[BUG] Game Update 10

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SickPuppy, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. SickPuppy

    You forgot to add a bullet for

    • You can no longer log in (it will freeze @ 15%)
  2. Angry Scientist

    This is a typical issue after every game update. Most can agree that it's the server crunch of absolutely everyone trying to log in right off the bat.

    Yeah. It sucks. No, you realistically can't predict for this. Why would you have server allocations for infrequent spikes of activity? Wasted money, since they'd be idle otherwise.

    Have a little patience. Keep the screen open. It just takes a while to slog through, that is all. The game hasn't frozen yet, it's merely putting it all in place.

    Might wanna turn off the music, though.
  3. SickPuppy

    They should have been up 45 minutes now. Did it shoot over?
  4. Eyeklops

    Is it ever on time?
  5. Angry Scientist

    They're up. It just takes time to get through all of the requests of people trying to log in.
  6. RaZz0R

    just coz I am bored - I figured I'd post up to say that you can in fact predict for mass logon's.
    Do it all the time for virtual desktop's - if you are going to have 3,000 people try to login at 9am in the morning for work, the stuff needs to be ready to go - using math and testing you can in fact predict for it.
  7. Angry Scientist

    You can predict them, but it's somewhat akin to a restaurant creating seating and room for their spikes on holidays. Yes, they would be handy at that time, but the investment isn't worth the return. Any day that wasn't Christmas, mother's day, etc, would see those seats empty.
  8. SickPuppy

    Oh, I see how it is... They let all the NC log in first on Waterson to get the MASSIVE head start on the Cold War... I KNEW it was conspiracy related :D
  9. SickPuppy

    OMG... Its the same on Mattherson! What kind of treachery IS THIS???? :p
  10. Nocturnal7x

    We had no login issues at launch when the server had queues to get IN. Its not overloaded. Its broken.