Where did all the VS heavies go?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bill Hicks, Jun 8, 2013.

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  1. Jrv

    Then why are you in this thread, arguing with people about things you have absolutely no concept or understanding of? You don't have the experience, you CLEARLY don't know the statistics(per capita statistics, don't link me to that "overall usage" bullcrap, it's worthless in this discussion because the NC is the more popular faction by a wide margin); you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, purely partisan blabbering, I like to refer to it as being "contrarian for the sake of being contrarian." Like devil's advocate, but with selfish intentions of faction superiority. You blindly argue against anything that doesn't make your faction better, shown by your insistence on continually spewing nonsense about a class YOU DON'T EVEN PLAY.
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  2. LibertyRevolution

    HA for my VS is only used when my ZOE dual blueshifts/comets is on cooldown.
    Which means I died in less than 5mins, so not often.

    This game really is becoming Maxside2.
    Do I want 1 to buy one more C4, or a pull a ZOE max.. hard choice...

    Anyone else think that maxes need to have their resource cost increased to 250 or am I alone in that?
    I would even go as far as making each class have a resource cost, want a HA, 50, want an ENG/medic, 25, INF 15.
    LA would be 0 as that is the base class.
  3. Rhiaci

    Actually, it does. You don't play it, you don't have to go up against it, you don't know what you'r talking about.
  4. Prince Planet

    What has SOE done to the VS LMGs? My LSW is just rubbish now. Oh and the Lasher is and was always complete trash. Not used the Lancer.
  5. sindz

    Yes cause in my entire ps2 playtime, i never tried a MAX. Just be quiet.
  6. Jalek

    Ursa accuracy blows. The other factions have better LMG's, I don't care what your spreadsheets say, it's just annoying to use.
  7. Rhiaci

    Thats your comeback? You are telling me basicly:"I played a Max for 5 minutes so i know everything about it"? Get a grip man.
  8. ImBreakingUpWithYou

    I have noticed this as well, the accuracy was great up until GU 9 for me, since then it has been very... inconsistent. More reason for me not to bother with the class now despite having 124 hours logged and most of my certs invested in HA.
  9. sindz

    Where did I say that? You known "i never xxx" is a saying? it means you don't play it often, but you still play it. And seeing i have a higher BR VS than you, id say I know more about ZOE max than you.
  10. SOE-MOD-19

    The VS heavies went into Vanu Cookies and Cream. Thread locked.
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