NC on woodman

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Belua, May 5, 2013.


    The only decent battles we do get are from the NC.VS and NC get up all in eachother's faces. So we do tend to spend more time attacking and defending against NC. TR have about 30% of elite players and they are normally piloting or LA'ing towers. And are definitel a challange when we are fighting them. The rest sit in spawn rooms with trikers and brursters and on hill tops miles away from the battle with AV turrets.
  2. Izriul

    You got that right.

    Truly a pathetic species on woodman.

    Ghostcap indar when an alerts on another cont. It's pretty sad how it's the only way they can take things. When TR and VS are fighting on the alert, the majority of NC go rushing to indar to try and warpgate. The real sad fact is when the alerts over, they get pushed all the way back

    The only way they can take something is by VASTLY out numbering. It's really sad to watch them struggle to take OR defend a base with equal, or even worse, double the numbers, then come back in their tank zerg where there's more vanguards than TR and VS have infantry. Usually still end up failing.

    The amount of Hackmax's they have seems to be the only way their capable of taking a biolab also. It's a sad sight to see when there;s 30 max's running around each with 2-3 engi's.

    Not yet seen a decent NC player on woodman since release, too use to being carried by the zerg. It's sad how much they usually outnumber the others.
  3. IamDH

    NC just suck
    I seem to notice this pattern on many servers
  4. philux

  5. IamDH

    They fight VS alot more than TR for some strange reason
    They camp in one room which has no importance
    and their weapons are terrible
  6. IamDH

  7. Pikachu

    Just like on Cobalt. :(
  8. IamDH

    Everywhere lol
  9. Mangadj

    If only Vanu and Terran would fight each other a bit more I think it would be fine.

  10. Darkplace

    I was there for this! I had lots of fun! :D

    (skip to 0:50 to avoid the poorly thought out slow motion intro, lol)
  11. Nariquo

    first of all i cant talk for all nc on woodman only for me and my outfit.
    the reason WHY we sometimes camp at positions with no reason is:
    we dont care about base caping or hold a continent. why? we only want a good fight. it is sensless to hold indar or any other continent. why should we? do we get a price? no.
    we want fun so.

    and the fact about alerts:
    my outfit and many other outfits on nc just dont go to alerts anymore.
    there are many reasons for that.
    the main reason i think was that when alerts were implemented vanu and tr pushed quite often only nc. so many of us lost interest on that.
    and why should we fight there. what do we get.what is the price.
    just fight somewhere else and get the xp reward after the alerts. :)
    so you can say nc is useless. maybe.
    but you know what? we dont care :) nc wants fun thats it.

    ps: as long as vanu and tr just try to get as many bases from nc as possible and as long as there is no sence in getting a continent nc wont change :)
  12. Helljump3r

    The idea was to neutralize Indar there... and we almost did it. Vanu capped and held 2 lattice lanes out of the NC warpgate and TR could not take and hold one, then backstabbed us and started capping our territory. Can't blame them of course but it annoyed me greatly.
  13. SokolovNC

    TR/VS are buttbuddies, the first hour at the alert continent they always push against nc, and then the TR get buttf***** by the VS.

    Every alert is the same.^^
  14. redsevenski

    Guess where the TR got stuck...yup, in a biolab against the scatMAXes. Somethings never change....