Connery Indar TR & NC FAIL.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tr0j4n, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. tr0j4n

    Let's discuss how bad the TR and NC failed trying to warpgate the VS.

    Now that vanu is pushing out, How mad are you?
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  2. ih8Darian

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  3. XDillingerX

    NC, TR, You are legitimately terrible, Mainly aimed toward NC.
    Anyway, TR and NC teamed up against VS to take away the indar bonus, and they tried for 3 hours, and failed. During the last hour or so, NC were beyond oblivious and were ignoring that TR took their techplant, and were back stabbing them hardcore. To be honest, it seems NC don't have too many good leaders, either that or they were just too stupid to know that TR were planning to backstab them the entire time.
    Anyway, the try-hard team up zerg didn't work, 66% versus 33%, and they still couldn't take the last 1-2 bases we owned. GG either way, it was pretty fun while it lasted.
  4. Haterade

  5. XDDante

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  6. umbrellapower

    VS are so lucky that NC are flat out incompetent because some of the /orders given on the VS side were flat out terrible. I have to give props to the TR because the Fracture/Striker/burster spam at our warpgate was truly something to behold and they had it locked down very well.

    But lemme tell you Helios VS something: I've been on huge-*** cont lock removal battles on Connery and Mattherson and you don't go attacking when you're at a supreme disadvantage and waste resources. You pile everyone in a relatively defensible position where the render distance gets so bad that vehicles are useless and any advancing enemy is cut down right when 100 VS render in front of them until they get tired of it or there's an alert. It's called force multipliers and abusing the crappy game engine.
  7. tr0j4n

    Ofc Vanu was mad while getting double teamed on, but its funny that you still can't beat us. :D
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  8. tomahawk72

    I have to say after the multiple crashes and multiple kills I got fighting the vanu
    1. The NC on Connery is severely disorganized (dont blame the 666 we barely had a platoon on)
    2. We had multiple options to utilize to take perris barracks but there was no down right coordination that I seen yet I was solo so I did not know what was going on in command chat
    3. Thank for the kills vanu was fun
  9. tr0j4n


    Lol "Thanks for the kills"

    Kiss my vanu butt. c;

  10. tomahawk72

    Nah I dont want space AIDS
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  11. vaxx

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  12. Antreya

    This kind of thread does nothing but shows the average quality of player on Connery, and why it was such a dying population realm it required the merge. I laugh that this thread accomplishes nothing but gets Connery laughed at by the other realms and shows why it's a bottom tier realm.
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  13. smokemaker

    It was a blast.
    I switched to TR and killed some NC sunderers.
    Then went to NC and killed some TR.
    Next thing ya know, TR and NC fighting each other and vanu holds last cap and then starts pushing out.

    4TH faction at work.

    The best part was some TR and NC were TK'ing their own afterwards because they were not shooting vanu.
    Could not ask for a better melt down of a fragile truce.

    Loved it.
  14. Jrv

    Wow, what an utterly wrong perception of what happened, you're all totally bias.

    The NC had you on the ropes. We had one territory left and we were pushing in on all sides. Then, when all seemed lost, the TR decided to cap tawrich at the WORST possible time, removing our tanks and losing our grip on the point. To make matters worse, the TR, who COULDN'T EVEN CAP THE LAST BASE, decided that they'd shell the NC from the north, effectively neutering our ability to advance.

    It's not the NC's fault at all, we did our part. TR betrayed us at the last minute. They literally saved the VS from being warped.
  15. vaxx

    You do what is the Lattice is right? How exactly is TR suppose to cap the last base when the lanes belong to NC? If nothing else TR did their part at Ceres, and NC failed.

    Oh, and no, I am not biased. I played on my Connery NC alt tonight. Didn't play TR. Sadly NC seemed a total mess.
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  16. Reskan

    To be fair, Ceres Biotech is impossible to capture with it being cradled in a valley with a big rock wall. Every tank and aircraft that was within eyesight was melted within seconds. In the event that anyone made it past the swarms of VS, they would have to go into a very small room with only two entrances which are facing towards the heart of the base. Anyone who dared walk into that base to get to the capture point would be immediately greeted by 20 ZOE MAXs, and be ripped apart.

    Everything the NC and TR did failed spectacularly. Sunderer rushes, MAX crashes, air zergs, tank zergs, foot zergs... it all failed. There was no way anyone could get a foothold in that base. The entire Vanu population was there and they had every flavor of anti-vehicle and anti-air you could imagine. It was a slaughter.
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  17. NC_Edacyn

    It's a shame the devs had to keep the name Connery to honor such a dying server...

    Long Live Helios, and the former shadow of what was the community on Helios.
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  18. Foams

    You know whats even worse. The guy who was leading at Tawrich was told multiple times to stop. /orders was lit up telling everyone to ignore Tawrich, ignore the NC, and thin the VS out before they reach the base to give the NC breathing room. They even said he was a VS spy lol! Most of us did follow the plan, but the greedy, ignorant and selfish few, decided it was more important to scalp a few easy kills. On NC and TR both.

    A lot of decent NC were there as well. Few times myself and a buddy just walked passed an NC patrol and no shots were fired. Other times we would get smoked. Over all it was a very fun battle. Most of the VS were good sports and had true courage trying to advance under the amount of fire that was focused on that road. The massive galaxy fleets trying to make it to Indar Bay Point, where I spent most of my time defending, were almost successful. There was one point where the VS had a very good hold on Ceres Farm, but one of the dishonorable players switched to TR and decided to C4 our sunderers at that moment, causing a flood of timely reinforcements. That said it brings me to my next point.

    Of all the times Ive been involved in pushing an empire to their warpgate, today had to be the most disappointing one. The VS on Connery started logging on TR alts to TK and annoy the guys holding the TR territories while we waited for the NC to take the last one. The amount of unsportsman like conduct was astounding and frankly made the VS community on Connery look pathetic. You take away from all the legitimate players who were embracing the challenge presented. You should be ashamed. Bad VS, bad!

    In the end though, even with the lag and poor sportsmanship, the battle as a whole was fun. Im glad I recorded almost all of it. A lot of the well known server issues show. No damage, ammo packs not working, repair and healing not working, hit registration issues and other craziness.

    To everyone who played fairly and fought hard. Thanks for the good time!
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  19. Zenatsuu

    Its actually a male!
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  20. Hibiki54

    Here is it from another NC point of view.

    - TLR (2 squads) moved into Ceres Bio after taking Barracks then Highlands with the NC Zerg. TR is to the north of Peris Barracks over the dividing ridge line that walls off Ceres and Barracks.

    - NC Zerg pushes into Ceres and gets chewed up in a stalemate. Reports come in about an unspoken ceasefire between TR and NC.

    - Fighting continues for 1-2 hours, then reports come in about TR on the VS front shooting NC and killing AMSs. TR cap Tarwich Tech and cut off NC MBT forward access.

    - TLR and various outfits mobilizes 6-8 12/12 MAX Gal Drop on Ceres. Most do not make it due to a combined VS and TR burster/striker squads and those that did were taken out by platoon of ZOE MAXs camping point.

    - TLR mobilizes 12 Sunderers around the North East side of Ceres to push the point and get NC to push up away from Ceres spawn point (we had a bad position coming up from Highlands directly facing their spawn). 12 AMSs hit the point and are promptly destroyed by TR MBTs and Strikers with help from VS MAXs..

    - VS Zerg out to Highlands 30 mins after an NC outfit(s) pull 3 full platoons (we did the math based off percentage) off the front to recapture Tarwich Tech, taking up 98% of the forces in the hex. By this time, VS hit Peris Barracks and TR push into Peris tower effectively pincering dwindling forces at Peris Amp.