No more 'Single Use' camo? ):

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by J.C Simonetti, May 31, 2013.

  1. J.C Simonetti

    What happened?
  2. takshie

    Yeah.... if you would return singe use camo that would be great...
    • Up x 1
  3. ShadowCell

    Although there's another thread regarding this same issue, I REALLY with this would come back. I refuse to spend $5 on camo! .50c was much more realistic in my opinion.
  4. Gristle McthornBody

    My impression on single use camo was more in line of the camo was bound to that specific character and couldn't be transferred to another. When that loyal soldier bundle came out I thought Oh a new camo kinda wish I waited a few days, oh well lets see what it looks like on my infiltrator ... SHPOOPLE! Yeah if SOE wants to make more money = interchangeable camos per character.
  5. Tito

    camo for certs soe pleace