Why Your K/D Sucks - You know it, now speak it

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hibiki54, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. Finli

    I love C4 and don't care how many times I have to die to get it on that tank or MAX nest.
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  2. NoctD

  3. Krayus_Korianis

    I love C4 too! We should be pals!
  4. Gicod

    My K/D is low for one reason. I'm just not a very good FPS player. Right now I am at a .77, for my first 30+ BR's it was about .35 so I am digging out of a really deep hole. For 10 years off-and-on I was a bad player in PS1 too. PS1 being the only shooter I played, no modern shooter experience with CoD/BF/etc so this game had quite a learning curve for me. I am also predominantly a support player, having no real talent for killing, I know my place.

    However, I don't care. I'm 43 years old and long past the age where I give a crap about being good at a video game as long as I am having fun, and I am having a lot of fun. Having been around a long time enables me to somehow get into really good outfits as a bad player. The Pits Crew in PS1, Hostile Takeover in PS2. Every good outfit needs that one guy that is user-friendly to the enemy, for Ht that guy is me.
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  5. Saiph

    Don't sell yourself short. You are obviously doing things the right way if you are making it in to good outfits. :cool:
  6. TheBillOf3D

    My KDR is picking up fast despite a school of hard knocks that beat it down early on. But I don't snipe or camp spots.

    I think people complain about the KDR obsessed because they want to take a point yet can't get anyone to move off the ridge or camp spot and make the push. They are just milking safe kills. Too often you see snipers, heavies, and engineers standing on a ridge and accomplishing nothing other than being content with a steady stream of kills while still losing the point.
  7. DrunkenDoughnuts

    These threads amuse me. Play the way you want to play. I have a high K/D, and I don't begrudge other people's playstyles. I'm pretty thankful for all the engies out there who repair my max (non ZOE, so don't even bother).

    Now, if you'll excuse me, because I have a high K/D that automatically makes me a CoD 'kid', so I need to camp some CoD spawn rooms from inside the shield. Does CoD have spawn rooms? I haven't played it since Modern Warfare (the first one -- lol).
  8. MartianDiscoFish

  9. Marinealver

    Yeah falling through the ground after launch numerous times never helped my K/D stats at all.
  10. Kaesarr

    K/D really does not mean anything, if you have a high K/D that was made by staying in safe places, vehicles, sniping, or just always with the friendly zerg.

    K/D starts to be interesting in case you do not fear battle and still you have high K/D and experience /hour and eventually, you can manage the strongest enemy players.

    Because if you have high K/D and you cannot hold good enemy players, then your K/D does not mean anything.

    There are people with high K/D that are completely weak and others that are very strong, but they have the same K/D.

    I suggest you not to look at K/D. I have started to do this now and I am playing better. (still there are a lot of people that just farm K/D in safety and that is simply another game, is farmside 2)
  11. MrMurdok

    Because there are people in this game who are better then me :)
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  12. Corporate Thug

    My favorite thing to do in PS2 is fighting about 3:1 at least and killing as many dudes as possible before I die. I know I'm going to die because I will be extremely aggressive and useful. A lack of danger=boredom IMO.

    Can't begin to understand how you can have fun doing this but I suppose it's not for me to understand, enjoy, I guess?
  13. Chemicalnurd

    My KD isn't great because I play the objective relentlessly. The same as someone else I'd probably do better if I had a better FPS 'cause rushing objectives a lot generally means a lot of CQC, which means a high FPS makes your life much easier. Either way, I don't really care about stats - I just play for fun. It is a game after all, and I don't judge myself too heavily based on my performance. Especially not in a game as varied as PlanetSide 2 - it's almost on the same level as Natural Selection in terms of "Sometimes you will get absolutely steamrolled out of nowhere, other times you will be the one doing the steamrolling" and a lot of the time, asides from switching to a lower risk role such as sniping, there isn't really anything you can do about it.
  14. Gustavo M

    Because I wasn't aware that vehicle whoring could net me a very high K/D.
  15. Arquin

    Lag and hackers and scrub teammates
  16. bodmans

    yes i got low kdr, so what? im above average BR in my outfit, but have 3000(!) less kills on average. which means im more of a support guy, with some random sprees on noobs and unaware enemies. also i blow a lot of vehicles up, and play cat and mouse during night time
  17. Hobo Jack

    just looked at my stats for the first time in a long time and the VAST majority of my xp comes from repairing mine and my friends vehicles. also the other large portain comes from playing medic. so only 1/3 of my total xp even comes from kills so as a support player i'm set up to fail with k/d
  18. Macchus


    NC always so angry ...
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  19. Rhumald

    you have good streaks and bad streaks, in order for someone to have a good KDR, someone must have a bad KDR, there is just no other way. You have a bad KDR because someone out there has a good one.

    personally I tend to play at a 1.2 KDR in this game, anything above 1.0 means you're taking out people more times than they take you out, but that's not all this game is about. Often times when you look at my kill-board, I'm not getting much Score per Hour when I'm on a good kill streak, because I'm being careful to avoid the thick of the conflict, and only take out people I know i can kill, or I'm just dang lucky.

    I mostly play infantry, and that's a hard point to begin with, but I roll engineer allot, and occasionally I roll medic. I play as almost exclusively support in those roles, and I get a great score per hour that way, but my kill board ends up looking like crap. Personally I hate dying without killing someone, so I'll take time to flex out those extra kills, just to keep my KDR above 1.0, but support is where you'll get a good constant flow of EXP so I run it whenever the situation calls for it... I also suck at heavy so any time I roll that I normally do terribly, and as a MAX I attract an awful lot of attention, but at least I almost always get at least 1 kill with that, sometimes even 4, so I feel fine.

    Sometimes though, I am surprised when I log off and look at my kill-board, to see I was on a major death streak. There are plenty of times when you get a huge slew of assists, but no kills, and I'd love to see those assists show up on the kill board with perhaps a % assisted, so that people looking at your profile can see that you were being helpful, or an "experience earned since last death" every time you die, so people can see exactly how useful you were actually being.

    As an example, my KDR is 1.21, with 8050 kills and 6660 deaths (it's evil!!), if you factor in half my assists (3598, which is 1799) my KDR is boosted to 1.47, which I feel is a more honest number.

    ... currently I have allot of suicides... I had a sundy parked ontop of a large cliff... it's difficult coming down them quickly, but it was a good spot.
  20. Jrv

    I'm a heavy and I get 20 fps in big fights with my primary usually being an EM6. You can imagine that's fun in close quarters. Considering that, is my K/D good enough for you pretentious people with your fancy systems?