Miller needs some love

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by allattar, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. allattar

    Well the pops on Miller have seen better days. Could we have something please.
    Either make Miller a recommended server, or merge the server.
    The TR pop is stupendously high compared to VS and NC.
    Can we have recommended server for VS and NC, or some sort of carrot to go these two empires.
    You could also just lock out any new players from joining the overpopulated empires. No-one else can make a TR character for instance on Miller, until their weekly pop average becomes sensible.
  2. TermiGR

  3. Anomalous

    Welcome to my world, the TR overpopulate the Waterson server as well.

    What can they do?, people stacked the crap out of this faction and they have nowhere to put players where we can get a fair fight. Every weekend TR are guaranteed to own every continent and on the weekdays they are more often doubling our numbers in every fight.

    You either need VS and NC outfits to work together to warpgate TR, which is highly unlikely, or people on the over populated faction should grow a pair and start a new character on a team that actually needs some help.
  4. Jestunhi

    Agreed with all but the final (not letting new TR chars be created).

    A multiplayer game which stops friends from playing together is unlikely to retain the person who came to join his friend.
  5. Jestunhi

    Why would you need to do that?

    VS and NC pick 1 cont each and fight TR on it. TR are split in half (minus the ones who ghost cap the remaning cont, hang around in the warpgates, or camp the VS & NC warpgates on the cont their are left alone on) to fight NC and VS on completely different fronts.

    And the teamwork between VS and NC is minimal since all you have to do is stay on different continents to one another.
  6. GeneralXimus

    its boring for TR as well having an over population. Please merge servers or something
  7. Kujo

    Welcome to my world. The VS World Pop numbers dominate the server most of the time lately while NC is at an all time low. TR is the only empire that can get close to VS numbers on a single continent, some times, but even they are usually not as many as VS. It's not unusual to see the VS have the highest pop on all 3 continents by a decent lead.
  8. Hatamoto

    Good effort ! smoking mullets