What do TR have that is the "best"?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by elkorin, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. elkorin

    I play all three factions. I did not plan to do this, but I found I got bored when the faction I was playing was extremely overpopulated, and tried the other 2. I started playing the "underdog" exclusively on Mattherson, which was often TR, sometimes NC. Vanu on Mattherson boasts a 60%+ population late at night, which made playing any faction boring. Boring for the vanu, seeing as they never got to fight anyone, boring for the others seeing as the fights were predetermined.

    I left Mattherson and went to Connery. It seemed that the pops were pretty even there. Some parts of the day the NC have 40% or so pop, some parts of the day the Vanu do. The TR always have lowest pop it seems, except for rare occasions. Late at night, TR is barely able to hit 20%.

    That said, I can't figure out what the TR is best at. I know a few things they are the worst at, but finding something where they are the best is more difficult.

    They have the worst ESF. The only things that make their ESF special are its small size and speed/accel. Speed and accel are completely useless due to the way afterburner works. It's small size might make a difference in a dogfight, but since their rotary cannon does the least damage, that is hardly a good trade off.

    They have the worst max ability. Lockdown is useful for bursters, yes, infuriatingly so. I hate the damn things when I fly my reaver. But other than that? worthless for the things you use maxes for. The ZOE is godlike, but I don't want to make this thread about that. The NC shield is a get out of jail free card if you learn to use it. Lockdown? It is just a giant "C4 Me" sign.

    The Carv is nice, but the Orion shames it. The Jaguar or lynx are both good, but not the best carbines in the game. The prowler might be the best MBT, but I am not sure. I am not a fan of the Magrider, but the Vanguard is boss. To be fair though, this is not an area I know a ton about, maybe the prowler is king? The Vulcan is trash. Complete and utter trash. The saron does exactly what the vulcan does at short range, yet also doubles as an anti tank sniper rifle. I have not played much with the NC tank weapons, so I don't know how they stack up. The hailstorm is great in theory, but in practice fails to compete with either the VS or NC submachineguns. The TR starter pistol is really nice, once you get comfortable with how to use it correctly, its like a micro submachine gun. I will give this one to TR, I think it is the best of the 3 factions. Most people move on to comm/underboss, though, in time.

    So what does TR have that is the best? My list, after playing all three factions fairly extensively:
    Starter pistol.
    Maybe the MBT.
    The music (no oontz oontz oontz or space fiddle).
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  2. Morti

    Only thing I can think of right now is being on the receiving end of an AP prowler sitting at a distance with maxed lockdown.

    In a vanguard and nothing to hide behind.

    Strikers used en masse also cause a few tears.
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    Striker, absolutely the Striker! Actually even better with the "Damn you bad ******, I will hit you even behind hills and trees"-Missle Bug
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  4. elkorin

    Strikers, ahh yes, that is a very good point. I am not a fan of them, because you can't dumbfire them (so can't use on maxes), but they seem to wreck armor and esf.
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  5. Hosp

    Default Infantry Weapons
    Prowler (vs Infantry)
    AA MAX
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  6. elkorin

    Wait, what? Default infantry weapons? Which ones? The Merc >Trac5. The Orion >Carv. The Cycler is pretty good, I guess. The starter sniper rifle for TR is utter trash.

    And by AA max I guess you mean lockdown? They all have the same AA weapons, exact same. And yeah, Prowler I thought might top the list for tanks.
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  7. Angry Scientist

    People aren't going to take you seriously because you deemed the mossie the worst ESF. At the risk of responding to a troll thread, I shall elucidate.

    In an ESF, speed is everything. It allows you to sweep in and out swiftly while avoiding flak or the others, or to hit cover to break locks, line of sight of enemy pilots, you name it. The afterburner doesn't give everyone the same boost, so the mossie can absolutely tear the sky with fuel tanks and after burners. It's also quick on its feet. To put it into perspective, the stock mossie automatically has racer 2 in comparison to the reaver.

    Whining about the noseguns in comparison to each other is silly. So what if the vortex can kill in a stock clip? Do you know how often a pilot can land that entire clip on a target? When it's motionless, meaning you deserved to eat it, or if the pilot is really that good. And, son, let's be honest here. If you were facing that ace, you're probably screwed no matter his choice.

    Until the ESF have the same handling characteristics, the disparity will exist. The reaver is slow, but it's gun hits harder. Oh! Sorta like its faction trait for the NC. Weird, huh. The mossie shoots fast and is fast, making it able to spread dakka anywhere. Do you see where I'm going here with this?

    All the SMGs are basically the same with minor differences that are insignificant in the end. They are not meant to be used to slug it out head to head and win, they're flanking tools and surprise weapons. An ace, if you will.
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  8. FnkyTwn

    If you need help knowing what things to purchase as a
    TR, there are more constructive ways to make a post.

    Pick up the TMG-50, and i will admit that it's incredibly
    rare for a TR to admit they have the best starting pistol.
    Usually they try to cry about it to cover up for how good
    it really is. Before the SMG, most TR Infiltrators just ran
    around with the Repeater.
  9. elkorin

    The reaver is faster with AB than the mossie. It also has superior inertia and much better reverse flying capability due to extreme hover thrust. Cruise speed means little when you can AB on demand, and the mossie has slow afterburners.

    If you think cruise speed is important in a dogfight, I want to know who you are flying against. Because a mossie can't outrun a reaver if they both afterburn.
  10. MrK

    Top line MBT (not saying it's the best, but at some point you should stop trying to rate them and conclude it's balanced) though the latest changes to secondaries may have tipped the balance back toward NC/VS here.
    Top line ESF
    Good MAXes overall.
    probably struggling a liiiiitle bit in infantry area.

    People really should stop trying to rate things in the state we are now. The obvious imbalance are often dealt with these days.
  11. elkorin

    My TTK is better with the carv than the tmg50. But my TTK with the orion shames both. An yeah, the starter pistol for TR is really, really good. Takes some getting used to, but once you do, it's crazy.
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  12. Hosp

    for 3 or 4 seconds.
  13. Izriul

    I've certed the mossy and scythe fully, and the magrider and prowler, though magrider has slightly more in terms of secondary.

    Mossy is best for me
    Prowler is best when 1/2, though I like the magrider with 2/2
    Max for burster's with full lockdown, otherwise it's pretty average.
    Can't decide between the two TR/VS smg's, I'd say they were equal.

    Your list is subjective, so is mine. Neither are fact, and the game is pretty balanced in terms of all 3 factions. Grass is always greener etc etc...but it's not.
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  14. MrK

    That's why to get the most out of their Reavers, NC are better using fuel tanks, while VS/TR enjoy their rocket pods
  15. Casterbridge

    Some of things I like/hate (depending on whether I'm playing as a TR or against):

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  16. Takoita

    The AR weapon category, I'd guess. It is a good variety of effective guns that 'feel' like they adhere to faction-specific military doctrine. The starting carbine is surprisingly useful.

    IMHO, "the best" would be somewhere in there.
  17. Akashar

    I baught laser sight on my repeater as I had certs and time to kill, and never regretted it. It saved my a$s countless times, totally worth it. It can totally be a part-time smg when you don't have the money ;) Go for it! :)
  18. sindz

    Default handgun
    Tied for best ESF along with the Reaver
    Best AR
  19. SolLeks

    I will stop you right there, I can pull the same maneuvers in the mossie as I can in the reaver with the same transition speeds and all. the reaver is only 'faster' for about 2 seconds, then it becomes the slowest ESF again. The Inertia is about the same and the 'reverse flying capability' is about the same, the reaver is a bit stronger due to the faster AB speed but its not that noticeable. The mossie does not have slow afterburners.
  20. Total_Overkill

    Says someone who doesnt fly...
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