeing that shield usually means you will be dead before you can take it down and ravens and fractures are just vicious (not to mention shotguns). So yes all factions have reason to fear the others MAXs.

    I love that MAXs have gotten some good attention, but I think they need a further limiting factor so they aren't used quite so often.
  11. ent|ty

    Oh well take a break, go outside, plant some tomatoes, go for a walk. Then come back when your head is on straight and look at things anew.

    Tanks change the whole flow of battles, vehicles and planes do. Organized groups do. MAXs do too.

    Not in range? Then get in range. Or use a ranged weapon.

    Adapt to the situation, make yourself a favourable situation to get kills. Don't ask for the game to accomodate to you. Learn to play with your strengths and weaknesses. It's more fun in the end, you'll see.

    Challenge is fun. Embrace it. Adversity makes you stronger. Embrace it.

    Sounds like you want to roll a VS. Hey I'll switch to NC, then we'll see who's OP.

    Against a MAX that you run headlong into. Hey, I hate that too. But instead of asking for nerfs, I took my llumps and deaths while learning how to take them out. Now they don't want to approach me. if they do, and I have some cover to work with, I WILL WIN.


    Everyone gets caught off guard EVERYONE. Thats what makes them human. And if you can't catch them off guard, don't engage.

    You think I engage a tank that can see me? oh sometimes, as long as I have cover, and my timing is on. Otherwise I'm dead. I don't whine about it, I approach it differently the next time. Like firing a couple rockets into his front, to make him mad at me and start shooting shadows. Meanwhile I flank behind him, slam another rocket into his buttocks, and BOOM. Thats how you deal with it, coming to forums asking for nerfs, is NOT.

    Too bad majority opinion doesn't make them correct. They should play the game or not play the game, based on the tools given to them.

    Sure, its not fun when you get your *** kicked. But hang in there, take your lumps, and soon they won't seem as intimidating as they were before.
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  12. Tasogie

    That sound fair, make sure you dont forget to limit bullets to 1 every 3 seconds, 2 mags per player per 10 min peiriod, an none can kill anyone after that time.... seems fair right......?
  13. ent|ty

    Won't matter, I dont get killed that often in a MAX, so go ahead increase the resources. Won't change a thing.

    You knew you were in for an easy fight. Before ZOE, VS MAX was a joke, and I only used it for AA. Now I can start shooting at tanks, and being a decent, though weaker still AI.

    With certs spent into Charge, that allows me to Charge you more often, the effect is the same... and more devastating because the sudden burst of speed to flank you or go around a corner throws off people; whereas a constant speed is easily adjusted for.. You also get electrical lights to see where I am, a 'heat wave' trail easily followed, and when I shoot bullets, a nice rainbow tracer effect is seen. COME ON MAN, GET REAL.
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  14. FateJH

    It is on a cool down timer. And, like all cool down timers, you can Cert into it to reduce it.
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  15. vanu123

    You are just a little upset on how your once unbeatable maxs can finally be beat now and until ZOE the VS maxs were only good vs AA max on max they would lose. So how bout a compromise, leave ZOE alone, let the NC have the shield up and allow them to fire with 1 arm free, for TR slightly buff their stats.
  16. vanu123

    Let the NC have a free arm and slightly buff TR stats, and leave ZOE alone and problem solved.
  17. Bill Hicks

    Fighting maxes is like fighting a ogre. It feels real good when you down one.,,,,,

    Then 5 seconds later a medic revives him.
  18. Tekone

  19. Jalek

    They just know that past 15m, they'll have time to duck after a burst of return fire and survive. No such likelihood against a VS MAX.
  20. Deepjay

    Nice condescending comments there.

    If I was rank 10 and complaining about something I was unable to overcome, then sure, I would accept those comments. But the reality is, I am just shy of BR 70, and haven’t got there by sitting in some Liberator farming easy kills, I have gotten there with hundreds of hours of fighting. Feel free to peruse my stats and you’ll note that I cover a variety of roles – one of the least among them is actually playing MAX.I am fully aware that this is a team game, and a whole slew of tactics are required at all times. I do in fact play as part of a nightly squad - a squad that these days is constantly commenting on the MAX dominated gameplay that the MAX abilities patch has heralded.

    I still find the tears over Scatmax’s absurd. Don't bother trying to rub my face in that because as mentioned, I was never one to abuse them. I also don't use shotguns because I prefer versatility. It's easy to say, "well just get close", much easier to type it in a forum than actually do it.

    Regardless, my point is, MAX’s – regardless of faction, are overrunning the game, and there is no solid way to counter them.
    Unless they’re sitting pretty on a hill somewhere and I’m spamming them from range with an engineer AV turret, chances are taking down a MAX is going to hurt.

    I used to run and gun through the buildings, holding my own with a solid aim and using cover. But now I am constantly running into MAX’s and having to bail from the building. I can’t do anything against MAX’s. I used to stick it to them with my rocket launcher when I was HA (which was my go to when there were MAX’s around), but these days I lose 9 times out of 10.

    It usually plays out like this – As HA I put on my shield (which is instantly knocked out), fire a rocket that hits, then back off to reload it, in which case the MAX advances on me knowing I’m reloading, and finishes me off.
    The other situation is the above, I fire off a rocket, back off and switch to my LMG, then put a full clip into the MAX and still die, while it’s just wanders around happy.

    This isn’t just ZOE’s either. Just prior to NC’s scatmax’s being nerfed, I remember thinking how potent TR minigun wielding MAX’s were – they would take us down easily as fast as any Scatmax.
    And on top of all this, the joke is, if you do manage to take it out, it’ll be back again in a few seconds.

    Your other option is to take out the supports – I always target healing engys and medics first, but yeah good luck taking them out without the MAX owning you.
    I just hate it. I hate that it’s something I feel I have no way of countering. They are dominating what was once upon a time a very good infantry game.
    I personally wouldn’t have any objections to them being just outright removed, but that’s not going to happen. I also would be happy for the VS to have all of the NC’s MAX abilities, and we in turn will take yours. But again, wont happen, and you could just imagine the tears if it did.

    In a Vanguard I have options – if I get a rocketpodder on me, I can evade to cover or use my shield. If im caught in the open ground and destroyed, then sure, I accept that.

    But against MAX, there’s so many of them and they’re not only difficult to kill, but they can take you down so fast that there’s no actual answer. It’s not even easy taking them out as another MAX ffs! I’ve tried going against TR MAX’s with dual falcons and found some level of success when I had an outfit engy sticking to me