Beamerside 2 ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HannaDest, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. HannaDest

    I think we didnt had this one already.
    So I already died like 2000 times and I am almost sure about 10 of them were due to Beamers.
    I dont ask for a nerf but I think the Beamer needs a serious nerf.
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  2. XOLiD

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  3. -Synapse-

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  5. Lolki

    Beamers are fine, you just need to use teamwork to beat them.

    L2P NOOB
  6. Wintermaulz

    Beamer 2 OP nerf pls. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
  7. HannaDest

    Well maybe we can replace it with something reasonable like a Saron pistol.
  8. Lucidius134


    Needs some serious balance passes done. Doesn't mean ti'm not gonna stop using it though!

    (for srs tho i love the damn thing it puts in WORK)
  9. Jezs

    Can't wait to get a scope on my beamer
  10. Badname3073

  11. treeHamster

    Your Beamer needs some work.


    Also if you wanna beat a Beamer, a deci works well as well as 3-4 people using concentrated fire. Don't forget to try concussion grenades while you're at it.

    And it fall else fails, get a Prowler/Vanguard.
  12. Lucidius134

    I just started again this week (like 4 month hiatus) and my FPS is pretty low.

    My beamer's 4 on my weapons list which is kinda sad but i've also yet to get an auraxium on anything.
  13. Luighseach

    Nothing to see here move along.
  14. EliteEskimo

    You should do poetry, your words are so eloquently stated!:eek:
  15. ih8Darian

    Obviously you need a coordinated platoon and have 8 people face one beamer user face on, while having 12 people flank to the sides and 18 people flank to the back. That all isn't enough though, but you can also get 2 tanks, 2 ESF's, and 4 people beacon onto a really high hill to AV turret the beamer user. That might be enough to take take of him, I'd say about 35% chance.
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  16. LahLahSr

    The other factions should really get orbital strikes and low-yield thermo-nuclear warheads for their carbines to balance it out. For too long have we Vanu dominated Auraxium because of this OP weapon.
  17. Abyll

    10/10 would read again.
  18. DuckSauce

    I was on a Vanu toon and thought I had my Commissioner equipped, when much to my surprise I pulled out my Beamer.

    Sure enough the other guy I think was out of ammo because he kept trying to knife me instead of using his guns, but in a brave, last-ditch defense I shot him six or ten or forty-seven times and he actually died.

    Nerf Beamer!
  19. IamSalvation

    Yeah i can only agree on this one!

    I bought the Comissioner because i felt bad using the OP Beamer.
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