Quasars Better Than Cosmos?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by MajiinBuu, May 28, 2013.

  1. MajiinBuu

    After the recent update I hear everyone saying the Cosmos are terrible now, and the Blueshifts are much better. I don't have 2000 certs or SC to get Blueshifts, but I can afford Cosmos.
    Should I keep the Quasar or get Cosmos?
  2. Paqu

    Well Cosmos has more ammo on a clip than Quasar, but is now more inaccurate. And Quasar isnt very accurate to begin with so mixing it with another Quasar or Cosmos doesn't make much sense.

    I mean you can just pair it with Blueshift to get bit more killing power for longer range or take Nebula with it to get bit more power up close. As far as I know they all still cost the same unless their prices has changed on the last patch, so there really is no reason to take Quasar or Cosmos.
  3. MajiinBuu

    Cosmos are 250 certs each now
  4. Paqu

    Ah well in that case it just might be worth it. Sure is better than comet + quasar combo.

    Double comet with zoe is pretty nice too against infantry in more open areas and you can blow up vehicles easily as well. I believe comet is only 250 certs as well.
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  5. TheTreeness

    Quasars and Comets are sub-par.

    You're better off with the blueshifts (best COF AI Max weapon in the whole game by a large margin), nebulas(best ROF VS MAX AI weapon) or comets, with the comets being the best and most versatile out of the three mentioned, especially if you have skill at aiming with them.
  6. Ztiller

    I run with Dual cosmos and they work just fine. Especially since the price reduction, they are definetly worth it.
  7. PwNrJoKeR

    Cosmos is fine, just look at my kill history from my sig.
  8. DarkenShade

    Cosmos are fine, But if you Zoe, having high rate of fire weapons is kind of beneficial because you can close the gap quicker than before. quasars and even nebulas wont be too bad in these cases. Non Zoe or long range Id go blueshift or yes still cosmos. The COF change hasn't been a deal breaker for me.
  9. that_darn_lurker

    Cosmos trade ammo capacity for accuracy, but In close quarters it won't matter. I personally wouldn't get them, not that I think they're bad its just I think there are better choices for MAXes. Blueshifts are the ideal long range max weapon, as they have the lowest COF, but for short to med range quasars and nebulas are fine. I have dual quasars, but I've been thinking about getting dual nebulas just because I think they have a higher DPS.

    If money is no object, I'd go with 4 weapon sets: dual bursters (duh), dual nebulas, duel blueshifts, and dual comets.
    If you're on a budget, just buy the extra quasar and comet to round out those sets.
  10. Paqu

    Dont take Nebulas. Its not that they are bad but I really dont see the point since you already have the Quasars.

    IMO blueshifts are the best all round weapons and pretty much the only ones for AI work you should even consider. Sure Nebula has better DPS on paper, but then again it has bad accuracy which means you are going to miss a lot unless in a point blank range which will of course lower the DPS quite a lot.

    Blueshifts are almost 2x more accurate so you will land much more shots making its actual DPS much higher on 10m+ ranges. And the beauty of the accuracy is that at 15m and below you can aim for the head and actually score headshots pretty reliably further increasing the actually effective DPS. Also there is no damage drop off so even tho hitting targets at longer ranges is painfull every shot you do land still makes the full damage.

    With ZOE you can close the gap and get close easier for the Nebulas to work but then again when you do get close it means you are getting hit a lot more which kinda makes the extra maneuverability from ZOE pointless since you also take more damage from those hits. So ZOE works the best with Blueshift because with the speed you can keep some distance to the enemy and also dodge bullets in the process.

    So yeah why take the Nebulas at all?
  11. Evil Monkey

    Blueshifts puts more shots on target,so in practice they have higher "effective" dps.

    They are also useful in a wider range of situations.
  12. Paqu

    Um.. Isn't that exactly what I said?
  13. that_darn_lurker

    High COF weapons, like the Cosmos, can perform better than the blueshifts in CQC situations against opponents adad strafing, where the cone can give you a better chance of landing shots if you're having a hard time tracking.
  14. Xasapis

    Save your certs and get blueshifts, one hand at a time.
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  15. Shurrikken

    listen to him, you will not regret doing this OP
  16. TeknoBug

    I have used dual Cosmos since late November, dual Blueshifts perform better now after the accuracy change for both.
  17. S0LAR15

    Buy a second comet, the cosmos is rubbish. Or grind for the blueshift. But be sure the Cosmos is a waste of 250.
  18. Prince Planet

    How does two Bursters work for AI? I tend to think AA capability is very important but want to be somewhat productive against infantry. I'm thinking close up infantry not 100 meters away.
  19. Ripshaft

    Every noob and their dog will recommend blueshifts. Max weapons take time to learn, and are a significant investment, so if you're looking for any qualified opinions on max weapons, I don't think you're going to find em. Dual quasars are fantastic, I'm sure dual blueshifts are nice too, but in a different way. You cant really make an informed choice on the matter, so just see what feels the best in vr training and go with that.
  20. Van Dax

    Dual quasars are fine, blueshifts good, cosmos well isn't exactly living in its glory days, and the nebulae are amazors (IMO)