NC not viable on Connery: Warning

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Archlyte, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. r1stormrider

    ill just leave this here. fast forward to 1:55

  2. Craeshen

    lol until the steam roller that is the 666 zerg fit logs on generally it's mostly the tr doing a desperate holding action while getting pushed by both the nc and vs on indar with very little fighting actually going on between the 2 opposing empire's.

    So nc are complaining about beating their heads against a pop locked continent with an entrenched defense that you sudden;y can't crush with 50%+ numbers because gasp tr has more people to work with now.

    Also props to EXE good players all around. one of the better transplants we've gotten from helio's.
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  3. Jrv

    Since it continues to be ignored in favor of utter BS reasoning, I'll say this again:

  4. Whargoul

    Yeah well- tough ****. You guys were never very good on Helios save for a few select groups. We had to deal with your BS huge overpop for 75% of the day for a good while. VS and TR improved their skill while you relied on your zerg. Now that the merge happened the pop is balanced and you're ******. Karma is a ***** isn't it?
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  5. Jrv

    It's basically 33% vs 66%. When NC had 40-50% pop, it was still 40%-60% or 50%-50%. The pop is not balanced because two factions have decided to gang up on the 3rd. Please don't try to take credit with some BS about being more skilled, it's a load of nonsense and you know it.
  6. Craeshen

    I'm not talking actual percentage wise I'm talking they're facing more actual players now. Connery was beginning to suffer massive attrition.

    So the nc had more players available more often now there are que's to get onto indar again which means your actually facing a lot more players and incoming fire again.

    at this point tho some parts of the lattice are too open and some parts are not open enough. And imho the lattice needs subtle changes on a per ser server basis based on where defenses are easiest to setup etc.

    We also do need more natural choke points say each faction has 1 link to each opposing faction's call it a border sector which must be taken then have the lattice spider out behind those 2 border sectors to the rest of the faction territory. But I'm getting off topic I mainly suggest this to help counter double teaming.

    Also the NC and VS were often double teaming the tr before the lattice and merge. So not only did nc have crushing numbers a portion of our force was always dealing with the VS.
  7. Whargoul

    The truth hurt's JRV, I know, Sshhh ,it's okay, no more tears. :D
  8. Eugenitor

    Notice how Indar is occupied by the NC in that video, so the double-team makes sense. We only allied with TR as long as we had need of them (and considering that we took the continent, we didn't have need of them for long).
  9. tomahawk72

    Your an incompetent fool ill just leave it there have a good day
  10. Archlyte

    whatever, i
    Whatever, it's used in the correct context. What are you a biologist who only knows the word as a trade term? Thanks for adding your thoughts to the thread.
  11. Archlyte

    Who are you talking to? OP or the guy who posted above you?
  12. Sebastien

    That video is a bit funny. They say they humiliated the NC, but also call themselves cowards in the description.
  13. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Nerds have been misusing the word "viable" for ages, I blame the WoW forums. Using it as a synonym for "effective" or even something as simple as an analog for "good." So no, it's still not used in the correct context. "Viable" in the loosest sense is the capacity for something to work, but makes no guarantees as to its success. Only that it may succeed given a set of circumstances.

    Most people drop the word "viable" when they in fact are looking for something like "optimal." But in this case, "viable" is completely irrelevant. To say something isn't "viable" implies that it never has any possibility for being effective in anything, ever, regardless of circumstance. Which, more often than not, is completely inaccurate.

    To say the NC isn't "viable" would mean that even if the TR and VS somehow didn't exist at all that the NC would still have no capacity to be victorious.

    In this case, the word you are looking for is "useless"...or "totally ****."

    Not that I disagree, NC on Connery is mostly terrible. I just hate the word "viable" and it rustles my jimmies.
  14. SNAFUS

    I do admittedly like to farm NC forces over VS. There are simply a larger number of minions running about as of late willing to give me free certs. The ZOE max is also one of the largest contributors of me avoiding the purple menace. But one thing for sure is I love this merge. The amount of farming I have seen is probably the biggest issue with organization as of late. Since most of the "Good" outfits are to busy picking a defensive position to farm the zerglings as they LARP national geographic episodes of lemmings. Once the newly wed phase is good and done with I feel Outfits may return to measuring epeens by capturing territory and all the good team work orientated stuff.
  15. TheWhiteDragon

    It's simply really. The 4th faction went to play as lobsters.
  16. TheJosephChrist

    You're welcome. ;)
  17. Bigdollars

    Hello, I'm Bigdollars. Terran Republic player of Connery, proud member of the outfit Execution. EXE. Battle Rank 56, Rank Captain.
    Ex-player of the server Helios. R.I.P. Helios the Hamster, you shall be missed.

    I've come here today on the tip from a friend that someone has their facts wrong and was gripping on the forums. So let me fill you in and share my inside knowledge, New Conglomerate scum.

    1. No alliance has ever, nor will ever, exist between the Terran Republic and the Vanu Sovereignty. I do not associate myself with misguided cultist.

    2. Your, mine, and the Vanu's Soldiers' weapons fire at almost the exact same fire rate. You can test this in the VR training area while on any faction, by shooting them or looking at the weapon stats SOE gives us. If you do, report back to me with the results. (Don't really, I could careless for NC terrorist.)

    3. You can't nerf skill. Now that the Terran Republic's forces are backed with new found allies and we are back on equal footing, the likes of YOU come and complain on THESE forums about how the TR are "Over Powered". We are only good do to the fact we where once outnumbered, and HAD TO BE to survive. So quit whining and go try to kill some of us, soldier!

    4. This is not directed at you, the poster, but rather others I have seen recently. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should one person up and leave a faction for another due to a buff. Stop playing the flavor of the month, only ruins the game for others. Have some god damn dignity for once.

    5. Five, ah yes number five. A lovely number, isn't it? You see the light at the end of the tunnel, knowing that you will be done reading is just moments. When you do do get done reading this, may I suggest you do a bit more research on:
    A. Faction Weapons: How they work
    B. Your grammar skills. Could learn a bit from Google.
    C. Insight to other outfits and how the factions interact with each other.
    D. If you are still bothered at the end of these steps, just ask someone to help you become better at the game. There are PLENTY of guides out there and even weapon data sheets - So you can see raw numbers and formulate new ideas! Yeah, the power of the human brain is fascinating, should use the one ya got sometime, It'd help!

    Loyalty Until Death,

    Captain Bigdollars, of Connery.

    P.S. I will not respond to this post, so do not waste your time typing something up. These forums make my skin crawl every time I get on them. Have a nice day, and watch you back.
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  18. CNR4806

    NC not viable on Connery? This is taken from Planetside 2 Maps just a few minutes ago, and you cut off the other two empires. Not viable my ***.


    If you're talking about your incompetence near the VS Warpgate today though, well...
  19. NietCheese

    EXE?? Most of us are drunk. We have an entire division of drunks in fact! All hail the Archcraig!
  20. HadesR

    Out matched ? No
    Fair share of idiots TKing whole rooms of us ? Yes :p

    TRG are ok but if you think they are some kinda super outfit you should try fighting Future Crew :eek: