your favorite gun?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arquin, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. Arquin

    Title says it. What firearm do you absolutely adore (fyi infantry weps only. I know, i love pods too)

    My absolute favorite is the lasher. Its so unconventional and interesting to use.
  2. BH Brigade

    Bauss Saw, two headshots and they're left with four bars of health :D
  3. MFP_TK_01

    Just out of curiosity, how is this a public service announcement? It's a question that crosses my mind often on these forums.

    To answer your question. To date I would say the NS-11 for Engineer. Not awfully damaging, but damn accurate. Currently I'm running a piston on my NC and the Trac5-s with UBSL on TR.
  4. Vikingo

    Sidearm: NC4 Magshot
    Carbine: AF-19 Mercenary
    LMG: MSW-R
    MAX: Ravens
  5. Ash87

    Max: Mutilators
    LA/Engi: Haymaker (Though I played a while with the jack hammer this weekend on an NC alt, and Damn)
    Overall: The Bull.
  6. huller

    T9 CARV, double auraxium and counting. Failing that, MSW-R
  7. Jeralamo

    and the S1 is always cool :) NC/TR get the boring ole rocket. VS get GREEN PLASMA BALL OF DEATH!!!
    I been using the Flare alot but doesnt mean i like kinda sucks, its meant to be the long range LMG but the CoF is huge.
    anyone wanna suggest me a new VS LMG to try :)

    PS: such a shame that the Orion has no good attachments. x1 scope and foregrip, thats it...
  8. sindz

    VS Flare. Its funny I really thought I would hate it, but i absolutely love this gun.
  9. Koldorn

    NC Medic Gauss Rifle.

    It is the perfect gun. Good reload / attachments / clip / average firerate, beautiful cone of fire, balanced recoil.
  10. Cougarbrit

    Cycler TRV. It's my favourite weapon for when I have to get into the meatgrinder.
  11. Phrygen

    Jagua.... Got nerfed...

    Nothing atm
  12. Macchus

    silenced trac-5 ....
  13. smokemaker

    your favorite gun?

    Auto shotty with slugs.... out snipe the snipers. Add Lt. assault to it and you have a better sniper platform then the infiltrators. I gladly give up my cloak for more mobility.
  14. GSZenith

    noob tube.
  15. Enxel

    Solstice SF nade launcher, landing those hits any where, every where, eating HA and their friends around them, tanking out Sundys with 1 hit + 2C4's on it, not even Max's are safe from it :cool:
  16. ladiesop

  17. Amphoric

    TR (I find these to be the better weapons for TR from my personal usage):
    LA/Engie: T5 AMC (adv grip, comp, hva)
    Heavy: T16 Rhino (adv grip, comp, hva)
    Medic: CyclerTRV (adv laser or grip)
    MAX: Fractures (Feels like im playing UT2004 again)
    INF: Rams (grip + 12x scope) for sniping and Hailstorm (adv laser, silencer) for SMG
  18. Eclipson

    T32 Bull. If you put a forward grip and compensator, you can barely feel the recoil. Straight vertical recoil as well. It literally becomes a laser. After being so used to controlling the recoil of the Other TR LMGs, this thing feels like easy mode. Headshots all over the place. I don't know why the TR don't recommend of use this weapon.
  19. Syphers

  20. DramaticExit


    Freakin' adore that gun.