GU10 surprises...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Watz, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Bill Hicks

    A new annoying sound like the stupid headshot sound. A loud bell if you get shot in the foot.
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  2. Roarboar

    Im a dev and I dont see what seasons have to do with the quality of my work. No implications intended related to the quality of the patch however.
  3. Eclipson

    Man, I wanna see the surprises, but im stuck on logging in :p
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  4. ItsJustDash

    Must know what is in box... but can't log in.........
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  5. S1eB

    Was just gonna post the same thing.

    Surprise, surprise, yet again they brake login after an update. Seriously SOE, how have you not learned from previous times? :D
  6. MartianDiscoFish

    Me hopes they finally fixed weapon camo for some VS guns.
  7. Castros

    Finally got in, confirmed no new camo or TR infiltrator armor.

    Truly the worst game update.
  8. SpcFarlen

    Surprise, surprise, people with no patients flooding the login servers seconds after brought online.

    This is why you just wait a bit after the servers come "online". The online status doesnt reflect if the login server is actually fully functional, like anything brought online it needs time to boot. By you, and others, all trying to flood in at once it can cause issues. So take a moment, relax, and try again later in 10-20 mins. Planetside 2 isnt going anywhere mate.
  9. DanMan3395

    yeah no idea how this dumbness made into the patch.
  10. Gisgo

    Surprise surprise im stuck at 98% loading screen...
  11. Sordid

    I'm quite pleasantly surprised that the T5 AMC visual overhaul includes a stock. Hopefully this means an end to the silly stockless carbines that all look the same. Of course, it wouldn't be SOE if they didn't screw up somehow, so it also has no icon in the menu, just an empty box. :p
    If only they'd unfold the stock on the NS-11C. :(
  12. Puppy

  13. SgtScum

    This one was a surprise but a rather nice one: 'Night vision fixed for low and medium graphics settings'

  14. C0L0NELH0GAN

    Hopefully we got rid of the Penix Render Bug and the Striker "Super Intelligent Hitting Even Behind Hills" Rocket bug
  15. Lucidius134

    where is the QOL for GALs
  16. Lucidius134

  17. SooperDog

    Nah, this isn't the quality of life update.. that's the next patch.
  18. phreec

    The marketplace shows all guns and cosmetics, even those I already own... And I can't hide them as I could previously...
  19. Heretic

    Must know........ Mystery Box......... ARRRRGRGGHHHHHH
  20. Watz

    Looks like the Annihilator is finally fixed. Fired a whole mag and every rocket fired, hit and did damage like before GU4 :)