Planetside 2 ps4 trailer

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NuclearMissle, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. NuclearMissle

    ( yes im aware im a tad delayed chill mateys )
    Well well well, so it's coming out on the play station 4 ... just wondering about some things like what graphic level do you think it will run ultra,high ect also is their going to be a cap on server pop lower than the one on the pc?
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  2. Littleman

    Graphics Quality = High (game looks like $#!% regardless of other settings otherwise.)
    Texture Quality = High
    ShadowQuality= Medium
    RenderDistance= 2000-4000
    OverallQuality = High
    LightingQuality = High
    Fog Shadows = Off
    EffectsQuality = High
    TerrainQuality = High
    FloraQuality = High
    ModelQuality = High
    ParticleLOD = High
    MotionBlur = Either or, this might actually work as an actual option without breaking the fair play rule.
    Field of View = 55
    Ambient Occlusion = On
    Gpu Physics = Off, but the PS4 will be capable of them, so it's really up to how well the game runs while looking good.

    At least on my system configuration, the only factors that really play a role in FPS are shadow quality, GPU physics, Fog shadows, and graphics quality. Everything else provides such a negligible benefit when set below high it's not worth losing all of that pretty unless I want to be a cheap bastard and set everything to low so that it's like I'm working in the Unreal editor with everything being under the exact same lighting from every angle at all damn times.

    2000 players per map. The PS4 will only render so many players and vehicles on screen at once based on proximity and threat level like what happens on the PC now. You'll notice in zerg vs zerg fights you might render only 24 of your guys but easily 3x that of the enemy simultaneously, despite knowing there are WAY more people in the area than that.

    People will disagree with these settings, but the PS4 is a single, consistent hardware setup to code for. SOE can get much more mileage out of it than they would just generically coding for a limitless number of potential system setups, but I will admit I might be being a little too hopeful. I don't expect PS2 to look horrible to make it work on the PS4, and I'd wager SOE has already played around with a prototype PS4 running PS2 already.
  3. IamDH

    Im kind of confused
    If its f2p on PC why would anyone buy it on PS4 lol
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  4. The King

    It's probably free to play by just downloading..
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  5. Cyridius

    Heard some familiar voices, I think. Aleksiel from BWC anyways.
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  6. MichaelS

    The way it's meant to be played. :D
    isn't ps4 all AMD?
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  7. Wezdor

    You can probably only dream of such settings. It will be running on a mix of low and medium, with high textures. The PS4 is already outdated in it's hardware.
  8. RadiO

    -cut to Heavy firing an AA lock on missile.

    I laughed so hard. :U
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  9. Nocturnal7x

    Probably everything on med, shadows on low. Depending on how their multithreading goes, probably fewer players on the map as well. That processor is so weak.

    Although they probably only have to render the game in 720p or less, so that should help a lot.
  10. Cpmartins

    @ Cyridius: Indeed the first TR Commander in the video was Aleksiel. I was at the op and we kicked much *** that night.

    As for the PS4 Graphical fidelity, considering it's sporting a GPU with a maximum theoretical throughput of 1.84 TFLOPS, and the average GTX 680 can achieve over 3 TFLOPS, it might be able to run everything on high for a smooth 60 FPS, or on Ultra, sacrificing it to go down to 30.
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  11. Kevorkian

    It'll be F2P via download from Playstation Network. If you're into consoles or have friends who will be getting the PS4, its definitely worth getting. Pretty sure nothing of this scale has ever hit consoles, so console kiddies will most likely be blown away by it at first, before reality sets in.
  12. IamDH

    I dont think PS2 will last long against CoD or BF3 or halo
  13. Krayus_Korianis

    That looks like it's from my own PC... I'll keep my PC thanks.
  14. Kevorkian

    It'll last, but it'll be niche like it is on PC. The focus for the brand is clearly consoles and Asia, and the money to be made via cash shop.
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  15. IamDH

    The epicness of Planetside 2 is when you begin seeing 100players in the same field
    It sort of wears off and the problems sink in
    Thats why im on these forums because i get annoyed after i dc or have low fps
  16. Littleman

    Outdated =/= inefficient, even if the PS4 is essentially a PC now. If PS2 were coded solely to run on my rig and my rig alone, I'd be getting far higher FPS with greater graphical quality than I do now because the developers could tie the systems into my system much more efficiently, but it's not. Forgelight is coded to run on everything from the GTX Titan and the most bad *** processors to the crap from the Windows XP days.

    Fortunately for SOE and the console consumer, Forgelight can be coded to run efficiently on the PS4 because every PS4's architecture will be the same. SOE will have a target frame rate in the heaviest of action for the PS4, and balance graphics around that, and I doubt it will be all low to medium settings. I sincerely do. It won't look good for either the PS4 or Planetside 2 if Planetside 2 looks like crap during gameplay. I'm not expecting all ultra with PhysX either, mind, but it won't look like the wet clay we get with low and medium settings either.
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  17. Wezdor

    I know how a closed system works. Either way, it means more optimisation for AMD systems, which means more frames for me (not that i need them). :p
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  18. Arquin

    It will mean more frames for all of us. But especially for amd users.
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  19. Zentoco

    The comment at 1:13-1:16 fricken killed me! Humor in the midst of mayhem, my kind of player.
  20. NuclearMissle

    Sounds about right, do you think they'll be adding any new features that players on PC won't have?