GU10 surprises...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Watz, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Tilen

    The inability to log-in? ;)
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  2. Cl1mh4224rd

    I seem to be having this issue, too.
  3. Heretic

    THE MYSTERY BOX...... ITS GONE......
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  4. Renko

    Mystery Box was crap anyway (1day xp booster + 1h xp booster + 1h resources booster)
  5. Pikachu

    I can get in but it takes ages for the loading screen to pop up.
  6. Torok

    i see dead people..

    ... chasing me and shooting me :eek:
  7. Cl1mh4224rd

    Yeah. Looks like they got rid of the Locked and Unlocked filter options.
  8. FIN Faravid

    Damn, no new camos ;(
  9. phreec

    That long unlock sound when refilling infantry consumables. -.-
  10. Cl1mh4224rd

    Yeah, that's a bit much...
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  11. ladiesop

    Drop Pods open up like a beautiful squid!
  12. Cl1mh4224rd

    Names of players using proximity voice chat are now displayed in your chosen faction color.
  13. ItsJustDash

    This box of shattered dreams is gone :(

    And it was replaced with pilot's nightmares :eek:
  14. NoctD

    In VR - distant territory now doesn't render immediately, instead you see the wiremesh, and only when you get closer does it start rendering.
  15. Pikachu

    Didn't they limit instant action to the current continent? I just tried it on Indar and was put on Esamir.
  16. Playful Pony

    Once again disapointing, with no recertification or other convenience items, which are sorely needed! *sigh* Guess I'll have to wait until October after all, at which point a bunch of new big-name titles (CoD, BF4, GTA V etc) will have come out to steal everyones atention =p. I fear for the continued life of this game, and putting off key features like a simple cert reset (something pretty much every MMO with a progression system offers) may actually lead to an untimely death.
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  17. Blarg20011

  18. Doctor?

    No, I believe now it just tells you where it is going to drop you... so you have time to cancel if you want.
  19. Zakuak

    SO that long list of cosmetics ( it was in some other thread here for a week or so) that included camos, new vehicle attachments and some other cool cr*p didn't make it in game??

    That just makes me sad =(, I was so excited for this stuff!
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  20. Pikachu

    I was expecting see HA and MAXes running around with lumifiber. :(