The cheating is getting out of hand.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shvok, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. VanuSmile

    dont see lot of cheaters in fact, or dont realise i am cheated sometimes..

    but false banning from SOE is a bigger pb i think, i know 2/3 ppl in my outfit banned for life after a massive report from ragequit nmy, i know them i know their stats and their game style, they were not cheater for 99% i am sure.

    and i am sure all PS2 outfit get some ppl false banned, this is incredible and post about that are deleted on this forum it seems.

    guys invested hundred of $ in ps2 and get banned, and when i saw the answer from SOE, european and US support... incredible ^^
    u get banned we cant explain you why byebye..
  2. Eugenitor

    Bullcrap. GMs have a process they go through to determine who's cheating and who's not. False positives are possible but unlikely. Odds are, your outfit members were being "stealthy" with cheats, but not stealthy enough, and the GM watched them aim at people through walls and turn on lag switches, or just noticed that their weapons were shooting a little faster and more accurately than their unmodified counterparts.
    • Up x 1
  3. notyourbuddy

    Mattherson has felt like a pretty clean server since launch. Over the first 6 months I only noticed maybe 3 or 4 hackers, but there is definitely a growing trend of speed hacking + no terrain clipping going around lately. I've encountered 3 in the last 4 days alone (all TR players for some reason).

    Maybe SOE is just wimps when it comes to banning and its the same guy just creating new accounts. We got one of them to talk in the chat and he was a real cry baby. Really sheds light on just how pathetic some of these hackers are.
  4. WaiZen

    The more I read the forum, the more I'm glad I chose to play on Woodman. I hardly saw any hacker for months.
  5. commandoFi

    Haven't noticed a single obvious hacker in at least 2 months. I play TR Mattherson, but haven't noticed obvious teammate hacking either.
  6. Chinchy

    Ya I have been seeing a lot of TR supermen lately as well, we tend to do an outfit wide /report on them to get them out quicker along with calling an air watch on them for a KOS. Also if an active GM is on I whisper them to port to my location to look for them.
  7. lncabin

  8. Rebelgb

    This is a new one, TR being accused of cheating? On Waterson I rarely EVER see fellow TR cheating and if I do I report them (hate all cheaters, even those on my team). I tell you what though, the rampant cheating by VS until up to about a month ago was so bad I almost quite. NC, not so much, just wall shooting hacks from time to time.

    I will say however, that lately VS seems to have a lot less hacking going on. Maybe its because their population has grown a lot on Waterson and they actually compete now without cheats..maybe its the new ZOE making them feel all warm and fuzzy inside..
  9. AzureKnight

    The only cheating I've come across is one TR level 80 guy on Connery who was 1 shotting me with a Trac 5 S. The best part about it was he was doing this while I was behind my base's shields. I'd stand just inside the door, not outside at all, and then, BAM! Something sounding like and explosion would happen and I'd be dead. I figured it was due to C4 or something similar, but every death by this guy's hands said that 100% of damage was done by him from a Trac 5 S.
  10. Jestunhi

    Everyone who beats me is a hacker.

    True story.
  11. Cyridius

    The 5-S has a Grenade Launcher attachment.

    There's no damage manipulation in this game(Bullet damage is server side) so it's impossible to make a gun 1-shot you using bullets alone.
  12. Doctor?

    Yeah, that's a client side bug.
  13. Eugenitor

    You can also classify it as a server-side bug, because if the server actually believes the client when the client says "I'm moving" when the server knows the character's dead, there's an if statement that needs coding.
  14. AzureKnight

    Didn't know that. but regardless, it can kill through a shield in 1 hit? Not the two-way-bullet shields, but the shield where only your faction can shoot from. I get AoE damage, but unless that thing has a 1 hitting AoE of 3-5 meters, something seems off.
  15. Doctor?

    So I gotta say... I find it EXTREMELY interesting that as far as Matherson is concerned, we have both NC and VS in this thread claiming a noticeable increase of TR hackers lately... and many TR claiming that there is no hacking.

    Again, this is MATHERSON players.

    Kinda makes you wonder if anything fishy is going on in a small circle or two. Especially because a number of the hackers seem to be very goal oriented (i.e. not just wantonly roaming and killing everything they see, but rather targeting specific circumstances/bases).

    Also makes me wonder about a few of the things I've seen in some TR's chat from watching streams of certain TR members.

    Not going to claim anything against anyone, as I have nowhere near the proof to feel comfortable doing so. Only going to say that the reactions in this thread have made me wonder even more about my suspicions these past few days.
  16. Doctor?

    That's a bug that has been around for a damn long time now it seems. I don't know how exactly it is triggered, but the projectile from a grenade launcher can go through the shield and kill everyone inside.

    If someone is abusing it, they're abusing an exploit. Give them fair warning to stop, and report them if they don't. Tell everyone else being killed by it to report them for it as well.

    ... Also, I believe it is possible that they are noclipping as well, and trying to mask it under the guise of this "grenade going through the shield" bug.
  17. Cyridius

    There is definitely a process. But SOE CS goes along like this;

    "You've been banned"

    User: "Why am I banned?"

    "Can't tell you"

    User: "How am I meant to prove my innocence if I don't know what it is?"

    "I can't give you any information, sorry!"

    So, people do get falsely banned. If you appeal it, the CSR will go look at what's up. He'll check out flags raised and take a look at your stats and give you the all clear if it's obvious you're innocent. If there's been a red flag raised or a false-positive in the system(The cheat detection bugs out or something) and the CSRs want to maintain confidence in their system, if you can't prove yourself innocent through some form of magic, then there goes your account. It's rare, though.

    If somebody doesn't render the shield it'll go straight through it. It can be a bug or by chance or through some sort of exploit, but it happens quite often.
    There are some painfully obvious hackers going around that have been playing since November 20th, or some time since first week of launch... Well, they're not so obvious anymore because they've refined their process to avoid detection.
  18. TintaBux

    The real cheats are the ones who you don't notice cheating and don't get caught, these guys are everywhere but without notice.
  19. illgot

    you won't notice most cheaters stuck in first person and with no kill cam. I am happy there is no kill cam, but the lack of any third person makes it really hard to catch anyone while you are alive.

    Unless they are obvious like killing everyone in a Biodome or flying around as a Max, you won't ever catch them. There is no way for you to 100% know if that person knew where you were because of a sensor dart, because of a scout radar, or because you were spotted. You also have no clue if a person is using an aimbot because the creators of these hacks are concentrating on body shots more now that players are given an auditory indication of head shots.
  20. MrGurrenLemfox

    there are a lot of aim botter that manage to got through to BR 30 on matherrson they all play sneaky and safe but in deep heart we all know they are using it.