Why don't people revive maxes?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Will 1111, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. haldolium

    By now I seldom see medics ignoring MAX units in specific.

    Either the medic is so new, he doesn't get his role overall or they do revive everyone.

    I really rather wonder why Medics and Engis keep ignoring badly hurt players/MAX units and just run away. Or why no one ******* repairs your MAX unit when you're in a spawn room asking for repair... that kind of behaviour I see all the time. No awareness of their role/environment or just asocial.
  2. ArcKnight

    the enemy would only get 25XP for it,

    I run a lvl2 Nanite Auto Repair so in a lil over a minute I'll be as good as new ( if can stay alive long enough................I hope )
  3. Kristan

    Quite often there is no healthbar above badly damaged player, it shows only when you start to actually heal your teammate. Good thing there is an icon above his head if he called for engie or medic.
  4. susspect3

    because there ****** ******** one time died in a amp station and there was 4 medics just gunning and running 2 of the ****ers ran past my cold steel corpse !!!!
  5. haldolium

    Well I am referring to situations where you annoy the hell of everyone in your environment by spamming "MEDIC" or "REPAIRS" for minutes sometimes... Can't be that people running away from you if you just stood in front of them asking for healing.
  6. Morti

    I don't revive maxes on principle that their suit should be destroyed upon death like every other vehicular cool down in game.

    Just kidding, I do it for the certs and the off chance you'll die again in 3 seconds.
  7. Jkar

    Don't you need to at least buy the second rank of the med tool to be able to revive MAX units? At least that's the first rank that mentions MAX revive, also MAX units revive timer runs out very quickly.
  8. susspect3

  9. Kaon1311

    When infiltrator I lay mines on/under dead maxes, and when LA I plant c4 on their dead corpse waiting for medics to come along.

    So please medics, come revive that dead max......

    So much fun :D
    • Up x 4
  10. susspect3

    evil dude just evil wheres the honor.
  11. Badname0192

    I don't know, but perhaps they've ran into some of the traps MAX hunters put out there. C4 brick on a body is sometimes the key to keeping the terrifying MAX down.
  12. Antreya

    Engineers are the worst with this, but I can tell you the reason why.

    99.99% of engineers you see who ignore and will not repair maxes or even vehicles for that matter, are not playing the engineer class for any reason whatsoever of supporting their team. They are playing to abuse the stupidly overpowered underbarrel grenade launchers and infinite ammo with them and for no other reason at all.

    Personally when I see a player like this, or a medic who refuses to heal or revive people, I just let them die or gun them down without any pause at all when they run in front of my gun when I'm trying to fight an enemy. Too many bad players around to bother with people like this, so don't waste your time on them.
  13. Kaon1311

    I may have killed that max on my first try or died 10 times trying to get him, but that sob aint getting back up on my watch :D
  14. susspect3

    me personally would sit in a dark corner or perched up high on a nook some were and wait until his scrap metal vanished just too pop him in the head as he was revived.
  15. Weirdkitten

    Why haven't I thought of that? *runs off to plant mines and C4*
  16. Kaon1311

    You sound like my type of sniper, please be TR on Miller, lol.

    I cant snipe for ****, couldnt hit a bus if i was in it :(

    When in a biolab I hunt maxes. I feel maxes, once dead, shouldn't be reviveable, my way of putting that point across :D
  17. Kaon1311

    Be easier with Bouncing betties, claymores can be a bit of a pita to place.

    Try it once, you will be hooked :p
  18. susspect3

    or a nice juicy decimator rocket emm emm
  19. Vortok

    Because many of the good Medics are busy playing other classes/vehicles they certed out from all the exp they raked in. :D

    They have made improvements. The corpse icon seems to show up on MAXs far more often now.